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The largest scale fight ever 👊🔥
My 🧠is lost on most of the story tho LOL




Its happening


Man I feel bad seeing you so lost on this 😭Just know it's not your fault though, like I said before this anime isn't good at appropriately explaining what's going on or why...and whenever they explain things it's DURING all these crazy scenes.

Diego Castagnetti

ngl jjk is confusing for pretty much everyone the first time, don't feel "not smart enought" pls lmao. I had to read it several time and going back chapter to chapter everytime i was reading the manga. Watching the anime can be even more confusing 'cause sometimes the dialogues and descriptions in general are being cutted because of time issues or difficulty to animate a big ass text without being tedious, and also in the manga u have all the time u want to read and try to understand what they're talking about while in the anime u just receive so many informations and it get confusing. (sorry if there's some misspelling eng is not my first language)

Jet Man

JJK rolled a 1 on the comprehension saving throw.


In fairness - this version makes very little sense even compared to the finalised version since the order of cuts got moved around. In general though JJK is already a complete mess to follow in the first place

matthew bremmer

JJKs story is nonsensical to begin with. It's more of a 'turn your brain off and watch the cool fights' kinda anime.


It's completely fine to not instantly remember every detail, every power and every character relation, jjk is extremely dense with info like that. As many have said, it took a lot of us at least two rewatches/rereads to fully grasp it. This episode just explained the powers of Sukuna, his Domain Expansion and the tenth and most powerful Shikigami Megumi could summon. I'm sure if any of that info becomes relevant again someone in the comments will give a refresher or two. Also, this was the episode. There were tons of legendary animators taking part in creating this, but due to crunch it was rushed and only 30% got finished. The blu ray version fixed any mistakes and added several minutes of extra animation. It's mostly just eye candy and spectacle, but most would agree it's worth checking out some day!


Even though I read the manga for this I gave up on memorizing anything that isn't like in my face super important must know info because they just be saying shit that has no real meaning. Like there's all this supposed lore that gets dumped but none of it is really cohesive because it's all mentioned in passing but doesn't really help explain anything and it doesn't really add to what's happening at the moment. Like they'll explain a technique and try to give a detailed history lesson at the same time even though it has no real bearing on how the technique itself works. But yeah don't feel too bad for not being able to keep track of every little detail because even the fandom makes fun of the series for just talking out of its ass


yea i wouldnt feel bad about it man. it usually takes me 2 watches to get everything. and jjks exposition is its weakest element. the powers have to much/too complicated exposition and the story has too little exposition


Lesgoooo 🔥

freshyjazzy12 .

That's why you've got us here with you Tony! We can usually help explain whatever you're confused about and we're glad to help. In this episode specifically, there wasn't too much explained. That big guy could adapt to whatever was thrown at him and a long time ago Fushiguro's Ancestor and Gojo's Ancestor fought and the reason they both died was bc Fushiguro's Ancestor basically ko'd both of them by using this technique. Summoning some highly difficult monster that killed both of them. The funny thing is, Fushiguro tries to use this technique at any fucking inconvenience. He almost did it like 5 or more times in the first season lmao. He is ready to end it all I swear, if he stubbed his toe on a table he's summoning Mahoraga just because.


Remember all those times Megumi was about to summong something in Season 1 but stopped himself before he could do it? Well, it was this thing. There's a compilation if you search: ''Every time Megumi tries to summon Mahoraga In Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1&2''. It's supposed to be a last resort attack if he believes he's about to lose and die to an opponent. So yeah, he was about to die like 4 times in Season 1 lol. That's why Gojo told him to be greedier and actually try fighting when there's a chance.

Sebastian Stróż

After JJK you really need to watch Fate. Not only Sukunas VA is there but it's just an amazing experience both in terms of a story and fights.


Nah man jjk is kinda confusing at least I think on first understanding


good thing is that you dont hhave to understand something completely to enjoy it. I still dont understand most of the cursed technique abilities and stuff, but that doesnt stop me or lowers my enjoyment of the anime not one bit.

Sebastian Stróż

Man, watching this episode for like 5th time is just.... painful. Not only this fight is nonsensical from any point of view. It's impossible to follow because of point 1 and it looks just awful. Blu-ray version is 20 times better but its still an awful adaptation which totally sucks because this arc in manga was top tier.

The Quadfather (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-12 01:18:14 Do you binge watch and release weekly or do you also watch them weekly? If you’re watching one episode a week(plus all the other stuff you react to) it would probably be easy to forget stuff
2024-04-02 23:57:13 Do you binge watch and release weekly or do you also watch them weekly? If you’re watching one episode a week(plus all the other stuff you react to) it would probably be easy to forget stuff

Do you binge watch and release weekly or do you also watch them weekly? If you’re watching one episode a week(plus all the other stuff you react to) it would probably be easy to forget stuff


I remember when Megumi wanted to summon Mahoraga on episode 1 Itadori 😭


You're lost on the story because there is none lol

mr cool kid

This is an amazing adaptation from an animation and story point of view what are you talking about lol


a) I don’t get why people feel the need to complain about it, b) that’s a hot take, c) why would you hate watch it 5 times


This show makes a lot more sense on the rewatch. At least for me it did haha


imagine returning home from work just to see skyscrapers being thrown around and crowds getting cut to pieces via some invisible force


Yeah this anime is very confusing and a lot goes over my head while watching


should watch more dubs in the future if absorbing information is easier that way, no shame in that. Most dubs these days are great anyway... most


its not that you're not smart enough to understand, its more like.. the story got put on hold to show you pretty colors and randomly gave you information about powers along the way. the plot will return next episode

jordan asumani

Yeah bro is killing bro got lost through out all of this, it better if u rewatch it by yourself u will see more and much better, man this was funny I knew u wouldn't get it your face theoughout the reaction sayd it all😂