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This was a really great episode.  There is so much interpersonal drama but its a very accurate representation of art kids and their experience in ensembles  



Jet Man

The stuff you dislike about the one girl vouching for the other trumpet player, about how she both likes and dislikes competitions, I feel makes for a more interesting character. Sure, I wouldn't want to hang out with them in real life either, but that internal conflict, that love-hate relationship, makes for a better written character. You know what doesn't make for better character writing? Having your music teacher say you need to work on the B flat measures, and then failing to have that character specify which measure.


In some episodes throughout the series, the teacher would be looking at a picture with a bit of a sad look, so I guess this episode probably confirms what was in said photo with the reveal of his late wife

Mariana Roca

A little reminder: The teachers aren't even aware Nozomi wanting to rejoin and the drama surrounding it, since Nozomi wants Asuka's approval before talking to the faculty members. On another note: Asuka: "This will haunt you forever" Tony: "I have this history that stills haunts me"


oh yeah about Yuuko (the one you don't like lol), ultimately she did admit, albeit in a round-about way, that Reina should paly the trumpet solo ("In the end, if we're aiming for gold, I think the better player should play" is what she said iirc). Also fun fact, this is my 12th time rewatching season 2 I think, it should be my 11th but I couldn't hold myself after finishing your reactions to season 1. This anime is my one ultimate comfort place in the anime medium

Dolfy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-14 06:52:12 Tony, just to clarify, that oboe instrument girl they're trying to protect by not letting this team dropout rejoin was the one that in a previous episode was feeling sick (nauseous iirc) when hearing her play outside the school. Our main girl ran into her in the hall and tried to help her to the nurse but she mentioned the sound of dropout girl playing was making her feel that way. I guess it's still drama from a top down perspective but I the oboe girl just has legit trauma that she's not come to terms with I guess. That's why her band club friends/seniors are trying to protect her (and in turn the stability of the band) but just avoiding a potential problem with inviting this new girl to join.
2023-09-14 01:47:47 Tony, just to clarify, that oboe instrument girl they're trying to protect by not letting this team dropout rejoin was the one that in a previous episode was feeling sick (nauseous iirc) when hearing her play outside the school. Our main girl ran into her in the hall and tried to help her to the nurse but she mentioned the sound of dropout girl playing was making her feel that way. I guess it's still drama from a top down perspective but I the oboe girl just has legit trauma that she's not come to terms with I guess. That's why her band club friends/seniors are trying to protect her (and in turn the stability of the band) by just avoiding a potential problem with inviting this new girl to join.

Tony, just to clarify, that oboe instrument girl they're trying to protect by not letting this team dropout rejoin was the one that in a previous episode was feeling sick (nauseous iirc) when hearing her play outside the school. Our main girl ran into her in the hall and tried to help her to the nurse but she mentioned the sound of dropout girl playing was making her feel that way. I guess it's still drama from a top down perspective but I the oboe girl just has legit trauma that she's not come to terms with I guess. That's why her band club friends/seniors are trying to protect her (and in turn the stability of the band) by just avoiding a potential problem with inviting this new girl to join.


I guess we need to see what the trauma is. Another part of band that is real good for teaching life skills is coming to terms with uncomfortable situations and dealing with them. There is no net in life to sway everything you don't like out of the room.

JC The Beard

This has come up in your commentary a few times now, so I figured I'd let you know that the "first place/second place" thing is a pretty glaring error with the Crunchyroll subtitles for Sound! Euphonium. Any time it says the band got "second place", what the subtitles should actually should say is that the band received a Silver award (out of Gold, Silver, or Bronze), which disqualifies them from being eligible to advance to the next level. Only bands who receive a Gold award can be chosen as a representative. Of those bands, only three were selected at the local level (the contest at the end of the first season) and only three will be selected at the contest they're preparing for now, to advance to the final level of national competition. So by Minami Middle School getting Silver in the flashback sequence we've now seen a few times from the viewpoints of Yuuko (ribbon girl), Mizore, and Nozomi, that would likely place them about halfway down the ranks of competing ensembles in that contest whereas in the previous year, they received Gold AND were selected to advance to the next level as one of the best ensembles there. It'd be like a corps that hasn't ever missed finals having a particularly bad off year and then coming in 13th place at semis.


Yep. I am not sure how that relates to my comments but this type of band is competitive. Its a great teaching setting. She needs to level up her attitude.


You asked if they're there for the entire summer, I just wanted to point out that Japanese Summer Break is only about 40 days compared to the 2-3 months we get in the US. Also their school year starts in April and ends in March instead of our August/September to May/June.

Parampreet Singh

I agree with ur point bout the public shaming/comparsions. And as u said it’s just a cultural thing. Idk much bout public shaming and making comparisons in Japanese schools. But I used to live in India up until 8th grade and there were many moments in my school life there where I experienced a lot of public shaming moments like “be more like ur friend” or “look at the smartest kid in class”. I was very surprised when i didn’t experience any of that when I moved to the U.S.