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LOL I am lost half the time
When I finish my limited free time re-watch of 86 in DUB, JJK will be next



Buttermilk Waffles

When Megumi was talking to toji and told him his name. Toji was glad that Megumi kept his mothers last name and didn’t join the zenin clan.


I didn’t enjoy this show as much as I could’ve tbh. There were major spoilers EVERYWHERE when this season was airing.


I recommend paying very close attention to the last 15ish seconds of the opening in the next 2 episodes as there are some changes to the visuals that coincide with the episodes (Nothing spoilery just a cool nod to the events of the arc)

Lee White

This episode was actually finished mostly completely . The changes in the animation here are mainly just different animation styles used E.g no shadows used and the change when they run through the building. Some scenes suffered dimming and ghosting due to Japanese tv regulations which cant be helped unfortunately. Next episode however when it aired was very unfinished. The blue-ray fixed mostly everything there however so when that comes out officially it will be a treat to watch!


Any popular show in general will inevitably be spoiled unless you don’t use social media like , at all. Surprisingly with how popular jojo bizzare is I havnt gotten spoiled other than the character designs


Whoever you talked to about the animation simply just had bad taste or gaslit themselves into thinking it’s bad after hearing about the Mappa conditions like a lot of people unfortunately did There are no animation problems in this whole show, there are changes made in the blu ray that make scenes look better but there was never a moment where those scenes were anything less the great. This episode features a new type of art style which some people don’t like and because of that they used the mappa Scandle as the scapegoat to insult the production which is incredibly disrespectful to the animators, this also happened with episode 17 and a 30 second cut from ep 20 unfortunatel. They were rushed to bring out a great product when they could’ve made an amazing one with more time is all it is The style in this episode is very similar to the mob psycho style which favours simplifying designs and color schemes to enable more fluidity in movement which is probably my favourite style of season 2 in the few episodes it appears The only bad cut of animation in the entire season is in episode 14 when Maki is given her weapon by Megumi and runs up on Dagon, and even that doesn’t look too bad and was only pointed out because of how out of place it looked compared to the rest of the series I hate that it feels like I’m defending Mappa because 100% I’m not


Hey man it's sad but very understandable that you're having trouble keeping up with the story and characters. One of my few complaints with the show is it's definitely not exactly "beginner friendly" in an anime sense because it's pretty bad at explaining things. (They also don't spend much time with many characters so the viewer can get used to them before moving on) On top of the fact that you're watching so many other things I can tell it's tough to keep up, I hope it's better on your rewatch though at least!


No you're right, this style is very good but it's an artistic/stylistic choice that Tony isn't used to because of him being pretty new into these battle anime. Some of the best animated scenes in anime use this style, it takes me back to the controversy around Naruto vs Pain back in the day. Super good animation, but if you're not used to the purposeful lack of detail in order to focus on the animation being clean then you could be convinced it's incomplete.

ML Snow

The overall aesthetic change for this chapter is quite noticeable. They opted to use the minimum of detail in the characters with an artistic purpose, giving a more "cartoonish" aesthetic in moments of comedy and more fluidity in the action. I personally love it. It all looks very clean with the photography and art direction work.


Those stickers that change are called lenticulars. Pretty popular among the anime community, I have a couple on my car. Toji killed himself because he realized that was his son, who took his mother's last name Fushiguro instead of his dad's Zenin. Megumi would've been a part of the Zenin clan but back when Toji fought Gojo, Toji's dying words pertained to that information in which shortly after Gojo practically adopted Megumi into Jujutsu instead of letting him go to Zenin. Which Toji was glad for in this scene and hence why he took himself out to not kill his son Random comment but just imagine what a 3 way fight would look like between Toji, Gojo, and Sukuna. The strongest human, vs the strongest sorcerer vs the strongest curse. Who would your money be on 👀

Sebastian Stróż

Damn... if you can spot so many lows for this episode then the next one gonna be fun lol.


So this episode was actually one of the ones that had a good production time and was complete on time it just had a different art and animation style which is a shadowless style that takes away shadowing and detail to add to fluidity and movement, it's not everyone's cup of tea (an anime that uses this style very well would be Mob Psycho 100). That doesn't mean the animation was lacking or it didn't have a good budget as an incredible amount of extremely talented well known animators worked on this single episode and was one of the few episodes that had a good schedule. Next episode is the one that everyone is talking about how it was only 30 percent complete until the blue ray came out and the full vision was realized.


I just was going off what the comments were saying. It's hard to keep track of everything of what ep and when. If anything they clearly gave me a placebo


Yeah, I understand that. Episode 17 is the one that everyone was most likely talking about in the comments


I will add that the blu ray for this ep will clean up a lot of shots and remove the dimming etc, but it won’t be an overhaul like episode 17 got which also added minutes of extra shots

Микита Кривогуб

Toji had to kill himself because technique that keeps him alive makes him into automatic killing machine. The realization that he's fighting his own son gives him a bit of free will to make the decision to stop himself before he continues fighting.


Toji killed himself because he realized he was just possessing the granny's son, and was on autopilot killing everyone, and didn't want to kill his son, so basically he just saved megumi from grandma


I think it's about consistency for a lot of people, they are not professional animators so they throw out ignorant judgmental takes, but really they were just expecting the same animation style as before and got something they don't know how to appraise. Flip Floppers has a consistent fluid animation style like this and noone calls Flip Floppers animation bad, because it's consistent. Idk though the Pain fight is still my favorite anime fight of all time, but I get where people are coming from.


I'm just here to watch. If people wouldn't have said anything beforehand I doubt I would even think to say anything


Yeah Tony that’s how I choose to watch stuff, if it’s well written I don’t care if it’s animated like a Microsoft PowerPoint

Alejandro Pupo

So quick tip, in modern anime when you see episodes that have less detailed art/shading, those are usually supposed to be episodes that have more of an emphasis on the actual animation/motion. They're episodes that feature specialized animators and directors, where in a lot of cases, those animators are allowed to show off their style of drawing and animation.

Alejandro Pupo

You will see that in the next episode too. Simple shading and sometimes off model animation, to emphasize dynamic movement.


People who say the animation is bad have no sense of style they just want everything to look realistic lmao. In general I would say most anime fans don't know a lot about animation


A dub rewatch won't help, this shit is incomprehensible even if you watch it in English because the rules change every episode lmao. Fun show but I wouldn't worry about missing the details. Not saying don't rewatch it, I think it would be fun to rewatch on a treadmill etc. I hear the English voice cast is good too


Definitely took rewatches of a few episodes for me to fully gather what was going on between everyone. As for the animation, no one could tell anything was "unfinished" or w/e until the Blu Ray came out and touched up everything. Some of the frames mid fight may be seen as flat, but that is a pretty common artistic choice when depicting characters moving very fast. It gives off the feeling of "unrefined desperation" and the two sides throwing everything they got at each other (though it was very one sided this time)

Dennis Waschlos

Jogo is really strong. His introduction back in S1 was intimidating which set up expectiations only for him to go up against Gojo later and getting his butt kicked. Now he shows up and takes out Nanami, Maki and Naobito (24FPS guy) within a minute only to get his butt kicked again this time by Sukuna. This man had to fight the Lebron James and Micheal Jordan of sorcerers. However he shows an intresting perspective on curses. Before his fight against Gojo he was impulsive and acted more like Sukuna said he should. However after his loss against Gojo he changes his behaviour and putts his strength into "Getos" plan and his comrades. He also shows emotions like grief over his fallen comrades or pride from Sukunas praise. Keep in mind this is a curse yet he shows human emotions. Curses are portraied as these mindlessly evil creatures born out of pure negativity which most of them are. But as they evolve and become more intelligent they seem more and more like humans.

mr cool kid

In my opinion by far the best episode in the show so amazing and beautiful

Ethan Martin

The animation is super top notch this episode. It just compromises on having detailed still frames to achieve some extremely fluid animation. It's honestly like whether you prefer chocolate or vanilla. Beautiful still frames with less animation, or very fluid and dynamic animation but with less shading, model consistency, etc.

Ryan Pebeck (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-29 11:48:24 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.
2024-03-27 20:41:16 A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.

A little tough to explain to someone who isn't as into animation but this episode is one of the most impressive pieces of animation I've ever seen. When animes go into flat coloring like this it is usually to focus on the fluidity and motion of what they are animating. I think it's something that takes some getting used to for people who are newer to anime but once you look at this episode you will see how the character's movements are so amazing. It's something that is extremely limited with more rigid lines and detailed characters. It's perfectly fine to like different styles but this is excellent world-class animation.

Square Block

Man got to love that the bunny said, fuck it and start it throwing hands too XD.