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lmaoooooo there is some funny stuff in this




I love the art style for Mob Psycho so much


ONE (The guy's name that wrote and drew the comic for both Mob Psycho 100 & One Punch Man) is known for his art being all sloppy and sketchy a lot of the time, but it only adds to the comedy of his series lmao really glad the studio adapting Mob kept faithful to that silly artstyle of his, super funny stuff lol

Meru Tenchin

mob has great comedy but it's still just 20% of what one punch man has lol. they are both from the same author btw.

Caleb Johnson

Usually in most anime viewing sites , including the one you're using, there is a " Skip outro" or "skip credits" button. That way you don't have to scroll to find the exact point that the ending song ends. Definitely can help save some time next time you want to know if there's an end scene.


Mob us better imo. Yes they both do comedy well, and OPM is the more popular of the 2, but Mob has way more character depth and development. You really watch the characters grow in their own ways and that slowly becomes what you watch the show for, not just the comedy.


You can like one punch man without shitting on other stuff, both are good


OPM is really good too, at least the OPM that's drawn by ONE instead of Murata. As amazing as Murata is, I personally feel he's gotten too wrapped up in making spectacles, becoming what it was once a parody of

Nick K

Even this early on I love how this show just has a mature way of handling expectations even in comedic moments. Things don't have to go how you want or expect them to but it doesn't feel out of place or cheap either. I have to imagine most people when first watching this episode are thinking "ok and at the end he joins the club and that wraps up the episode" but he does some genuine soul searching and just changes his mind on the spot


Reigen (the fraud)’s voice actor is the same as Geto from JJK 😱


This show just bursts with creativity in even mundane scenes. I love how it isn't afraid to get zany, like in the phone argument scene, the way they yell at each other in the split screen is straight out of looney tunes. The animators just have so much fun on this show. I will say the first couple of episodes are a little shouty for me but it calms down later