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I can't believe we are already to episode 11.  This was a great speed bump point as we turn into the next segment of the story.  The little curveball thrown in at the end was a nice touch on keeping the side drama present while the overall storyline develops.  Very good writing and production.  It's time we take more listens to the OST and get it featured on the YouTube channel very soon!  




Unfortunately, Episode 11 was the last episode of the season.

석화 김

it is so cool to watch Kana drop title when she saw Aqua in the crowd. She literally say the word "Oshi No Ko".


One of the cool things about watching it vs reading. Had no idea she title dropped because obviously with the manga I'm just seeing the English. Makes a good moment even better.


Hard to say exactly when S2 might drop. The bright side is they won't have to do another movie first episode, but the expectations are going to be high, so it might take a couple years regardless.


Tony predicting arima playing that stage role was crazy 😭

석화 김

It means character in anime say the title of anime. When Kana saw Aqua in crowd, she said "アンタの推しの子になってやる" which is "anta no Oshi no Ko ni natte yaru". In english "I'll become your fave."


Just noticed but it’s interesting how Aqua & Ruby have one star, but Kana seems to have the whole galaxy in her eyes on closeups.

plug-in panda

its not really a galaxy, multiple characters have had higher fidelity shots of their eyes with the same glittery effect, the stars are the only thing thats significant

plug-in panda

i doubt it will be long. its supposedly been in production for some time already. i would guess we could see it as soon as spring season. doga kobo doesnt take on a ton of work, they can make oshi no ko their priority and it would make sense to do so given its success.

Chris Hee

https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/40/20/ this page has some info on 2.5d stage plays :)


As extra bit of information, a few weeks ago the announcement was made that the ending to the manga (the source material) has been decided. That doesn't mean it's already finished obviously. Just that the author knows what it will be, probably within the year. So the story will be concluded and then we can get an idea of how many more seasons they squeeze out.