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Batman's Pet Goldfish THANK YOU for the request!!
Who is the bass player?? OMG 




Manga are the "backwards" drawn comics. Light novels are purely written text, with maybe a few supplementary illustrations here and there. Most anime are actually adaptations, using a manga or light novel as their source. Sometimes, an anime will be made based off of a light novel, but it will do really well, so they make a manga adaptation of the anime.


Web novels are often times the precursor to the light novels. An author starts off publishing their writings online, hence the name web novel. Then once it gets published in paper, it's a light novel.


Hey Tony, I am curious does the music you react for us ever inspire, resonate, give you ideas for other parts of your life, outside YouTube and Patreon? Do you ever go back and listen to stuff again? I was wondering this as you were having a great time listening to the bass. Have a wonderful day.

Jet Man

You should watch the video he did on "Kings" from Project Wingman :)