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I can't take the voice... LMAOOO




Otaku is basically just like a hardcore nerd, also, Pieyon won't be here long-term, but you haven't seen the last of him

plug-in panda

im current with the manga, pieyon doesnt appear much at all. i think this is the most you ever see of him in one go lol. youre good




The translation for the opening is not perfect at all idk who tf did it. Like every 3rd or 4th sentence could be translated much better to make more sense in english. The full song is translated much better i think, the one you reacted too, thou even that one has some weird translations

Fuji Nami

Even if you're current with the anime watchers, the manga people still knows everything.


Tbh when i watched it alone, the moment i saw him i was like - OH HELL NA, then he spoke..... BUT at the end of the day, i think he is perfect representation for the popular youtubers who make kid content these days (annoying AF) - so props to them for that, they nailed it!


My mans wouldn't be able to finish the first episode of Black Clover


B komachi is the name of Ai's og idol group and no bird man doesn't disappear, but he isn't there often


When I read the manga I totally imagined pieyon having a comically deep voice lol, this was a surprise


wonder what piyeon's patreon looks like


Otaku is just pretty much just meaning someone who spends all their time online. It usually has a bad connotation. Also Piyeon will show up again but it would be in like season 3.

Cassii (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-18 01:36:46 Hey about the groups name, it was the name of Ai's group & the name is kinda a play on "B-Ko" (B子) and "Komachi" (小町). Komachi is almost like a term when you call someone a "beauty" in Japanese. It originated from the poet Ono no Komachi who's known to be very beautiful. Idolm@ster has a group named "Ryuugu Komachi" which they translated to "The Beauty and the Dragon Palace" so I guess that's the easiest way to interpret it in English. B-ko (lit. Girl B) is often a placeholder name that newspapers or journalists use for victims (or culprits, I'm not sure) with names they haven't identified or choose to not reveal. Usually, it goes from A-ko, B-ko, C-ko, and so on which is pretty much Girl A, Girl B, Girl C, etc. Of course, as any first anonymous victims that are mentioned, they'll start with A, and a lot of Japanese media uses "B-ko" (Girl B) as an "analogy" for someone who's only secondary to Girl A, despite they're both are kept anonymous. So literally, you could say that B-Komachi means "Beautiful Girl B" or "Girl B the Beauty" or something. A bit hard to get that in English, but I like the analogy as if this is a group of girls who are technically anonymous or nobodies, but the main appeal is how beautiful they are. apologies if this has been broken down before or if I'm incorrect in some parts. and for the long comment, hope it was insightful! PS. By the way, there was also an idol group from the '90s whose group name is "Strawberry Record", and their vocalist name happens to be Komachi. Wonder if that's a coincidence or reference.
2023-05-17 10:27:00 Hey about the groups name, it was the name of Ai's group & the name is kinda a play on "B-Ko" (B子) and "Komachi" (小町). Komachi is almost like a term when you call someone a "beauty" in Japanese. It originated from the poet Ono no Komachi who's known to be very beautiful. Idolm@ster has a group named "Ryuugu Komachi" which they translated to "The Beauty and the Dragon Palace" so I guess that's the easiest way to interpret it in English. B-ko (lit. Girl B) is often a placeholder name that newspapers or journalists use for victims (or culprits, I'm not sure) with names they haven't identified or choose to not reveal. Usually, it goes from A-ko, B-ko, C-ko, and so on which is pretty much Girl A, Girl B, Girl C, etc. Of course, as any first anonymous victims that are mentioned, they'll start with A, and a lot of Japanese media uses "B-ko" (Girl B) as an "analogy" for someone who's only secondary to Girl A, despite they're both are kept anonymous. So literally, you could say that B-Komachi means "Beautiful Girl B" or "Girl B the Beauty" or something. A bit hard to get that in English, but I like the analogy as if this is a group of girls who are technically anonymous or nobodies, but the main appeal is how beautiful they are. apologies if this has been broken down before or if I'm incorrect in some parts. and for the long comment, hope it was insightful! PS. By the way, there was also an idol group from the '90s whose group name is "Strawberry Record", and their vocalist name happens to be Komachi. Wonder if that's a coincidence or reference.

Hey about the groups name, it was the name of Ai's group & the name is kinda a play on "B-Ko" (B子) and "Komachi" (小町). Komachi is almost like a term when you call someone a "beauty" in Japanese. It originated from the poet Ono no Komachi who's known to be very beautiful. Idolm@ster has a group named "Ryuugu Komachi" which they translated to "The Beauty and the Dragon Palace" so I guess that's the easiest way to interpret it in English. B-ko (lit. Girl B) is often a placeholder name that newspapers or journalists use for victims (or culprits, I'm not sure) with names they haven't identified or choose to not reveal. Usually, it goes from A-ko, B-ko, C-ko, and so on which is pretty much Girl A, Girl B, Girl C, etc. Of course, as any first anonymous victims that are mentioned, they'll start with A, and a lot of Japanese media uses "B-ko" (Girl B) as an "analogy" for someone who's only secondary to Girl A, despite they're both are kept anonymous. So literally, you could say that B-Komachi means "Beautiful Girl B" or "Girl B the Beauty" or something. A bit hard to get that in English, but I like the analogy as if this is a group of girls who are technically anonymous or nobodies, but the main appeal is how beautiful they are. apologies if this has been broken down before or if I'm incorrect in some parts. and for the long comment, hope it was insightful! PS. By the way, there was also an idol group from the '90s whose group name is "Strawberry Record", and their vocalist name happens to be Komachi. Wonder if that's a coincidence or reference.