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Denji is on a mission... lmaooooo




The voice acting is so perfect in this. That whole scene by the vending machines. Power proposes a deal, and then Denji turns around with the quickness, and the music starts. You can hear the HYPE and total mood switch in Denji's voice, and then just Power going "HOH! :O!" over and over lmfao.


Anime intros usually go for roughly a minute and a half, so that's a good way to tell how far to skip ahead if you want to skip them. They're lengthy so they can become repetitive after a while

Lucky Johny

He do be on a mission


Makima pretty much explains the power system. More fear of something means the stronger the devil of that something is. Simple but cool concept


breakcore is definitely an interesting genre, pretty underground but it's picking up steam.


since the more something is feared the stronger it’s devil becomes, I think if there were a nut devil like the one Denji said attacked Aki in episode 2, it would probably be very strong 🤣


Btw Tony, if you pay attention, the opening to chainsaw man is filled to the brim with movie references. The creator was a huge American Film movie buff. Just off the top of my head, you can spot Pulp Fiction, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Big Lebowski. There are a few others, but I've never seen those movies.

The Digital Odyssey

I can't wait for season 2 of this show; things will get insane. I have no idea how they're gonna animate some of the things that happen, but seeing how well they are doing with the series right now, I have high hopes.


Can’t wait for Ep 4 :)


One thing that doesn't come across in the subs or the dub that well is that Power talks like an old man... which is what Denji said was creepy about the way she talks. Also in the end song the "broke core" bit is all onomatopoeias for chainsaw sounds.