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and just like that the band culture and strive for being better is infectious!  
Pretty epic episode TBH 




U mixed up who played the soloists I think lol


I feel like eventually the teacher is going to have a leap in ability. This is his first year doing the gig so surely at some point in a future season he might get your full stamp of approval lol


In the previous episode Reinas solo (the better one) was played by a pro while Kaoris was played by a talented high schooler. Wind ensemble music for both seasons were performed by the 2014 Freshman Wind Ensemble of the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. -Wikipedia


Tbh, I'm not sure if the teacher's bad instructions are more about him being bad or just the show makers not having a full idea of what good feedback is. But yeah, it's worth considering.


I think the author was like 20 when she began writing this story, so i feel like Taki's teaching is kinda limited to the author's experience maybe


This is true. So we never fault you for it though. We can only speculate why he's the way he is. I think maybe part of it is that the animation studio has to make cuts for screen time to fit commercial breaks and so on. So I think they chose to deemphasize the technicalities of instruction to move the narrative forward at a consistent pace. Probably could have had one or two instances of in depth help from him but couldn't make it a recurring thing without making sacrifices elsewhere. On a hopeful/positive outlook, with the new season incoming, maybe now that they'll be more developed in their playing abilities (at least the current main cast. Obv will likely have new incoming freshmen so who knows) they can maybe focus on more specific educating in those areas.


Personally I don’t feel like his feedback was bad or half-assed due to lack of experience. Given the context of the competition being in 10 days, every minute of rehearsal counts. To break and address each and every issue and explain how to produce the sound that he wants from them would be, in that very moment, a waste of time. So to me addressing the important bits and using more or less broad statements for each section is enough. Now obviously after rehearsal, during individual practice they would probably ask either within their own section or directly to Taki himself, ways in which to improve articulation, dynamics, and overall sound. This is how it was for me when I was in high school. I remember hating when our band director would focus on one section (usually the trumpets) and it would eat up a massive chunk of our rehearsal time. Also I totally relate to the horns with sounding more impressive, always “more, more, more” lol. I swear we will never get the appreciation we deserve.


You have formulated that opinion on your adolescent experience being a member of the band, not a teacher. The reality of what is needed and how it actually happens to get the result is different from painting broad strokes as shown in this episode. Hollywood magic


it do be like dat, but Taki sure does have you triggered and I'm loving every second of it. I love especially when you roast his conducting, hopefully you'll go easy on him next episode lol


LMAO. Yea he does. 😅😅 Any teacher would be. It's pretty normal in teacher culture to hold educators so say things like "play it better" in low regard as it's so evident they don't know how to actually design or implement music pedagogy. It's a disservice for young people and slowly those type of teachers are getting weeded out. I still like the anime quite a bit.

廷瑋 張

Most of the problem you said about the teacher so far are actually translation problem. e.x. In this episode, the teacher's comment on horns should be "more excellent", the original meaning in Japanese is "Horns should stand out more in this part".