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So .. are the V.E. movies as sad as this?
honestly questioning if we need to do those cause I am not sure if that is a value add to anything




This episode... gets me every single time 😭

Jackie Miles

I couldn't stop crying after watching this episode. I would recommend this anime bcs of the animation and story. It is really beautiful.


Violet Evergarden: The Movie closes out the story very nicely, i would definitely recommend watching that one. Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll is another standalone story which is not a must watch.


I'm going to guess it's been about 7 or 8 years since a show a could cause even a single tear to run down my face, and when I watched it like a month ago, this was the episode that finally broke me. If I'm being honest, I actually really liked the ending of the series without the movie to cap it off, but the movie definitely is important to the ending and closure so I'd say watch it. Besides, despite how heavy this series can get anime movies are amazing productions, especially ones made by KyoAni. Just think about how high quality these episodes are and imagine a budget even higher than that being focused into a single story.

ML Snow

The first movie Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll is like another chapter in the series, and it's not sad at all. And the second one is the end of the story. A lot of people don't watch the first one because “Oh it doesn't transcend into the ending”. I guess it's only seen by those who really liked the series like me.

Sebastian Stróż

Violet Evergarden: The Movie is absolutely a must since its a finale to the series. The other one is not a must watch but it's very good. But yeah ep 10 never failed to make me cry...

matthew bremmer

The movies have emotional moments fo sure, but they both provide massive character development for violet and closure for the story.


The anime shoulders the brunt of the sadness I'd say. The movies serve to complete the story. That's pretty much all that can be said without going into specifics. Rather that's all I'll say. Order for movies after episode 13 “Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll” “Violet Evergarden: The Movie” Note that "Violet Evergarden Reflections” is a recap movie and therefore NOT mandatory to watch.


After this show we really need to vote Tony watch like K-on or something to cleanse out the sad with some fun times and rock

plug-in panda

agree but not sure k-on would be the move. as much as i enjoyed it its not much good for reactions. something comedy centric would be good too


Ep 10 is just a different beast. (Personally) it's like the most awaited episode when people react to this show.

Chris Hee

Yeah, this was my favourite episode of the whole show...😭😭😭


The first movie is "just more Violet, and more budget" which is great. The second movie, there is some controversy. While it is seen as the conclusion, many find the end of the series to be a better finale (myself included, originally that is) The movie is gorgeous, there's an expanded score, and still has major gut punch moments but in a good way. However.. Many people see the movie as a step backwards in Violet's character development, I'm not going to go into detail because of what occurs, not going to spoil anything. If you do end up watching it, I'll post again there. I will reiterate, I do like the movie, my first time watching it I didn't, but it grew on me.

Parampreet Singh

Man this ep😭. I have watched this ep more than 6 times. It does not get any easier to watch it


The only good thing about K-ON is its ending with Mio vocals. And the very start of the show. But then it completely forgets about music and turns into a bland tea drinking anime. I like slice of life animes but K-ON still pisses me off cause of how big of a wasted opportunity it was.


I think the only way you could view the movie as a “step back in character development” is if you took the wrong message from the show itself. And tbh it is kind of understandable that people would, since it’s been so heavily reliant on emotional impact, but that doesn’t necessarily make it true. Also, no way in hell would the movie have played out like it did if she HADN’T developed lol


This is my favourite ep as well. Hits you like a truck doesn't it TT_TT

Kevin Wang

the finale movie is worth watching for a true ending to the story.


Oh for sure! It was actually a perspective I read in a different community, where the channel ended up not watching the movies. I think there is some merit in the discussion, but I love this series and see it as a loss to not watch all of it. I think everyone takes different things from this show, each episode impacts people differently.


Anne comes away with a happy life, 50 years of messages of love from her mother, and Violet continues to grow. There's lots to come away with that is beautiful. I never watch this episode and fail to come away wanting to tell my parents how much I love them. Almost perfect timing for Mother's Day, too

ML Snow

I don't understand why it would be a step backwards for Violet's character. Have they seen the movie correctly? 😂


I'm not going to put their reasoning because would be difficult without heavy spoilers, if Tony ends up watching it then I'll commentary there.

Jarod S

The movies are good and have some strong moments but this is the episode that everyone talks about for this show and imo the peak in terms of impact.

Tyler Bowler

i've been watching this for the first time along with you. I cried so much the last two my god.

Aaron Wright

Movies are heartwarming generally, and resolve the entire show and give it a capstone ending