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The very last piece in this episode is outstanding music 




Wonder if that rejection is going to factor into tuba girl's audition. She's new to music so it's hard to believe she'd pass anyway, but it seems like it got to her pretty hard at the end of the episode and these characters tend to linger on things a bit so I wonder if she can really focus.

matthew bremmer

Ahhh the yuri bait episode lol.


Wow, I remember that duet at the end so well. The trumpet was so clean it made me play it too often back then.

Mariana Roca

Funny how you thought it would be a music festival and not just adolescents enjoying life. "If you use all the time you waste being teenagers to practice..." - Taki-sensei. Ok, the auction is coming, get ready for the nightmare.


In Japanese culture, Reina's choose is very unique. "Read the atmosphere" (空気読め, kuuki yo me) is very important in Japan. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A0%B4%E3%81%AE%E7%A9%BA%E6%B0%97 (use google translate)