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Love the intensity in the 2nd half of this episode 🎵




The difference between the normal "ohaiyo" and "ohaiyogozaimasu" comes down to a couple things. the gozaimasu part is generally considered to be more polite, so you'd use it with people who are older than you or are more experienced in a field. Ohaiyo is used with people your age or people you're close to, but some people still add the gozaimasu just they can, like a polite personality thing.

Jarod S

Reporting in from Sydney, Australia. Trains and public transport here is pretty good I must say, maybe not quite at Japan’s level but good enough to be reliable. Have heard horror stories of how bad it can be in parts of the US though so I’m thankful for what I have haha.


Lowkey sad that 3rd euph didn’t make it


Something else Japanese related that I just noticed is that kumiko and reina are now on a first name basis

Jon Hanlon

My high school band director would use the same audition material as our all-district honor band and had a policy that anyone who made the all-district band was exempt from auditioning for our Wind Ensemble. I always thought that was a good way to reward those of us who were willing to put in the extra work, and it also had the effect of increasing our school’s participation in all-district auditions, since they were only a few weeks apart.