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Hi there friends! Hope you are all fine out there.

Being a very small team (2 people, with only one modeler) makes it very hard to stick to a regular schedule as any small bump on the road affects us more than it would a bigger team, with backup modelers and all. So, unfortunately, our current set is running late again.

That being said, we can guarantee that every month will have a new set, we just can't lock on a specific date for every month. We tried and we failed too many times.

What we will be doing from now on is not setting a date for release anymore, but we will give you more updates during the month. We believe that this will make you guys part of the process and more comfortable knowing things are moving on.

With that in mind, as we move along, here is our Robocop mini!

We appreciate all of you guys support and please feel free to reach out by commenting or private messaging us any questions or feedback you might have... We will definitely do our best to work around any issues!

Thank you all!

The Pop Minis (small) Team!




Harry D

We totally understand. You guys are great, keep up the awesome work! . Adding this to the printer for sure!


So long as I get the models, I'm happy. Doesn't matter when. I do appreciate that you keep us in the loop though.

Josh Rose

What everyone else said: you guys rock and whenever they arrive, I'm good!


Thanks a lot guys! Really appreciate the support and the excitement! 😄