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I am very curious how this will wrap up in 1 more EP.
Perhaps the movies continue what is happening



Sebastian Stróż

Violet Evergarden: The Movie is actual end of the story so look for it to wrap things up.

ML Snow

The first one is refreshing, It's not so sad. And I think you can hear tracks that were not heard in the series, the second one has a completely different album.

Caleb Johnson

With just 1 episode to go, i've decided to finally binge watch the series through your reactions. and MAN... i really should've watched this week to week, because now i have no emotional recovery time. i don't usually cry, let alone to media, but this might do it. (currently on episode 7. wish me luck)

Caleb Johnson

Update. 8 and 9 got me, and then 10 got me GOOD. the story, soundtrack, animation, and the voice acting are all so so good! Like the perfect ingredients to make a cake guaranteed to cause depression. Thank god the last 2 episodes have been about war, or i would've been a WRECK😭😭😭 (2 manly tears have been shed)

william watson

Imagine watching this as it came out. When episode 10 came out I was emotionally destroyed for the whole afternoon. My parents thought somebody I actually knew died with how much I was crying.