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Now things are getting VERY realistic with band culture and the buy in from different students and how that impacts everything.  Great episode. 



Chris Hee

https://soranews24.com/2019/08/08/real-life-high-school-from-kyoto-animations-sound-euphonium-wins-gold-medal-at-band-competition/ https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20190806/p2a/00m/0et/012000c You might like these articles about the real life school band that assisted the animation staff with their production :)

Chris Hee

Ah also, the potatoes they had were sweet potatoes!


21:12 - He said "bass" parts, not brass. I hope that the rest of this series will remain on tier 1. I also love all your tangents about your teaching and band experiences. It's what makes your reaction very unique from the other people reacting to this series.


Oh and to answer your last question, my highschool band had enough people to fill 3 separate concert bands, so the people who were actually were into trying hard naturally made it into the upper band while the people who were there just for fun ended up in the lower one.


Tennis girl is def feeling trombonist

Jet Man

I think I misread it too. Made me look again and it does indeed say Bass not Brass.

Jet Man

There is a very obvious joke here that is taking every fiber of my being not to make.


Back in high school, we had the previous band teacher retire, and when the new guy came in, so many students just slacked off. I wasn't an exception either. But when no one else is taking things seriously, it makes you feel like a teacher's pet when you do take it super seriously.