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Some of you may know that the second episode of Lunar will involve birds. I thought I would let you know that I am actually making progress on that part of the game I now have a concept artist secured and I am writing the story as well. 

I hope you enjoy these lovely boys for now. 




Looks very good. I'm getting some tribal vibes from their outfits. We've only seen mammalian species so far on the ship, and mentioned back on their home planet. Am I correct in guessing that these birds are the inhabitants of the planet in the neighbouring star system? The "horrible monsters" that the library documents referenced, that the government declared must be destroyed before they have a chance to destroy them? They're seemingly non-threatening. Damn, fanatic xenophobes indeed.


Yes they are! these birds live in the neighboring star system. This is not where the Lunar crew planned to end up, but a missile from home planet threw them off course. So these birds are not the monsters, the monsters are dragons in another star system! These birds are tribal (Scottish vibes) and live in trees. Episode 3 you will get to meet the dragons. They will be the very opposits of monsters of course ❤️