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Jonas has started up work on the sprites for Red. The plan is for 12 expressions with 3 different outfits.




12 expressions?! I don't think I even have that many irl.


Wow that looks adorable great job


Aww, he's very cute. Though I wonder, most of the other sprites look like they're done by WagnerMutt. Are there going to be sprites from multiple artists?


Al of the sprites have been done by Jonas actually! The sex scenes by Wagner and the cut scenes by Ilya. I selected Jonas in part because his style and Wagner’s style are so similar. I’m convinced Jonas is a hidden jem and once the rest of the world discovers him he’ll be too busy to help me anymore =D The musician for the game (Slate) turned out to be such a hidden talent that he hasn’t had time to finish Violet’s theme .. yet =D


Please, please make an Android port. I might die without one.