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My guy Money Bags has some financial hardships in his future 💵
That 2nd piece of music was cool. Also, the one with the sequence-based grooves was pretty nice as well. 🎶🎵




Man this episode made me really sad. Made me hate mahito

Noisy cow 777

You say that as if you didn’t already hate him. All this episode did was solidify my hatred even further


I mean yeah it made me hate even more. He is a good villain and his voice actor is great


Mahito has to be one of my favorite characters and his voice actor is doing an absolutely stellar job.


Money bags is an amazing character even though he doesnt get as much screentime as the main characters and gojo. He's for sure one of the more popular characters in the fanbase so you're definitely not alone

Jet Man

Mahito is both a sharp dresser AND a sharp kisser.


Also the two songs you asked for are Physical Prowess and Arrogance (the sequenced one )

Микита Кривогуб

Oh my, oh man. Did not expect this reaction to be to a blu-ray episode! Didn't even knew it came out. Didn't even knew this episode looks so fantastic now! Great changes, and I happy I saw them with you) I'm sorry that you've got spoiled... Well, this death is still beautiful. Very memorable, gory, fucked up, tragic. And still, I kinda think that giving your character such a memorable ending is kinda the best gift for them.


Sorry you got spoiled on Nanami, that really sucks


Jjk fans have built a reputation for being loose lipped with spoilers after this season. Sorry you got caught in that. It really sucks.

Ethan Martin

Not even blu-ray! Just already crazy good. Animators got the time they needed to make this episode shine. Well, aside from a few scenes that some people might've grazed past. i. e Itadori just somehow got out of the elevator in his fight against Mahito and we never saw how. But other than that I love it

Ethan Martin

I LOVE how much you love Mahito as a villain. I feel like 80% of the viewers hate Mahito for being a dirtbag and forget how that just shows how well he was written. He's MADE to be hateable. Also just his abilities open countless windows for creativity in how the animators choose to utilize them in their animation


People really are Dicks, I had a very important attack on titan death spoiled for me by some random dirtbag


Mahito is so hateable. Such a great villain for that reason.


Why is the sad episode gotta be a reaction on my birthday 😭🤣 Plus sorry that you got spoiled like that… fucking sucks.


You don’t have to yell I’m right here


Nanami. It still hurts so much =( But I can't help but still think Mahito is cool xD


The first track is called “Physical Prowess” and the pattern-based one is called “Arrogance” (I love this one btw)

Микита Кривогуб

That's craaaaaazy. I swear it didn't look that good. Goddamn! Like, it's not like someone told me it's blu ray and I was convinced. I genuinely watched it and scene after scene was convinced it's new xD Wow. Amazing episode then, damn.