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Greetings my cherished benefactors.
Allow me to give you my deepest heartfelt gratitude for supporting my art and helping me realize my passion. :3
I love drawing and I'd like to keep doing it for the foreseeable future. And thanks to your help, I'm able to sustain myself as a freelance artist.
Sometimes life gets on the way, sometimes I don't get much sleep or I have to announce delays, but rest assured I will fulfill all of your rewards in due time.
I hope that you guys stay with me and are able to support me in the long term, I'd be very grateful.
In the event that you can't, please don't worry. Investing in art is a luxury and it's perfectly understandable if you need to use your money for other things. Don't hurt yourselves in order to help me.

October 2021 wrap-up:

Artworks: 6

Reward fulfillment: Completed

- Hallowneppsy - fulfilled
- Haato's supermarket trip - fulfilled
- Miriam's honeymoon - fulfilled
- El Clear daki (Side A) (full body preview exclusive) -fulfilled
- El Clear daki (Side B) (full body preview exclusive) -fulfilled
- Natsu morning visit -fulfilled

Bonus:  3

- Natsu (Yandere variant): Exclusive
- Natsu nopan variant + nopan yandere: Exclusive
- Haato nopan variant: Exclusive

Total rewards for October : 9


Pay, take and run: 2
Fake pledges/bot pledges: 0
Frauds/scams: 0

This month was a bit busy with life stuff but still managed to fulfill artwork quota and make some lood variants as well. There are however a few things I must report to you guys.

At the end of October two strong supporters departed.  The blow to my finance is significant and I wasn't notified in advance to make any preparations.  Here are some things that will change hopefully temporarily.
*I'll have to open commission slots more frequently, regardless of backlog
*commission rates (starting on December) will receive a moderate boost.
*Patreon only artworks will come back.
*It's likely I will indulge on Pixiv requests from time to time.
Please tell me your thoughts about these changes and any suggestions of your own are welcome.

As a side note, there has been instances of patrons who pledge only to gain access to a secured slot and unpledge immediately after. While this is a valid way to get a commission in the oven, it puts me in a bit of a bind since the bulk of my finance relies on the high tiers often. A few days notice would help me prepare for eventualities. I also think that since there are patrons who are hunting for an open high tier, it's not fair to just grab it, use the perk and then toss it. So starting December, any new Tiers 4 and 5 will need to be subscribed for at least 2 months (which is a commissions round cycle.) in order to claim their secured slot. Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause to new supporters.
Back on topic, I am very happy with this month's artworks and I thank you all for your amazing reception and support. Thanks so very much! *bows*

Reminder: Rewards are now distributed via Google drive link which is posted on every finished artwork and on monthly reports. Rewards are added as they are completed. Do keep the link handy. You can still get the rewards the old way, but there's no telling when Patreon will downscale files (seems pretty random.)

Google drive link for October:

*For tiers 3,4 and 5 their exclusive rewards are on this post:

We're moving to November, guys and gals! :3

That's all for October's report.
Any doubts or questions don't hesitate to ask!

Hugs and love to you all!

Many thanks for your continued support and let's stay together for a long time ;)



I honestly feel like the fact that that any new tier 4 or 5 people have to have their tier for at least 2 months to claim their slot is valid and I'm honestly surprised you didn't do this sooner... Though this doesn't affect me as I'm in one of those 2 tiers and have been for most the time I've been here.