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I know it's WAY too early to think about.. but this Anime is so good and I am already curious about what other Viking-related stories are put forth in Anime format.




Man how are we already 10 episodes in!!! Also obligatory "Peakland Saga"


Unfortunately I don't think anime actually has any other viking stories at the moment


Vinland Saga is like The Vikings story that exists in Japan right now as far as I know that is this good. Not only for anime but any media (Vinland Saga is adapted from a manga/comic). So yeah for us to get another good Vikings related anime we would need another author that is interested in this setting that ALSO knows how to make a good story. That seems unlikely lol. Your best bet is to find a shows that has similar themes. Funnily enough, the 2 that come to mind are 86 and Violet Evergarden (children affected by war), they're obviously very different. Edit: oh yeah, Attack on Titan is like the closes things we have I think, same studio, same vibes, similar themes but you've already watched it lol.


Def the only viking story , however in terms of historical military. (Focused less on the emotional aspects of war) there is a series called Kingdom. In the same dark genre of seinen ,it covers the unification of china in the 3rd BC. Imagine if you combine Vinland saga and onepiece with the setting of medieval china. It’s definitely going to be longer than onepiece. The author opened up the history book and decided to adapt the whole thing lool


Not Vikings, but if you are looking for another good historical anime Golden Kamuy is excellent. The production values aren't as good as Vinland Saga but narratively it's right there and has a ton of great characters. Season 4 just finished

Fuji Nami

If you ever do manga reacts berserk is a no brainer best of all time period not just manga or anime.. it's the best period. Kingdom manga is great too but sadly i can't name any viking anime

Ethan Martin

that's what happens when you watch the right anime. Vinland and Code Geass are both such amazing pieces of art

Walt D

This is the only Viking story, but FMAB has a similar sick plot and is from 2009, which says a lot. But I'm sure the community will say similar. The biggest decision is weather to watch the final season which is a super cool down from the other epic seasons, no spoilers. It is a decent personal watch for closure. Not that it is bad, because it makes sense with the after war life of warriors, but it just isn't edge of chair. But again, ask the community as your guidance.

Sebastian Stróż

As others said not much to choose from when it comes to Vikings but if you want an absolutely 5head story then Stains;Gate is a must watch.

Sebastian Stróż

And now that i think about it. Fate would be right up your alley with proper adult story, dark themes and 12/10 music and animation. Not Vikings but something you should put on your plan to watch list.


A fate reaction would be pretty nice to see for sure


Both your recommendations are too good man lol. Tho I think he would like fate more than SG


Kingdom manga is fantastic. Unfortunately its got lots of chapters but Ive never seen war done better in a manga

Sebastian Stróż

On paper I would agree. But S;G is something you wouldnt know you will like until you try it.