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WOWW what an episode!!!

Now that is how you handle that drama! 

Epic auditions plot line LOL




When I played viola, I think I benefitted quite a bit from Taki-sensei's idea of deadening the room. It's difficult to explain to a group of high schoolers why and how the sound is different on a stage compared to a classroom, and while deadening the room wouldn't mimic the competition hall, it does showcase how playing as an ensemble feels completely different depending on the acoustics. Also, my orchestra director's daughter was the principal cellist in my orchestra. Not once did we accuse him of favoritism or nepotism. She was just that good.

Jet Man

It's almost like the underachieving musicians are "Mad cuz bad"


If I was Kaori, I'd be fuming because she told her friend specifically to shut down the rumors and then the next day she immediately brings it up in front of literally everyone.

Chris Hee

I really like the President, she's beginning to step up as a firm leader, while still showing a caring side


The trumpet soloist x protagonist ship has sunk 😭 😭😭


Dudes so into it, I love it. Reactors don't usually go for "Hibike!". It's my favorite, so this is a great watch.