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This year I will finish the game - that's my promise to myself. 

Short story is the $5 tier is going to become $1 thanks to all of your contributions. This will mean you can keep some more of your hard earned cash, but the project will still proceed. We might even get more people interested in the game.

The reason I started Patreon in the first place was to help me afford paying artists as well as engage with people who cared about the game. I think I have a big war chest of money saved up now thanks to all of you. Every cent of it will be going to artists or voice actors. 

Since I have enough money for this project (in my opinion). I am going to drop down to a single tier of $1 per month. I just wanted to let all of you know so you can be prepared for next month. 

I am going to find a way to reward / thank those of you who have been with me the longest on this journey. Your joy and interest in the game is what motivates me to want to finish it. For your love and support I am eternally grateful.  

New content coming soon.

Here's to an awesome new year for everyone. <3



I can't wait to see this project finished. The story and art are amazing. XD keep it up!