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Cherished benefactors. Once again I thank you deeply for your support and preference. Really, thanks a bunch!

I was thinking, most of the patron rewards are monthly or bi-weekly focused. There is content to be posted but I think I can handle a few minor rewards while you wait the monthly ones.

That said, what would you guys like to see?
more tips? perhaps a sketch or two? lewd variations of my safe works?
don't hold back and tell me what you'd like to see so I can keep a constant influx of content for you guys. ;)

Thanks again and stay awesome! :D



I'd say variations and tips on maybe using the program or how to draw something. Those would be nice.


Honestly I found the tips/tutorials the most interesting out of the rewards xD but variations is also another plus!


Did someone say lewd alts?


How about Purple Heart and Purple Sister taking a bath together?


Many thanks for your input guys! :D From the looks of it, lewd variations are on the table :3 @Marco, Hmmm, maybe I can implement a "weekly sketch" and have you guys vote? what do you guys think? Nothing super fancy tho, as my schedule is already packed XD


I'm interested in the tutorials and advice, but the weekly sketch poll sounds fun too.


Sketch sounds good, maybe to try characters you haven't drawn before? Sort of a first go series


Anything is fine honestly its more like what you feel like you want to do