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Well I turned a 23 min episode into a 36 min reaction with all the tangents I went on.  This one pulled a lot of teacher thoughts out of me.  Great show with some interesting takes so far.  




Woot woot more content added to the content!!! You love to hear it


Man, I remember my $60/hr/week private lessons. I miss viola.


Tony, I'm here for it. Pause for days. Love the insights you bring to this rewatch

Alex cleveland

Love ur insight Tony-sensei!


Also Tony, to clarify a little. Recall that at the beginning he gave them the choice to aim for the competition or just to have a good time. He would offer his services in either. If they had chosen the latter then he would have taught that at every level like you were saying it should be like. But because they voted to aim for nationals then he is treating them with a higher set of expectations. The instructor mentioned them needing to meet a minimum baseline of performance before he can guide them. All of that is to say, he is open to the approach you were saying is your preference and offered that as an option to them but they chose the differently. He might be thinking that if they can't meet the minimum baseline on their own then there's not hope for them being competitive in the competition. Obviously, I'm not qualified to say that they couldn't both aim for nationals and have him instruct even beginners to meet that baseline. Just wanted to clarify the rationale of what is happening.


Lol. Stoppppp That's now how anyone teaches or treats beginning music students in the real world. Makes for entertainment in a show though.

Square Block

Child independence is a huge culture thing in japan and its basically drilled into the youth, basically to prep them for adulthood. That also carries over into school, that's why the teacher is basically just letting the upperclassmen run it and coming in when they are "good enough", I understand that its a culture thing but honestly I have to agree with you, when I started playing trumpet I would of not played for as long as I did if the teacher was not there to tell me what I was doing wrong, giving me pointers and such.

Jet Man

Tony has a point. That is not the proper way to instruct music students. First you have to ask them if they are rushing or dragging. Then slap them until they get it right. (Saw it in a movie)

Jet Man

A golden episode of music education


I think I mentioned something about cultural differences in this episode. When I was teaching HS we hosted a symphonic orchestra group from Japan in a sister school type setting. The skill level was immense. Like very very good. It got me researching on the differences in music education in a Japanese school program. Lo and behold I rehearsal and rehearsal and...rehearsal... Just an amazing amount of time dedicated to developing as a musician. It was not a "normal" public school music program though. To your point, music is not an individual activity. It's ensemble. Especially in this concert band setting. There are standard "level ups" that everyone must go through. Individual practice is very much an individual activity which is required for the ensemble to be good. That is why folks have studio teachers outside of ensemble. Your trumpet memory is accurate and that is your student pov. Now imagine how different it is from a teacher and pedagogy pov. Everything is designed. Everything.


Band is cool and all but so is orchestra let’s go 😎🎻


@Tony, I'm certainly not advocating for it haha. But entertainment aside, from your teaching history perspective, do you think the fact that this is an after school voluntary -club- scenario, like a sports club, do you think that changes things? It's not a classroom curriculum setting. Having played soccer in high school, there was definitely a divide made early on between students playing on the varsity team versus Jr Varsity. There was really room for learning to play soccer as a beginner. Maybe that doesn't apply to a music club but since they are competing specifically here I just wonder if it can necessitate an approach like this since he's not their teacher but instead a hired coach. I only ever did piano classes as part of my high school courses as a total beginner. The teacher taught me exactly how you say it should be and a I practiced a crap ton at home. But as an extra curricular activity I'm not familiar with how school music clubs work compared to sports. Curious to hear what you think/know


I already went off in great detail in this reaction about the reality of teaching music to beginners and installing them in the ensemble. A club setting vs a classroom setting does not have a difference as far as the art of playing an instrument goes. The pedagogy does not change. A coach and a teacher mean the same thing. I teach many music club settings and my approach to the instruments is the same as the classroom. The rehearsal space mentality is the same. Most band settings here in the States rehearse after school several days a week as well as on the weekends. Massive hours are needed for higher-end programs. Your first reply was about him giving them a choice to be casual or competitive and now it's about club vs class. Which is it? I would really just say the teacher's character is sort of lazy. It would mean an even more involved leadership for a band headed to nationals that includes instructing beginners. I honestly think the anime is going to take the route of the "inspired kids get so good they win over their music teacher to work with them now that they deserve coaching". It's just not a reality but like I mentioned before, it makes for an uplifting cinderella type story.


genuinely love your “rambles” lol! very insightful and nice


Yeah it's not realistic - it's for the drama/entertainment. But it does that well.

Red Menace

gotta say, 10 min into the ep, 12 min into the video, and all the rants are EXACTLY what i was hoping to see lol, even if i didn't care about music(which who doesn't?) its always cool to see someone passionate about something talk about it