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Welp... yeah. 👍
Reminder to vote on the next Tier 1 Anime that replaces this spot.





Story's not over, gotta wait for season 3


Guess you gotta read the manga now 🤣

Buttermilk Waffles

(no spoilers)Think of the higher ups as a ignorant government without all the facts and heavily biased. Because geto was confirmed alive the higher ups though gojo lied about killing him in jjk 0 so they deemed him part of the incident.(also helps them because they don't like how hes too strong to control). And yaga hasn't been explained yet.

Микита Кривогуб

Heey, don't be that critical) This is like just a half of the story) The other half is just not made into an anime for now. The whole part about Jujutsu higher-ups blaming Gojo and wanting to execute Yuji is a continuation of a narrative that these higher-ups suck. They always wanted to get rid of Gojo because he was against them but was too strong to do anything to him, so him being sealed is a golden opportunity to use that moment to kill Yuji and try to keep Gojo sealed. Anyway, what I'm saying is, let's wait a year or two, and I hope you'll be here to enjoy the next season of JJK) A lot of cool stuff is coming)


Comment Unrelated to the Story: Super minor remark, but an interesting one none the less! Tony here caught that Yuji Itadori's face looked weird, that it looked like it was drawn differently. That's because it was! Unlike western animation where a team goes over every frame and has several checks to make certain the quality is consistent throughout, in Japanese animation they give cuts and frames of animation to individual animators to draw over themselves. That's to say that newbie animators will often be given a scene where the characters don't move a lot, or less impactful scenes, so they can still help production move forward while allowing the more experienced and talented animators to focus on the scenes with Lots of movement or scenes that reach thematic peaks like in Violet Evergarden. And because of this, as you might've guessed, requires a LOT of animators for shows like Jujutsu Kaisen. The several massive fights in this show had the studio contract several highly prolific animators in the industry. I won't name them, but it's good to know that the best animators are like mercenaries, they get hired by studios to animate a single scene or a few cuts from their show. This means though, invariably, that there's going to be a significant quality fluctuations between certain scenes and cuts all throughout the show. This is where the Animation Supervisor has to balance their in-house workload with their own animators instead, giving them the wagon full of talking scenes and less interesting scenes to work on while their budget goes to the more highly trained individuals to do what they're specialized in: Making the show look pretty and the action fun, as is normal for 'Action/Shounen' projects like this. So! Yeah! Yuji's head must've looked weird because a separate animator was given that scene to draw but his skill just didn't match up to how he *should* look. It *is* a weird face. But! It was probably a net-positive outcome for the animator since he would've absolutely have had constructive feedback or realized his own inadequate understanding of how Yuji's face *should* have looked. This style of animation management is what allows for Anime to feel so unique and special, as each scene or cut relies upon the animator's own skill and passion to bleed through thanks to the more hands-off approach of supervision. There's a LOT I'm glossing over, not even mentioning how the Director and Storyboard Artist create the thumbnails for the scenes, and the initial 'genga' frames that act as the 'guide' for the animator's to draw the scenes with, and a ton more stuff. Or about how KyoAni, the studio behind Violet Evergarden, is radically different in production management than most other studios allowing them the amazingly consistent quality they have. But! Hopefully this all was helpful in understanding some general habits about Japanese animation production, explaining why some scenes or cuts are the way they are. Sorry if this wasn't that interesting though, I've just got a lot of admiration for how they make anime like this, having done a lot of my own research and having gone to school in Vancouver for 3D animation.


yeah i was also confused, and here's the issue. I read the manga (no spoilers) but they ended this arc in a weird spot for the anime. It seems completely out of place, especially those last scenes, like they didn't know where to end it, which is indeed bad direction, but your questions will be answered and everything will make more sense when season 3 comes out, whenever that is. which is very annoying but yeah. Personally i enjoyed this season a lot visually, and while the fights were i think better than the last season, the story went a little downhill, but agreed that season 1 is still the best season, but i think the next arc is the better arc imo which im looking forward to it being animated


the 2nd half of that episode is pretty much a teaser for next season because its very hard to understand whats happening even if youre laser focused on the narrative. it took me 3 watches of that episode to get most of it. you should probably bear in mind that generally these shows are made for the Japanese audience many of whom have already read the manga so i think that was meant to me a tease rather than a solid ending.


There are some inaccuracies about what you said about the differences of western and anime production. I don't get what you mean by they give cuts and frames to individual animators to draw themselves like that's not exactly how western animation works. Anime has people to check and correct frames of animation as well. The problem is that anime tends to have more complex designs and worse schedules so they often don't have enough time to correct everything properly especially JJK s2 which had even more abysmal deadlines. Yes often times they will give specialized animators more creative control and not correct them but that's not the treatment newbie or less skilled animators get. They're not going to leave unintentional off model drawings from a newbie animator just because that's what they do. They will try to correct it unless there isn't enough time. This is why when anime schedules get really bad you see like 15 different animation directors and multiple chief animation directors for a single episode.

Jet Man

No, it is not good storytelling.


Hmm, I see. Are you familiar with how Invincible was made? It's quite in-line with how the Japanese do it, by hand drawing as much as possible. It's considered an antiquated technique, something that was done away with thanks to the industrialization allowing for 3D animation and Tween-animation to take the helm in America, as hand-drawn was too slow, not to mention their lack of qualified animators to produce consistent works. As I mentioned in that comment, I glossed over a number of details otherwise that comment would have gone on for way longer than it already did. Though, I don't feel right in looking the other way when I can help here a bit more. The animation supervisors *do* often leave off model drawings and imperfection in the work because, as you mentioned, there simply isn't enough time, but that's become another expected aspect of the animation quality for the Japanese. If you can't keep up, then you're shafted, which *does* bring that certain toxicity aspect, but only so far as to push people to hone their craft faster and with more dedication. Though, that has it's own can of worms. Are you aware of the Animator Dormitory? It's a movement to help financially support animators as they struggle with the inadequacies of the culture as production committees take the vast majority of the profits from anime and give studios a penny from their dollar to fund themselves. It's why studios are so poor and always making more anime than they're capable of. You mention that 'they give cuts and frames to individual animators to draw themselves like that's not exactly how western animation works'. I apologize if I made it sound like the American method is that similar to the Japanese way. I was simply explaining how the Japanese way functions, in that singular animators are given cuts to animate, with some in-house animators having higher skill in animating animals or actions scenes or foliage being given their respective cuts to be in charge of. Which, of course, they are all under the heel of the animation supervisor and animation director as they coordinate between all these animators and CG artists with other departments of the studio alongside out-sourced cuts to 'mercenary' hires. If you'd like a documentary or two then I can suggest both The Making of Little Witch Academia OVA (which was a much smaller experimental project) alongside The Making of Spirited Away. Both give insights onto the production and various efforts put into creating and meeting deadlines within a typical Japanese animation studio. There's also the Behind The Scenes of FOOD WARS which you can find on Crunchyroll's youtube channel which goes similarly in depth into it's creation process. For American cartoons, it's good to have an understanding on how those function too so you can better compare. If possible, I'd highly recommend touring a studio in Vancouver if you ever get the chance, there's quite a difference between more well-funded studios like Atomic Studios and Bardel Entertainment. These two studios rely on Tweening and quick 3D animation to pull off their contracted works rather than the traditional 2D hand drawn technique, which is why the show Invincible was so ground-breaking, because it had an entertaining story mixed with a old 'new' style of animation. Not that no western studio's ever *not* done hand drawn animation in the past few years, just that Invincible was gifted with high marketability. Ah, I think this has gone on for way too long, looks almost twice as long as my original comment. Sorry! 🙇


NON SPOILERS AND HELPFUL CONTEXT AHEAD: Jjk is imo, NOT a beginner anime. You have to pick up on the subtle plot lines and information in patterns that only happen in anime SO MUCH. This is why I don’t recommend to my friends starting anime, bc they get bamboozled just as bad as you😂. But anyways here’s why the executions take place. The primary reason is bc the higher ups are bitter horrible old men who don’t like change and hate everything. They’re villains just like Sukuna, And Geto’s possessor. Explained earlier in this season by Ino, the balance of Jujustu Society is disrupted by Gojos absence. This applies to the higher ups who have always hated him. So! When Itadori-who’s initial execution in season one (caused by him swallowing the finger)-is not protected by Gojo, the higher ups are taking this opportunity to get him out the way. They always hated Itadori’s existence, they’re just being bold about it now. Now we come to Geto(really Geto’s Possesors) execution. Which is the only non suprising thing on this list. But! It is the reason for the call for Gojo’s and Principal Yagas execution! Since Gojo was tasked with killing Geto (at the end of JJK 0), and Geto is seemingly now alive and well, they are using this as grounds for Gojos execution(but really they’ve always hated Gojo bc he can defy their word since he is powerful enough to do so and they don’t like that). That bring us to Principal Yaga, the most suprising call for execution. Since Yaga taught both Gojo and Geto, and now that the higher ups are using the excuse that Gojo didn’t kill him, they are using both of those (fake) reasons to call for his execution. Which imo was the most upsetting. I hope this helps!

Yuval grossman

I think you're confused. The show isnt over there are going to be more seasons


I understand that now. It was just a really abrupt and strange ending. The storytelling is very... unique 🤣

Martin Lamaze

I have to admit, while watching this anime with you a second time, that it's clearly lacking in the writing departement. Because yes, if you've read the manga, went and read some backstories and checked the lore, you'll get everything, but otherwise it's impossible. I don't think it's gonna get any better in the next season and I fear that this impacted your viewing experience but oh well, some animes we just can't really get behind.


This is definitely one of those situations to remember that the manga this is adapted from is not seasonal in the way the anime is. We want a resolution or some sort of outcome at the end of this for sure, but the manga has a lot more story to tell before getting to that resolution, and it's certainly far more than could be fit into the season. I get the weirdness of it being left off right here though, for sure.

Yuval grossman

While i do agree it ends abruptly you should remember that its a weekly manga so the story immediately continues however for the anime they do it as a season so it comes of that way

Yuval grossman

Then don't watch the show if you don't enjoy it... You can listen to osts outside of it


👊 I think you need some sensitivity training regarding JJK. There are many written stories that have been adapted to a movie type experience that make for a more... smooth viewing experience. To simply spat "then don't watch it" from a fresh viewers take is massively transparent 🤣

Yuval grossman

My guy im just saying dont watch something of you don't enjoy it i dont really mind if you think the story is bad because everyone is entitled to their opinion...


But what if they suddenly get good at telling stories? I don't want to miss out. 🤘 I'll watch for the music alone 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

Yuval grossman

You do you man but you should know the story is more of a season two then one Hopefully you'll enjoy it


I definitely still enjoyed it. I was just Hella confused because of the delivery and I articulated said confusion. I'm learning that most "reactors" just smile and nod vs actually state anything other than stellar rave reviews because they are afraid of their communities or some shit. Media is very subjective person to person. There is no way I'm going to not keep going. I already did this much and I generally don't quit things. Also it was very visually stunning. 🤙


The last 45 secs is a setup for the next arc. The text was what the higher up has decided to do but it hasnt been executed yet. The reason they decided to let Gojo be sealed is because Gojo demanded that Yuji not to be executed back in S1 and because he's basically the strongest human on earth, the higher up has to follow his demand. Now that he's sealed, they want to use that to kill Yuji while he is sealed.


Ok. As somebody who got 85-90% of the story first watch, I’m wondering what, if anything in particular, is it that throws people for a loop with the plot. The pacing? The way information is presented? Who to trust?

Garret G

Maybe you're missing out on certain things because you don't remember certain details? With you taking your time on this anime, some of the details may have gotten lost? Most people including myself give a huge reaction when Yuta pops up since this is the first time you have seen him in the anime portion. Your reaction was very mute to this. Maybe you did not remember that this was the character from the movie? Maybe some of the impactfulness of the dialogue was lost because certain details were not picked up on? For example, It did not seem like you understood how big using idle Transfiguration on the ground and thus on the Earth was. When you take the idea of his technique and expanding it to the entire Earth, most people that picked that detail up would start flipping out. JJK Is a very detailed anime, and the power system thus is also detailed. If you would like to truly enjoy the next season of this anime, I highly recommend you do a personal rewatch. Or a YouTube video that will sum everything up. Or if you have a couple of minutes I would not mind partially talking to you about it. I've gotten my father into anime within the past year and you're reactions give me very similar vibes to his. It's very comforting tbh. I hope that I could maybe spread some light on things!


Accurate. When he pulled up in my head I was like "wtf... this mf not been here for AGES so wtf" lol. Seriously. I was so confused. I remember watching the movie and learning about him and he was just..ppooof..vanish... gone. Just too long removed to have a reaction over. To men that is. I get that others have not l more but I just was left like "why would I have investment". I'll do some reviews belt S3. I'm also currently watching the dub. There is no time for you to do a dad explanation. I appreciate the offer tho 🙏


JJK is one for me that’s better if you watch it again. A lot of plot threads that get touched on super lightly end up mattering a lot later on lol. Made me very confused on the first watch through After rewatching like 2 times to figure out WTF is going on, I’m excited for season 3 lol


Props for being honest - I have similar problems about the way the exposition is done and I really like the show still. Honest reactions are so much better and make your stuff even more worth watching


The author is simply bad at explaining things. He once admitted that he is now lost with all the characters' abilities.


Hmm, so not so much that the information isn’t there, but it’s very hard to digest, and so the story ends up being a strenuous experience, and the story feels like it’s lacking flow to a lot of viewers. I gotta say tho, I love that quick time shit 😂. I’m a sucker for subversion, so when little unknowns that I think about manifest themselves in the worst ways possible, taking the story in completely unexpected directions, I really enjoy that.


Also, could you cite when Gege said he was lost on the story? Really interested in what his current state of mind is.

Alexander musicboy

It is no secret that Mappa is one hardworking studio, taking on so many animes with so much little time. You might stumble upon the Blu-ray edition of Mahoraga vs Sukuna on Twitter or elsewhere. While issues like pacing and direction can sometimes arise due to time constraints, when given the opportunity, they manage to excel. There are minor things in the visual aspects, like slight discrepancies in Yuji's facial expressions, yet considering the circumstances, Jkk ultimately emerges as a commendable high-tier anime. Personally, I found great enjoyment in it, particularly after delving deeper into manga references and really digging into the plot that I eventually missed during my initial viewing.


its hard to say whether its good storytelling. there is more jujutsu kaisen to be adapted. my general idea of the show is that it has great action, animation and voice acting, and some interesting plot points. not a favorite for me but it was definitely very fun to watch.


I feel like the only reason I was able to follow the plot in the anime was because I read the manga previously. I can see how it would be confusing for anyone who hasn't read the manga


I think JJK is just one of those manga that will have some hiccups for the anime adaptation, not just because of all the animation but because of how jam packed it is of information. It’s hard to find a perfect stopping point. A sizable portion of this episode was anime original. They also removed a conversation between Choso and Yuji and switched it with the last 45 seconds you saw, which was actually the start of the next arc/season. Imo that conversation was a better way to end it and I was bummed that they postponed it. New characters that were supposed to be introduced before the next arc weren’t. So yeah the adaptation will have it’s issues lol


The reason the jujutsu higher ups decided to not free gojo is because they don't like gojo. Gojo talked about this in season 1 with the other schools principles. He wants all the higher ups dead. This was a great opportunity for the higher ups to get rid of Gojo.

Ethan Descoto

you’re totally right… you already know next season is gonna be as good if not better, that remark of “then don’t watch it” is totally irrelevant to what you said. music and visuals and characters are on top! thanks for being a honest reactor we really appreciate it. it’s why we watch!


JJK is a kind of anime that u need to be invested in to really understand

Moayd Art

I feel like you didn't realize this is just the end of season 2 not the whole story lol