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Mr. Penber!!!!! 👀😲




He couldn't turn around and punch him cause he already wrote exactly what he will do before he dies, which is to follow his orders.

Klarin Black

About the thing with turning around and hitting him, that couldn't have happened I believe, cause light wrote something down like "he submits to the threats and listens to the person he believes is Kira" or something like that, pretty easy to prevent something like that.


To elaborate further on what some other people here have said: nobody knows that the death note exists. As far as they are concerned kira can kill simply by thinking it. Punching him in the face and running wouldn't do much against somebody that can kill you with a thought, so to Ray it would seem futile.


Yeah as everyone is saying, Light is confident that the plan will work because he already wrote every action the victim will execute in the Death Note before he dies. If he wrote that "X person is going to buy a banana at 10pm and then die by a heart attack" then that's exactly what's gonna happen (as long as it's a possible scenario), the victim is already dead and has no will the moment he's buying the banana.

James Burns

To expand upon the casual misogyny you were mentioning: Japan is a very socially conservative country, and scores surprisingly low in gender equality metrics compared to North America and Western Europe. This is amplified in anime, which tends to exaggerate many aspects of Japanese culture. It is still common and still expected (although this is improving) that when women get married, they leave the workforce to focus on raising children. This is one of the many factors behind Japan's low birth rate: many women don't want to leave their careers behind to become housewives.

Arian Abdolahy

In comparison to other english voice acting for anime I understand why people say it's goated but... objectively speaking it's still bad to be honest. Compared to the german voice acting it's as if you're comparing a layman to a professional, from the acting (most have been to acting schools in germany and/ or did it from when they were a child, don't know how it is in the US) and even when it comes to the audio and mixing and stuff it's on another level and it does really mix well with the soundtrack in german, while in english I don't see a great resonance between the voices and the soundtrack.

Arian Abdolahy

It's not about crime rates going down it's about how they go down. And the only reason they go down is because of fear. People will still have suppressed rage, resentment and all sorts of stuff. It won't change anything, just on the surface. It's a world controlled by fear and not liberated by love.

Arian Abdolahy

Hahaha, I wasn't relating any of this to what you said. It was just about what I picked up in the comments, some people commented that it was goated and said it's one of the best dubs. Sorry for not being clear about that.

Ethan Hines

Lmao “You know who else should quit? The voice actor for his sister.” 💀 that shit had me dying