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Dear friends,

As I promised, I will give you a small christmas gift (or better said: Ursula will give it) and using all her weight to get you into the right mood!

I have two versions for you:

Bra-version: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8z00oc4q87x1ks7bvadvp/Christmas-2023.mp4?rlkey=iu1ck5bn454x4elw7zap3b7ev&dl=0 

A patreon-only topless version: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g3qgrj0r1o1lc9qxbyhy3/Christmas-2023-topless.mp4?rlkey=ztiqfjv7lhwql3unv6uhx1id5&dl=0 

You may notice some voice! I'm testing AI-voice with this and the first time ever I'm really happy with the results! You can expect more voicelines in future animations!

Merry, merry christmas to you! I think we all earned some days with our families, our friends or just for ourselves! 

Thank you for the support! Stay tuned and take care!




Amazing work, keep it up