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I'm afraid that I have not been able to add enough content this month to justify charging you good people. Those of of you who paid for January have been refunded for February. I have half a dozen new chapters and stories in the pipeline, but none of them are ready for publication, and I doubt they will be before March. I have been working this month to improve my financial situation, and I hoped I could  still get enough writing done regardless, but I was mistaken. If I have missed anyone, please let me know.


Josh Stack

I just want to say thanks for all the effort you put in and I wish you the best of luck with next month's stories/chapters. I hope you have as much fun writing them as we do reading them.

John Doe

Wow, smart move. I was about to unsubscribe, but I won't, thanks to the refund. That's actually a smart marketization move on your part. Imo, you now just have to also stagger the story releases, so you don't blow out 12 chapters within one month :D That way you'd have a buffer for future gaps between posts.

John Doe

Aaay, what about an update?