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Jet Man

To me, the Dynasty Warriors series has always seemed like the Junk food of the gaming world. Its dumb, mindless fun that can entertain you for a while, but at some point you realize there is something better you could be consuming. Granted, I've never played a single one, just basing off of what I've observed over the years.

Jarod S

Great suggestion. Dynasty warriors games were my shit as a kid. It’s the epitome of the hack n slash genre. Personally think Dynasty warriors 4 had the best OST. The track “straight ahead” particularly is a banger

Eli L.

Played most of the games 2-8 as well as many of the spin-offs. Gameplay is simple hack-n-slash but it's fun and its take on the various events and characters of the source material (famous novel based on Ancient China) has gotten more interesting over time.