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That is a lot of fingers 🤮LOL




Im so hyped for your reaction to the next 2 episodes!!!


Episode 16/17 my favorites 😎17 is just nuts


Did you see the blu ray version of ep 17 on Twitter today? Like damn they weren't lying that the original was only 30 percent complete cause the blu ray version is insane


No actually it's funny I had that in my search bar right now trying to find it but haven't seen it yet

Ethan Martin

The soundtrack and animation in the next 2 episodes is aboslutely stunning


Episode 17 spoiler: https://twitter.com/JJKcontents/status/1770182068133085522?t=KoA0STJjzrZ3DBNZYe7nLQ&s=19


Loayza I just watched it and my jaw is dropped, that needs to be released to streaming so I can see it again in full quality because HOLY SHIT! I feel so sad they didn't have the time to release THIS...Absolutely stunning I can't imagine how broken the internet would be if we got that the first release

Eli L.

My understanding is the dimming is required by Japanese law for TV episodes to prevent seizures from scenes with a lot of flashing lights.

Lijnaito2021 !

Don't forget the only time we've seen Jogo fight Somebody is Gojo and that's a whole ass cheat code. Jogo is one of the strongest curses and him bodying three sorcerers in a matter of seconds just shows you how badass he really is he

Микита Кривогуб

Fiiiiire episode! Here's a power balance for you. Remember how Gojo TRASHED Jogo? How he brought Yuji to the fight to just teach him how domains work on Jogo's example? Well, that fight led many people to underestimate Jogo and his capabilities. But here's what happens ones he fights anyone but the strongest sorcerer of today: quick destruction. It's really shocking that something like this just happened to our good guys in mere seconds, but can you imagine any other show doing something so bold? Such drastic boldness and power balancing of JJK is one of the many reasons why it's so good, I think... Not a lot of other media makes you truly believe anyone could die. Now one thing from the manga that anime doesn't explain is how Jogo manages to get the Freeze Frames guy, if he's the fastest sorcerer behind only Gojo. Well, it's explained that him missing a hand and not behind able to adjust to this drastic change to his body balance in a span of a few minutes leads to his speed decreasing. So here's why Jogo proved to be faster... And now he's in front of Sukuna, seemingly being ready to take him on... That could work, right? After all, now we see how strong Jogo actually are. Maybe there is a chance for him. But then, what chance do our heroes have if he succeeds? Ironically, seems like everyone's lives are dependent on these two antagonists now. While the scene plays out, you can hear a snippet of one of Sukuna's amazing themes. I'm very exited for you to soon hear it's fuller version) And that contrasting melody right at the end when they discuss their deal? Ohh, I love it a lot too. It's just so pleasing to hear. While all this happens, Megumi is taken outside by his resurrected father. So what does it mean? Does Toji see Megumi as the next strongest after Dagon to "bear his fangs" against? Or is there, maybe, some family connection at play?.. Guess we'll see) By the way, if it makes it any better: I think author said that Sukuna's fingers taste kinda like a soap. Now, it's not great for sure, but it's faaaaar better then anything your mind imagines they would taste like when you look at these ugly motherfuckers.


Yeah, Cube was great!


In a few days the Blu-ray should be online and in a few more days it should have the subtitles synchronised. Hopefully it will be ready before Tony watches the episode.


all of the blur in the animation. you can look up the blue ray footage and see. the animation is a lot cleaner


"It's okay to breathe, right? He won't kill us for that?" That really puts into perspective just how utterly terrifying Sukuna's presence is.



Brayan Yepiz

get ready cause it only gets better from here :)


the change in brightness and colours is called dimming, something japan implemented into their animation to prevent epileptic seizures. it had happened in the past, when pokemon aired.