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Hey guys! sorry for taking a a while to post, but I was working on the gumroad and archiving posts. In any case, here's progress on the next artwork~
le  rough, le body sketch (3 polishing passes a bit of a tough pose, mainly because a lot of things were requested to appear on the frame x3) and le clothes sketch.

More updates shortly~




Time to go buy all your packs on Gumroad~ /)* v*)/) T^T)7 finero my dinero, you were well spent


How far back did you archive? I haven't saved all your works in awhile so I hope I'm not missing any xD


It's a LOT of posts, still archiving xD Everything older than 2 months is getting archived. Do remember that this has been planned with months in advance. After a post has been archived, only tiers 4 and 5 have access to it, and these posts are subsequently uploaded to gumroad. Thus you have full 2 months to catch up on the download of your rewards ;)