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Hey guys, a big apologies for the large delay.
As I said in the Discord server, my pen tablet has been acting up and I will try to get a replacement as soon as possible. This is the second tablet of the same model that has broken down on me, thankfully I can still use it, somewhat. It will just take longer to get the artworks done. As usual, any eventualities I'll let you guys know on advance.
Without further ado I leave you with the 1st artwork of the month :3
This was a concept I wanted to try so I could practice more male elements and some complex angles as well. Overall I'm extremely pleased and happy with results! Hope you guys like it too! :D

Notes: concept and setting were done at the request of the client.
Notes2: Several variants coming shortly as Patreon exclusives! :3

Google drive link:




👀 the near symmetry of the piece is oddly captivating, nice work :D