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The ending though.   I wonder who said that




The one and a half minute fight segment after the opening song was anime original, except for the blocking at the end and the spoken text.

Sebastian Stróż

I just can't express how perfect the last few episodes have been. Frieren proved time and time again it's an easy 10/10. There is just nothing more to say.


In the ending Richter said that (who was healed by the golem), because he didn't know who is Edel. So nothing special, just a little joke. :)


I think the plan worked where Frieren was ready to take a hit against her clone to make that opening for Fern. Even with her opening, Fern wasn't strong enough to completely beat clone Frieren, so it ended up being Fern taking a hit to make an opening for Frieren.


Lol Richter was the one who said "Who are you?". Edel was acting all familiar but they hadn't spoken at all up until that point.


"I haven't had to use that in about 80 years" implies she used that in the fight against the Demon King.

Eli L.

Yeah, the dialogue was dragging the episode a bit around the Ubel scene but it bounced back and wrapped the episode nicely.


It seemed like it was meant to be a joke, but I could tell you just didn't recognize his voice. Its interesting how voice recognition is harder just because they're speaking a different language sometimes.


I don't think it was really dragging. The entire episode was PEAK.


I didn’t put 2+2 together on that one until I saw this lol


Assuming there's nobody else with Richter's voice, Richter said it. And definitely nothing deep or weird. Just post-battle humor.

Chris Hee

Übel is definitely not invincible, and she could be defeated by several of the other examinees - theoretically at least


Yeah, she doesn't do well against things that look like magic, but things that look like normal objects imbued with magic like clothing or hair are her specialty.


really? I was super interested in the Ubel stuff lol. I like how they addressed what was revealed in her introduction (she killed a 1st class mage), but due to her demeanor everyone just assumed she was too violent or psychotic. Everything in this anime is more complicated than it seems and that’s the best part of it all imo


Technically Fern and Frieren both took a hit, they just expected only Frieren to take a hit. Plans don’t always work out exactly as you expect, that’s what makes life interesting 😂 10/10 episode in my eyes, I loved every part of it


Show is starting to suffer from shounen power explaining syndrome I fear

Ethan Martin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 12:21:40 I didn't think there was any notably bad writing in this episode personally. it's just a weird adjustment going between watching a crazy action-packed spectacle of a fight and calm dialogue scenes. With how well this show does with those slower-paced but interesting dialogue scenes, I love it either way.
2024-03-11 04:47:33 I didn't think there was any notably bad writing in this episode personally. it's just a weird adjustment going between watching a crazy action-packed spectacle of a fight and calm dialogue scenes. With how well this show does with those slower-paced but interesting dialogue scenes, I love it either way.

I didn't think there was any notably bad writing in this episode personally. it's just a weird adjustment going between watching a crazy action-packed spectacle of a fight and calm dialogue scenes. With how well this show does with those slower-paced but interesting dialogue scenes, I love it either way.

Jet Man

That, or Himmel got WAAAY too assertive in one of his advances.


I mean the whole backstory and explanation with Ubel is pretty essential in being able to understand what makes her different from other mages, the actual power explaining part of her spell was only a few seconds


i know this is old but yikes. lots of "shonen trash" lovers here. Only love to see action and the moment dialogue appears, they get bored. Vinland saga season 2 is gonna be a treat for Tony. I dont have to be here but some ppl should just stay in their lanes like reviewing music.


FireDragons, whyyyy TF are you still even here? I have never seen someone so fucking fragile over how someone else watches a story. "stay in their lane like reviewing music" Short answer.... no.


Ubel would never be able to actually beat a classic mage like Denken , Methode and Fern. Or a methodical killer like wirbel. The thing about intuition is... Well it is not something you can control. That is why Werbel using normal defensive magic not in the shape of a cloth was enough to stop her spell :D I am not even sure she could handle richter. I mean she can somewhat slice a rock but the dude makes mountains. Intuitively even to her mountains cant be cut D:


I can agree with firedragons a little. Some people that are into shonen are the type of people that just go "show me the action" all the time and I feel like its disingenuous to the show as a whole and it's story. But I can also kinda agree with Tony though. As much as I love learning about a character, their thoughts and development, I sometimes dislike it if they show a whole story or monologue about someone in the middle of a fight scene or plot development. There various ways you can do scenes like that, and you can give it it's time and place, but i feel it shouldn't detract what's currently going on.


I think you might need to look up the definition of disingenuous. If anybody thinks that I am that because i'm talking during this reaction, I just can't comprehend it all. I'm allowed to love an entire series with a brief moment of comments about lack of action


Her acquiring Sorganeil is a huge boost to her kit that prevents opponents from using those classic magic defenses that would counter her cutting magic. Before she got it, unless she has some other cool magic we don't know about, she would actually lose against almost every other test taker, but now the only ones who could counter her would be Frieren who is probably resistant to Sorganeil and Land who could counter her with a couple clones, and maybe 50/50 against Wilber depending who casts it off first. She would still be super weak against multiple opponents, but if it's a proper 1v1 it's instant gg against anyone else.