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Seems like 🍎are popular at the start of this one.  

Future Devil, what???




I love the "sharing a brain cell" kind of relationship between Denji and Power. Such a hilarious duo.


you didn’t seem to really react to it but I loved that Power and Denji actually put on glasses when they tried to act smart for once 😂 and it was a nice touch how Denji’s glasses got knocked off at the end, symbolizing that their “war of wits” had failed. They still did an ok job tho, so A for effort


Man, it's crazy that Aki only has 2 more years to live before the Curse devil takes his life. Can't wait for the next reaction!


Power even put up a ponytail… I guess because that’s also what smart people do? Lol


well he can still die before then technically

ML Snow

Great video, I don't know if you are going to upload an analysis of any OST of this series, since most of them are very short, but if you want to listen to some of them on your own, I recommend "You Were Here" and "Livingroom". Maybe I'll request one in a Stream. Greetings

ML Snow

Of all the OST? 2 volumes have been released so far, Vol 1: OST of Eps 01-3, Vol 2: Eps 04-07, Vol 3 is supposed to be released when the anime finishes airing (Today), and there are two videos with the songs per volume, both are around 20 minutes. But if you want the tracks with more duration there is also the playlist of both volumes.


I thought you would relate to the Teacher/Trainer in this episode. He had a deeeep voice. He only wants to get called teacher. He had brillant Ideas. And he love Booze Woman and Killing Devils :D

ML Snow (edited)

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2023-05-07 10:39:35 Well Tony, I leave you the link to the playlist with the two volumes [21 tracks in total] in case you are going to make the video. Maybe it will update automatically when volume 3 comes out. Have a nice day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46KlmoNlZdc&list=PL_Jle6jsihHwWY0Ph4NYp8eawa5KUjLJq
2022-12-27 12:09:04 Well Tony, I leave you the link to the playlist with the two volumes [21 tracks in total] in case you are going to make the video. Maybe it will update automatically when volume 3 comes out. Have a nice day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46KlmoNlZdc&list=PL_Jle6jsihHwWY0Ph4NYp8eawa5KUjLJq

Well Tony, I leave you the link to the playlist with the two volumes [21 tracks in total] in case you are going to make the video. Maybe it will update automatically when volume 3 comes out. Have a nice day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46KlmoNlZdc&list=PL_Jle6jsihHwWY0Ph4NYp8eawa5KUjLJq


The graphics of the graveyard is a very old effect actually.... pioneered in animation in snow white, it is digital now but back then it was called multiplane camera and the different field were moved relative to each other and captured on film.... it was a stack of separately animated panes with a camera high up pointed down through them.

Maia Brodsky

Hey just a heads up. For episode 12 (the final episode of the season), there is a whole long after credit scene, AND the scene is a continuation of events that are happening DURING the ending song. So I think you should make an exception and just watch the whole thing through, but regardless, even if you do feel strongly about skipping the ending, you should still watch the scenes that come after it.

Matthew B

Yea the ending literally plays over a bunch of non ending scenes. You should watch it


Ok good to know. The reaction will just be a 2nd hearing but different because atm you watch something without pause ⏸️ to reflect its not very involved. So that will work still


if there's one thing you should know about future devil, without spoilers, is MIRAI SAIKO!!!!!

MADHOUSE (edited)

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2023-05-07 10:39:27 Now that you're only 2 episodes away from end of the season, do you have any plans on what & when your next show is? React to a new show immediately after, or take some time to figure what to do? Regardless, I just finished episode 12, and I have to say that I had a real good time with this season. Banger after banger episodes.
2022-12-28 05:28:44 Now that you're only 2 episodes away from end of the season, do you have any plans on what & when your next show is? React to a new show immediately after, or take some time to figure what to do? Regardless, I just finished episode 12, and I have to say that I had a real good time with this season. Banger after banger episodes.

Now that you're only 2 episodes away from end of the season, do you have any plans on what & when your next show is? React to a new show immediately after, or take some time to figure what to do? Regardless, I just finished episode 12, and I have to say that I had a real good time with this season. Banger after banger episodes.


Oh nice! You'll finally get to hear all those character themes + OP/ED straight from the source. Hope you'll enjoy JoJo as much as you enjoy CSM. Both shows are crazy in their own ways. Thanks


i love the formal introduction of the “teacher” this episode, when he tells makima to shut up right off the bat 🤣🤣 i was like damn, this man is not afraid of her at all lol