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That was a good ending!



Suhas M

What an amazing journey from waiting for this show to get selected in the polls to seeing the festival performance reaction on the stream to getting it selected to finally finishing the series. This will be one of my fav reactions to the show I've seen. Thank you for making it

Jet Man

I'm glad it ended the way it did too. With how many downer moments the show had, the uplifting moments felt real noce. Also, nice to know it's easy to bust out the chops with 8 years of non-practice, lol.


Although it's not one of my favorite series, I really appreciate this anime for showcasing such a rarely explored setting with its depiction of 1960s Japan. There's this special energy in the air throughout the whole series where jazz, rock music, and western culture are all colliding with Japanese society. It's like a constant revolution going on and the youth of the day were just trying to figure out what it all meant. The way the world and the music seemed to ride along with the peaks and valleys of the characters' emotions really made me nostalgic for my teenage years when as you mentioned, every little thing seemed to be so final, so important. It makes me think that maybe it's good to remember that feeling every once in awhile, when you wear your emotions on your sleeves and experience everything to the highest high or lowest low. At least, I think that's what I took away from this show (and the kickass jazz).


What an anime... Also whatever service you streamed on doesn't have the OP, but it is one of my favorites. Sakamichi no Melody by YUKI. It is the song playing near the end.

Jarod S

That final jam was great stuff and nice to see things work out in the end. Wish there were more anime with a jazz focus but still excited to get to the final season of sound euphonium


First time ever watching this as it's difficult to find a link (legit or not) where I live. Enjoyed it so much.