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I feel like Anime stories have a different level of emotional damage than other stuff I have seen.  SHEEEESH 😢  With that being said I really did enjoy this story opening and am definitely interested in continuing.  Let me know what you think in the comments!  THANKS  




Actually yelled in excitement for this lol


Also a lolicon is like a pdfile in Japanese. It's semi controversial thing but that's the main explanation I can give


Yes, I would say something like that, but the word 'lolicon' in anime can be used in the most extreme and problematic way, or just as a joke for someone having an interest in a character that happens to be young, small, or a child. In the current case, it was mostly used as a joke, but it was also used as a tool to expose the really weird and sometimes disturbing idol industry in Japan, where a bunch of old guys fanboy over young girl idols.


Yeah I know I just didn't want to have to open Pandora's box for the poor guy lol


one last remark to clarify that stuff, the age of consent in Japan is lower depending on the area, with 16 being within the legal range in many places


Would 100% suggest continuing. And if you do, even though you've listened to the OP and ED I'd say let the visuals run once as they provide some nice character insight and just look nice regardless.


Im glad you like this! It great to see how well this has been recieved as its such a good manga.The author of the manga, Aka Akasaka interviewed a lot of people in the industry for this and did a lot of research regarding the Japanese entertainment industry. Unfortunately, a lot of instances in the show are based on real events as well. Mayu Tomita may have been who inspired Ai’s death. Future arc as well are based on other media events that you will see.


With that said, it would be great if you kept watching!

Jordan Henry

I think if you like the entertainment industry side of the series and the characters, it's definitely worth continuing! The series really gives an in-depth look at the industry constantly, and there are a lot of interesting characters.


I love watching reactions to this because people always start out confused and mildly disgusted and slowly get more on board lol

Jarod S

Definitely worth continuing if you feel hooked by the crazy premise. It'll be great to see not only your reactions to the main 'revenge' plot as it unfolds but the highlights on all the darker aspects of the entertainment industry


Just join your patreon because I know you react to this show!


So Lolicon is the Japanese way of saying P*do. And if the whole subject matter of a grown man being obsessed with a sixteen year old girl who's being sexualized by the industry makes you uncomfortable. Then good, that's what it's supposed to do. The show is all about the dark side of the entertainment industry and the physical and emotional abuse that young people face. Edit: Also 16 in Japan is like 18 in America.


lol i decided to start watching this and i was shook. look forward to seeing your reactions!

ML Snow

OMG, it's just googling "what is the age of majority in japan?" to know you have information of dubious provenance. At least the lolicon thing is right.


In japan 16 is the age of consent and the age you can get married (with parental approval)

Killian Killian

Definitely a different style of show than what you've done in the past

Mariana Roca

I gotta say, in this episode the thing who got me the most was the psychological horror on Ai's death, specially on Aqua's perspective. Gynecologist or not, he's still a medic trained for any emergency, and as a medic, he knew 2 things: 1- There is a chance of surviving that stab if you receive immediate treatment, that would involve closing the clot with your bare hand. Of course this only give a glimpse of survival chance, since you would still have to fight the infection and other complications, you're only buying time for the ambulance... 2- But he's a toddler, he don't have the strength or the hand size to hold that clot. Still, he moved like he was about to try it when he got hugged, the hug reminding him of how feeble his body is to do anything to save her. This is psychological horror at it's best. Until this point, the show depicted being stuck on a baby's body as comedy and not as horror. Bonus: In the manga, when the police arrived, they made it explicit that Aqua was still being hugged by the now cold body of Ai, and that he felt her body getting colder by the second. I don't know if the author knows about rigor mortis, but it would also means that Aqua didn't even had a choice, the hug would continue pressing him. Stuck on a toddler body unable to get out of your most significant other hug (due to rigor mortis) while her body turns cold...

Mariana Roca

Sorry for the double comment, but this is unrelated to my previous one: The soundtrack of the death scene. The music director had instructions to convey the characters' feelings with the music. In the 'making of', the show director told that he meant "Aqua's and Ruby's feelings", but the music director actually made the track thinking about Ai's feelings. The show director got really shocked by the result.

Chris Hee

The director is the best!

A Businessman

my opinion is that the whole "I'll consider it when you're 16" thing is more of a thing to get Sarina to try and make it to 16 in the first place. definitely a little weird though.


Interesting fact: the voice actress for Ai actually went to hospitals and consulted doctors on how blood loss could affect someone's speech. Very committed!

Brandon (edited)

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