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Continuing on with our Bleach musical experience 🎵



Nick K

Great to see more Bleach bonuses like this. I ended up listening to two hourof Bleach OST after this instead of sleeping and I guess I'm not sure what track to recommend next because a lot of the early tracks I love but there's a heavy nostalgia bias. I'd say Escalon is a good choice though. Unique feel to it from the rest of the OST and probably one you'll have fun with.


Another awesome bleach vid I know it's a stretch but do you think you'd ever look at the updated remix for number one from bleach? It's so good!


I am absolutely loving the bleach content! Also Shiro Sagisu is in charge of the music in bleach. There is a bunch of songs that I love, some of my personal favorites are some of the "sad" songs, things like- Going home, here to stay, nothing can be explained, never meant to belong, etc..... There's too many to list and not make it feel overwhelming. I do think that "The Fire" which is one that he composed for this current season is something you should check out. All I know is that I will watch any and all bleach content you put out. I've been loving the content on patreon!