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Cherished supporters.
You might have received an official e-mail from Patreon in the past few days, notifying you from a change in how Patrons are charged per pledge they make.
So, long story short: As of December 18th 2017, Patreon will be adding a charge of 0.35 ¢ to all pledges, regardless of amount. This rate is fixed and affects all pledges, from the smallest to the highest ones.

So for example, if you are pledging to a single creator $10, as a patron you'll be charged $10.35 instead. Which doesn't seem like much, BUT.
This is only if you are supporting one or maybe a couple of creators.

BUT IF you happen to be a patron who is supporting many creators (say 20 creators) and you have a $1 pledge for all of them, instead of just being charged those 20, you'll be charged an extra .35 for each of those pledges, adding to a total of $27. Yep, it's ridiculous. WTH, Patreon?
How this affects us creators?
It doesn't so far, but this could make many donors to drop support and then it would affect us all.
This was implemented in order to give more revenue to us creators, since Patreon takes around 10% from our earnings every month.
With this measure we'd only lose 3, 5% reportedly.
But in exchange, Patreon is screwing over our patrons, and that's horrible.

How this affects patrons?
As I said above, it varies depending on how many creators you are supporting. If you are supporting a couple of creators, it won't affect you much BUT IF you are supporting a lot of people this measure will affect you the most. Not to mention that supporters who can only pledge $1 to their creators will be forced to end support or cancel some pledges altogether.

As creators we are powerless against the management decisions that Patreon makes, but if this affects you as a patron then don't worry about me; lower your pledge or delete it if you need to. I've said it before: Don't hurt yourselves in order to help me. I'm deeply grateful for your help and I'll understand if you have to give up support.
Let's hope that things change for the better later on, because this is not okay, specially for the smaller donors/creators.

Once again, I'm very grateful to you all for your support, stay awesome!


Right Arm

Is there's an other manner to support you?


Ouch... xD; i aldready have a rather small pool of patrons here, this might hit me hard x.x


Hey there, I believe you are only supporting me ATM. Which means that you'd be charged an extra 0.35 cents to your pledge. You can reduce your pledge as a countermeasure ;)


Thanks for the heads up about the multiple's part, I hadn't considered that. For me it just means I have to be careful about not overextending how many people I choose to support.


Will still support you. Thanks for letting us know. Keep your heads up helve~ We all love you~ ♡


Well I do think that this sucks to an extent, but as long as you (the creator) are not getting screwed out of or losing any additional money for your work, then I won't let it effect me continuing to support the ones I wish to.