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Thank you Kennuh for the request! 



Jet Man

Never been a huge fan of filters myself. Not just with music, but with stuff like photos too. It can work some of the time, but 4 out 5 times the natural product is better to me.


Man ive been waiting for someone to request DGD, but this honestly isnt the best song to start on, its just the newest. To give a bit of background on the singers. John Mess is the screamer, Tillian is the lead (the one who had that high note) and Andrew wells (he sang the part at the end and is second guitar). while theres a lot of editing in this song, Tillian is able to hit some pretty high notes naturally. Most of their songs dont have this much editing and usually arent this busy. No discredit to the requester, this just isnt the best song to be thrown into and imo isnt their best.. Would love for you to try a song like Carl Barker (the original release). Their sound has changed quite a bit since, might be interesting. Sorry for the long read, just a huge fan of DGD.