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We're backkkkkkkkk!



Andrew Muggleton

No you are right on the production. Same studio but 8 years since Season 2!

Andrew Muggleton

Yeah season 2 was in 2016!! Liz & the Blue Bird 2018, Our Promise: A Brand New Day 2019 and then the Ensemble Contest last year. But yeah it’s been a long time since season 2 (partly that would have been down to the terrible arson attack at the studio in 2019 however)


This anime coming back for a S3 felt like reuniting with an old friend. I couldn't help but smile throughout the entire intro sequence. Something I noticed while watching along. In 4:15 of this video. One of the valves/pistons(?) of that euphonium is labeled "Yamaha YEP621 Made in Japan". I searched up YEP 621 and the results gave me that exact euphonium that you can actually buy with the label in the identical location. Kyoani's attention to detail continues to blow me away.

Andrew Muggleton

Yeah for sure. It’s a shocking thing to read up about, made even worse when you realise how special and family orientated the studio is on a fundamental level. It’s a real shame that Naoko Yamada left (presumably and understandably) due to it. But I’m happy she’s still working and also how well KyoAni has bounced back since then!! Still so sad to know how many incredibly talented people died however.

Chris Hee

Yeah, it's so nice to see the old gang take up leadership now! And Supreme President Kumiko carrying on the old Kitauji tradition of overwhelming victory in referenda hahaha


man i just wanna put it out there how much i appreciate these music show reacts. i have been subbed to many react patreons so far and i gotta say; one of the things that sets yours apart is ;how enjoyable these are, from the tangent tonys to the storytime to the, to the music analysis. most popular shows are covered in the same content creator circle, which makes it a even more special when someone watches some of these underwatched music shows, and yet also have the specialization to make it so much more interesting; big ups


Same studio that did Violet, btw. Kyoto animation the GOATS. Only they could've worked through the worst mass murder arson attack in japans history since WWII and still, after all that, create animation this far above industry standard. Genuinely by far my favorite studio.


All artists constantly refine their craft, same goes for those in animation studios.

Jon Hanlon

I had jazz band after school, but I had a 0 hour IB Music class my senior year (6:50am for us). That was brutal

Jon Hanlon

International Baccalaureate. You can think of it as sort of like AP classes, but it’s an entire 4 year, internationally recognized programme of said classes plus some extra stuff on top, though some classes are offered as a single class that non-programme students may register for (such as music in my case; my school didn’t offer AP Music Theory)

Jarod S

That welcome song they played for new students at 14:35 is them covering a famous japanese pop song(Koi by Gen Hoshino) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhOVibLEDhA

Jon Hanlon

I’ll add here that the YEP-621 is a very good horn. Obviously not quite as good as proper professional horns made by Besson or Wilson, but it’s also only about 1/3 of the price. One of those things that lends credence to idea expressed earlier in the series that Kitauji used to be a powerhouse under Taki’s father


I finally caught up to your Sound Euphonium videos, love the analysis/commentary. I was a highschool choir kid in a competitive region so this helped to fill in the gaps. I first watched Euphonium last week, and now I rewatched everything again through your videos. I wish I had seen this anime in high school, it might've motivated me to put in the effort to break the wall i was hitting at the time, just like how Kumiko was inspired by Reina.