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Mathemagics is a super funky song and I was happy that we got some really nice bass lines outta this!  Goatz thank you for the request




Oh man, Monogatari!! This series has many openings. They change the opening every time the arc changes to fit the focused characters in that particular arc. As much as I want to recommend the anime, I don't think Tony is ready for it yet.


Monogatari! Hell yeah! Mathematics was such a fun song, I remember when it first came out people were comparing it to being a James Bond kinda song lol The show is... an artistic and often esoteric *joke.* Not in a bad way, but in a more self-reflecting and self-demonizing sense. Honestly one of the best stories ever for me! Glad you like Mathemagics so much, I always feel like I'm getting a super fast crash course on how *scientifically good* this stuff is! Really fun!


Yeah, I agree the anime is one of my favorites, but I started it two times and dropped it the first time. I was just too new to the whole anime culture thing at that point. I'm really glad I picked it up again since a slow mystery-style anime with a lot of talking wasn't my cup of tea prior to this one. Anyway, there are a lot of great openings in this anime. I'm looking forward to the next one.


I had to try it *three times* over the course of like 2 years before it finally sucked me in and blew my ever loving mind out lol


Tbh, even long-time anime watchers tend to drop it at first, especially those more used to stuff like battle-shonens. Telling the story through dialogue and keeping visuals as an extra is just so opposite of most animes. It's almost more of an abstract visual audiobook rather than a typical anime.

Yves Bruckmayer

As people have already said, the whole series can be hard to get into. Purely on a music perspective, the show is full of great stuff though. Just like it was mentioned in the comments, each arc gets its own opening song, every time sung by the voice actress or actor who is the protagonist for the arc (alongside the main protagonist of the show). Every OP is different and meaningful to the arc it connects to. The OST for the show is also fantastic and very unique with lots of different styles of music. I recommend you check out pieces from the OST such as "Rainy Devil".


As much as this OP might feel pretty fun and happy, it's actually from one of the most tragic arcs in the series, about a very very very broken girl with probably the single most dark and full-on insane backstories of any media I've ever seen. The worst part is that compared to the rest of the series, which is full with supernatural plotlines, this arc stays fully within the realms of reality and still manages to blow every single other arc out of proportion with the absolute gut-wrenching tragedy of this girls life. The voice acting on display in this arc is also incomparable. Genuinely by far the best voice acting I've seen in my life, and it's not even close


My favorite op