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They learned marching basics and parade marching AND memorized their piece in one rehearsal.  LOL aight here we come Festival!  🎵




Based on some of the stuff they were saying it does seem like they did more than the 1 practice, though they for sure could have had a quick montage in there to make it more clear


You definitely have to elaborate about what happened during that fight 🤣

Mariana Roca

For context, the parade they're taking part isn't a big deal. It's a small demonstration that's part of a festival in Kyoto; that's why it isn't taking place on an avenue and the audience is small. The innacuracy here is *how good they turned out to be* but I guess the anime didn't want to show some sloppy demonstration. Not only that, but it's also harder for the animations to draw a sloppy parade than a perfectly one; to make the parade sloppy, they would need to draw much more individual postures. You do see, however, people out of line or doing the wrong steps if you pick some still frames here or there. That said, the two other mentioned schools are way more focused on parades; they would be the ones parading on holidays at big avenues. You can even say they're flexing their skills on this festival. About names, surnames and honorifics: In Japan, you're supposed to call someone by their surname unless you're very close. You can even see instances of people of the same age dating but still calling themselves by their surname. In manga and anime, a person becoming comically embarassed by calling on being called by the first name is a common joke. Now about the "weird stuff": Breast size drama is a common joke in anime and manga, specially in high school settings. Even in Oshi no Ko you have that moment where Ruby stares at her classmate's breasts in envy (but the breast size drama is subverted in this case). Kumiko making weird faces and noises is also a common joke, but taken up to eleven thanks to her Voice Actor's amazing range. Reina IS a weirdo, by the way. I suggest you prepare a mantra like "This is just anime sh#t, this is just anime sh#t" for several of her actions in comedy segments, as she's a weirdo on a media that already have "weird stuff" as comedy.


Yea... it's weird to me to watch a show about students and have breast drama in it. I can't turb of my teacher brain and it's definitely uncomfortable for me. Lol the parade stuff. The magical world of anime and music quality. Makes sense about the drawing


"Music is not supposed to be something you do to show off your abilities to your rivals" lol back in high school I remember us trumpets thought differently 😂


Yeah I dont think that what was shown in this episode was just 1 day. Plus they probably cut most of the practice, they just showed us a portion of the practice for th montage and then the rest was off camera. It's probably still innacurate how good they got but NOT that innacurate.


I don't know. It was pretty brief and they mentioned not having access to the field. Really seemed like a one day thing. It's quite inaccurate tbh. Lol parade marching and field work is a very different gig than concert band. Plus different instruments.


Yeah it was brief on the episode. Thats why I said the rest was probably off camera. We don't really know how much time they practiced but I dont think they want us to assume it was just one day. Yeah, I can't argue about the marching stuff, when I said "inaccurate but not that inaccurate" I was refering about the time spent practicing, like, I dont think it was like months of practice but I dont think it was 1 day either. But yeah your point about this being inaccurate in general still stands.


I love the tennis girl that’s new to band cuz she personifies those of us in the audience that don’t know a thing about band and she’s asking all the questions for us to learn more about band


Yellow Magic Orchestra - Rydeen

Jet Man

I think that thing at the end of the episode is supposed to be the Tuba Mascot. We saw it before as a Keychain.

Chris Hee

If I'm not wrong, I think Rikka was a reference to this band: https://japan-forward.com/kyoto-tachibana-highs-orange-devils-take-taiwans-people-by-storm/

TsUNaMy WaVe

From what I gathered, the practice they did show us here was one week before the festival. So they practiced for a week. Is it better? Just slightly, I guess.

Andres Urquijo

Geez, it clearly wasn't one day! haha

まき のり

In Japan, people often practice marching at school.In addition, there are scenes where students march in various situations or many people have to line up evenly in a large area. Also, I think many of the members of the high school brass band club members have experience playing musical instruments and marching.


I believe Rikka is also based on the orange devils of Kyoto Tachibana