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A slightly mean Christmas-themed sequel to the Homecoming and The Birthday Party, to start off the season. I hope you enjoy.

“Good Morning, Stinky-Pants! Merry Christmas!” said a beautiful woman in a yellow bikini.

Sometimes, I think back to when I lived on my own, when I was skinny, wore panties like a big girl, went to school, and paid my own bills. I try not to do that, since it was really boring most of the time. I only really do it to remind myself of how much better my life is now. Still, even back then, I loved Christmas. The music, the food, the decorations, the way we all just agreed to stop being jerks to each other for a couple weeks a year and just remind each other that we still really care.

So, since my sister Samantha has improved literally every aspect of my life, you can imagine how excited I am for Christmas now! Mommy actually let me open one of my presents early the night before, just like she used to when I was little. I got the most adorable set of pink pajamas, with snowflake decorations all over them! I didn't used to like pink, but Samantha explained that it's my favorite color now. I love her so much! I hope the other boxes under the tree for me are all more diapers. They were last year, so I have that working in my favor. I got to open one huge box of pampers after another, and thank Samantha for each one. She just laughed and laughed. It was the best Christmas ever!

I yawned and stretched, popping my thumb out of my mouth. Kathy was lying behind me, nose against my rear, as always. She liked to be able to smell me right away when I made a stinky in my diaper during the night. I nearly always did, and this morning was no exception. I loved waking up with a mound of warm, sticky mush in my pants, and I made sure to rub it against Kathy's face, just to show her how much I care about her. Occasionally, I would go a whole night without pooping my diaper even once, and Kathy was always so sad and disappointed afterward that I always made sure to try harder next time. Mommy has gotten into the habit of feeding me something with plenty of fiber before bedtime, so it almost never happens any more. Sometimes Kathy wakes up and changes me during the night (Samantha would be furious if I got a rash) and if it's close enough to morning, I will still sometimes wake up with a clean diaper, but that's getting pretty rare. Almost every morning was like this one, where the first thing that greeted me was the smell of my own messy bottom. It made me smile every time.

Kathy dropped the bars of the crib and climbed out, then turned to help pull me out. I can still get out of the crib on  my own if I try, but Samantha says that burns a few calories, so I'm not allowed to do it without help. Mommy used to do my morning routine with me, but these days it's mostly Kathy. I like Kathy a lot, don't get me wrong, but I do miss having Mommy pull out the measuring tape to check my waist-line, then help me up on the scale, then onto the changing table for my fresh morning pampers. Kathy goes through the measuring part faster than Mommy. I can tell she's eager to get straight to the changing.

Kathy drew in a long breath through her nose as I lay back and stuck my chubby legs in the air for her. “Woo! Looks like I get to open my first Christmas present now!”

She tickled my chubby thighs and belly, then pulled off my warm pajama pants and cracked open my diaper. I clapped and giggled. Getting changed is the perfect way to start the day. “I made it myself, just for you!” I joked.

“Who's a fat dumb-dumb? Who's a fat dumb-dumb?” cooed Kathy, in between deep breaths and passes with the wipes.

“Me! Me!” I clapped and cheered as I was wiped and powdered. Soon, Kathy carefully pulled the tapes tight across my waist. I love a clean diaper just as much as a dirty one, but what I really love is knowing that I'm too lazy and stupid to ever change myself. I was sure to give Kathy a big hug once I was upright again. She gives great hugs, and it's the perfect way to finish a diaper change. She helped me back into my winter jammies, tickling and pinching my belly as she did. We have so much fun!

“Kathy! Get my sister's fat ass down here! Now!” came Samantha's voice from downstairs.

“Yes, ma'am!” called Kathy, her good mood replaced with worry.

Kathy quickly pulled me toward the door of the nursery. Samantha sounded unhappy about something. I hoped it wasn't something that I did. Kathy was probably wondering the same thing. Sometimes Samantha spanked her if she made a mistake or was late with one of her chores. I don't like it when she does that, but of course I understand that Samantha knows what's best and it is very important that Kathy learns her lessons.

Kathy carefully escorted me down the stairs. The smell of a honey-glazed ham in the oven mingled with the pine scent of the large, well-decorated Christmas tree in the living room. Mommy had been up for hours already, making sure that everything would be perfect for Christmas. Tinsel, wreaths, candy canes, pictures and figurines of Santa, and wads of cotton set up to look like snow were all over the walls and covered every available shelf. The kitchen table was already coated in cookies, pies, and other treats. Mommy seems to really like working around the house, which I definitely appreciate, although of course I don't see the appeal. Samantha tells me all the time about how much I love having everything done for me while I sit on my fat, lazy, diapey butt like a loser. She always says such nice things to me!

Mommy was standing in front of the couch when we reached the bottom of the stairs, hands clasped anxiously together. It looked like she had been interrupted in the middle of rearranging the throw-pillows. She was wearing her holiday-patterned sweater under her white country apron. Samantha was standing in front of the tree with her face like thunder. I haven't seen her this upset since I used to make fun of her all those years ago. These days, she smiles most of the time, just like everyone else. She was holding a bright red stocking with white trim and “Samantha” printed across the top in gold lettering. She had apparently taken it from above the fireplace, where my stocking, Mommy's, and Kathy's were all still hanging, each also clearly marked. I wondered what Mommy could have put in Samantha's stocking that would make her this unhappy. I hoped that mine would be full of cookies and candy, just like last year. Samantha's stocking was very full, and clearly pretty heavy.

Seeing the looks of confusion on our faces, Samantha reached into her stocking and withdrew a large, heavy black lump. It took me a second to realize that it was an actual  lump of coal. Not a little charcoal briquette, but the kind of thing that a guy in a newsboy cap might shovel into the furnace of an old steamboat or locomotive. I realized with a start that someone was basically saying that Samantha had been naughty. No wonder she was mad! Samantha is the nicest, most wonderful person I've ever met! She even told me so herself!

“Okay, I like a joke as much as anyone.” she said. Her voice was calmer now, but her eyes looked like they might start glowing red any second. “I think you all know that. I just want to know who did this. If anyone knows who it was, tell me who right now!” I jumped a little. She never talked like this normally. She said things, and then those things were just true. There was never any need to try to be intimidating.

I glanced over at Mommy, then back at Kathy. They both looked pretty scared and confused, which worried me a lot. Ever since Samantha's twenty-first I had rarely seen anyone in our house looking unhappy. Sometimes one of our house-guests would get confused when they saw me waddling around in my big diapers, or when Samantha told them that they have to give her most of their money, but they always cheered up once Samantha explained how wonderful it all was. I certainly hadn't seen Samantha looking this upset in a very long time. Seeing her like this was really disturbing. She wasn't just angry. She actually seemed a little afraid.

“Well?” she demanded, tapping her foot and crossing her arms.

“I...I have no idea, sweetheart!” stammered Mommy. “I certainly would never do something like this. I'm sure none of us would!”

“Me neither! You have to believe me!” said Kathy. Her hands hovered protectively over her butt.

Samantha turned around and sighed deeply. “Well, someone did it! If it wasn't one of you, that means that someone snuck into our home sometime in the night and planted it. How do you think that makes me feel? If I don't know who did it, how am I supposed to punish them for it? And if someone knows about what I've been doing here, what I'm capable of, who knows what else they might know! Am I gonna have to post guards now? This whole family is in danger!”

Mommy and Katie looked down at their feet, ashamed. I wasn't sure how any of this could be their fault, but then I am a total ditz, so I guess my opinion doesn't count for much. Between taking care of my fat, lazy ass and doing all their other chores around the house, they could easily have missed somebody sneaking in and planting the coal. We live in a really safe neighborhood, or so I thought, so how were they supposed to see that coming?

“Are... are all the cookies I put in there still in there, honey?” asked Mommy.

Samantha responded by upending the stocking and shaking the contents onto the carpet. Five big, meaty chunks of coal fell out, along with a handful of black dust and a little paper scroll tied with a bow. Samantha had to jump back a little to avoid hurting her feet as they fell.

“Gone! But our mystery intruder left a calling card!” said Samantha, snatching the scroll from the ground. She pulled the ribbon loose and read aloud.

“This will be every Christmas until you change your ways.”

There was a long silence as we waited to see how Samantha would react.

With a single pull, she tore the little brownish paper in half. “Well, whoever it is obviously isn't going to show themselves, so let's just enjoy our Christmas, I guess. Mom, clean all this up. Kathy, you're getting a spanking. I need to blow off some steam.”

Mommy grabbed a little broom and dustpan from the hall closet while Samantha sat on the couch and patted her lap. Kathy pouted, but didn't waste any time in getting across my sister's lap with her butt in the air I felt really bad for Kathy. She looked so unhappy. I didn't see why Samantha had to spank her, but I know better than to question my sister. She's a lot smarter than me, so of course she's going to do things that I don't understand. Kathy winced as the first spank landed on the rear of her bikini bottoms.

“Samantha, can I...open my presents now?” I asked. I was worried about bothering my sister in her current mood, but I had already been waiting all week.

Samantha groaned and rolled her eyes. “Lily...I'm just not in the mood to watch you open all your stupid big baby presents right now, okay? Go shove a few cookies in your fat gob and shut up for a while.”

I squealed with delight! I was going to get a bunch of stupid big baby presents! I wasn't sure what that meant, but I'm definitely a stupid big baby, so I'm sure I'll love what she and Mommy picked out for me! Plus, I get to eat cookies! I love cookies, even if I had to feed myself this time, which Mommy or Kathy usually did. I wanted to thank Samantha for her kindness, but I had to shut up for a while, so I couldn't.

“Whatever.” she muttered, giving Kathy's butt another hearty slap, prompting a pouty squeak of complaint. I stuck a gingerbread man and two sugar cookies with green and red sprinkles into my mouth and tried to get my lips to close around them. Mommy is usually more careful than this when she feeds me.

Mommy tried several times to sweep the coal dust off the carpet, but she soon gave up and simply carried the big chunks to the kitchen trash. I guess she was planning to use a vacuum to get rid of the gray smudge they had left behind.

Then I saw it. Something bright red flared to life in the dustbin. I wanted to cry out, but my mouth was still full of cookies and I had to shut up. Mommy shrieked and fell backward onto her butt, sending the chunks she had gathered scattering back onto the carpet. Samantha pushed Kathy off of her lap, sending her to the floor as well.

One of the coals was glowing red hot. It was so bright that it cast an orange glow across Mommy's frightened face. Everyone froze in place and stared as the burning coal slowly rose off the ground.

“Everyone stay where you are!” shouted Samantha. I stood with my cookies in my mouth, as the little chunk grew brighter and hotter and floated upward into the air. Samantha was backing into the corner, doing a really good impression of someone being absolutely terrified. It was a pretty cool-looking effect, and wondered how Samantha had pulled it off. Even I wasn't silly enough to think something like this could happen without Samantha wanting it to. I might even think it was magic, but of course there's no such thing. The red coal began to slowly drift through the air toward Samantha. Kathy just stared at it as it passed, still lying where Samantha had left her, rear still stuck out to receive her spanking.

“Stay back! I'm warning you! Stay away!”

The coal kept getting closer to her, which surprised me a little. Usually, when Samantha wants something to happen, it does.

It backed her into the corner next to the fireplace. The look on her face really scared me: eyes wide, teeth bared, pale with terror. I wanted to run and try to save her from the weird burning thing, but I had to stay where I was.

The orange-red glow intensified. I felt a wave of heat through the room. When it cleared, you can imagine how relieved I was to see that my sister was okay! I mean, she was dressed differently, but I had half-expected to see a charred skeleton standing where she had been.

“Mom! Get me out of this thing!” she yelled.

Samantha's casual jeans and simple white blouse were nowhere to be seen. She was now wearing a skin-tight suit of a glossy purple material, probably rubber or some kind of plastic. It covered every inch of her body below her neckline, although it was so tight that her breasts and butt could hardly be said to be covered. A long tail shot out behind from just above her rear, ending in a little heart-shaped point. Her feet were covered in thick, comfy-looking socks with pink and white stripes that ran up past her knees, and her hands were covered by white elbow-length gloves. She wore a purple headband with two little horns poking up.

I wasn't sure where the odd outfit had come from, but apparently Samantha didn't like wearing it, because she immediately started trying to pull it off. Mom jumped up from the floor and ran over to help her, but neither of them seemed to have any luck. They yanked at the form-fitting purple stuff, but all it did was stretch out and then snap back into place like a rubber band, making a funny squeaking noise as it did. I probably would've laughed if I didn't have my mouth full of cookies.

“I'm sorry, sweetie!” said Mommy, as she yanked on one of the white gloves with both hands, not managing to budge it even an inch before it snapped back into position. “It doesn't seem to want to come off!”

“No! I am getting out of this thing! Whoever the fuck did this, they are not winning! I'm getting out of this thing if I have to cut my way out with a goddamn chainsaw!”

Samantha ran toward the kitchen, I assume to get a knife to try to cut her way out of her outfit. Kathy and I both turned to watch her as she ran past, although of course we have to stay where we are. She looked utterly baffled by what was happening. I was starting to get scared. I mean, I'm the dumbest person in the house by far, so I get it if I don't understand what's happening, but it didn't seem like Mommy and Kathy or even Samantha were any better off in that department. I decided to try to focus on getting my cookies down while they figured out whatever this was.

Before she reached the knife block. Samantha suddenly let out a high-pitched scream. The tail on her costume was sticking straight out at an angle away from her, as though it were being yanked by an invisible hand. Her thick socks slid across the tile floor as she tried in vain to gain some purchase.

“Nooooo!” she yelled as she was pulled back toward the living room, clearly against her will. She grabbed at the support beam to steady herself, but her gloves seemed to slip off of that as well. I stood watching, finally managing to get the last of the cookies down, as she was deposited back at the middle of the room. I noticed another of the little coals flaring to life and lifting itself off the carpet where Mommy had dropped it. I covered my eyes in anticipation of another burst of heat and light.

The wave passed over me like a giant hairdryer. I peeked out to see Samantha looking even more furious than she had when I first came down the stairs. She didn't seem scary this time, though. It's not easy to look intimidating when you're sitting in a giant highchair. It was painted a gleaming white, and the huge tray was pinning her arms down at her sides. Her sock-covered legs kicked furiously from underneath, but it didn't seem like the chair was any more escapable than the suit. She now wore a bib with “Yum-Yum!” written across it in pink lettering. On the tray in front of her was a large salad bowl with a wooden spoon sticking out of it, although the mound of mushy green stuff inside didn't look like a salad.

“Gawd...dammit!” snarled Samantha, as she struggled to get free. The highchair slipped around on the kitchen floor a little in response to her wild jerking motions, and the bowl shook in front of her, but nothing seemed to move very far.

Mommy struggled to get the tray up to free her, but that didn't do any good either.

“Whoever is doing this, they are going to pay! Big time!” shouted Samantha.

That's when I noticed the the two scraps of of the scroll that Samantha had torn in half rise up from the floor, fluttering like a pair of little butterflies. Samantha saw them too.

“Grab them! Quick! Stop them!” she ordered. I stumbled forward and tried to grab the little things, but I'm just not very quick or agile these days. Mommy and Kathy came together like a couple of line-backers to try to catch them, but they darted and fluttered around too quickly, and they caught nothing but air.

“Not like that! Come on! Dammit!” Samantha shrieked as the papers whizzed and banked through the air. She let out a long scream as they descended on her. With her arms stranded under the high-chair tray, she couldn't fight them of as they swooped toward her face.

She pressed her lips together and jerked her head to the side. They fluttered against her cheek, trying to get into her mouth. Despite my confusion, I had to giggle a little at the sight. It was just like when Mommy played “here comes the airplane” with me.

Despite her struggles, the two bits of paper pressed themselves into her mouth. Her lips bulged against her teeth as the paper writhed around in there. Then, it was over, and we watched the now-silent Samantha gradually recover her composure. Finally, she spoke.

“Okay. I think it's stopped. Now Mommy, listen very carefully. You are going...to feed me this bowl of mush!”

Samantha's eyes shot wide as she said the last part. It came out oddly, faster and in a different cadence than the rest of the sentence. I was very confused. So was Mommy, although she immediately grabbed the spoon and scooped up a large mound of the nasty green stuff onto it.

“Yes, sweetheart.” she said, only a hint of her confusion in her voice.

“What? No, stop!” shouted Samantha. Mommy put the spoon back and crossed her arms.

“Just kidding!” said Samantha, although her face looked furious, and it was spoken in that strange, choppy way again. “Feed me glop! Now! Chop-chop Mommy!”

Mommy grabbed the spoon and stuck it into her mouth before she could say anything else. She still fought and struggled, and her cheeks and bib were soon smeared with the results.

“What...is happening right now?” asked Kathy. I had no clue what was happening, but I did the only thing I could think of to help. I ran up and hugged her.

“I'm not sure, sweetie.” said Mommy, grabbing another heaping spoonful. “I have to feed your sister goop. She...she said so.”

None of us felt good about what we were seeing, but Mommy kept pushing spoonful after spoonful of the goopy mass into Samantha's face, no matter how violently she jerked her head around to avoid it. She seemed to be trying to speak, but she never seemed to get her mouth clear enough to say anything we could understand. Kathy patted my rump to comfort me as we watched the bowl slowly empty. Finally, Samantha choked down the last of it. With a click, the tray in front of slid aside, sending the bowl clattering across the carpet. Samantha tore the messy bib from her chin and jumped up from the chair.

“What the hell, Mom?!” she shouted. Her face was still mostly green.

“...I'm sorry, pumkin'.” said Mommy. She looked like she was about to cry.

“Why didn't you stop! I told you to stop!”

“I did...but then you said I...”

“It's a fucking curse or something! Couldn't you tell the difference?”

“But...I couldn't...” Mommy buried her face in her hands.

Samantha blew out a long breath. “Of course not. Whatever. It's not your fault, Mom. You feel better now.”

“Oh, good!” said Mommy, instantly all smiles, despite the tears that were still on her cheeks. Samantha always know just what to say.

Samantha muttered something under her breath, then marched up to the spot on the floor where the three remaining chunks of coal still sat where Mommy had dropped them, hands on hips.

“Okay, fucker. You've still got three shots left in the barrel. I see that. Fine. You don't approve of how I run my household? Is that it? Got a problem with me turning my jerkwad sister into a fucking laughingstock and making everyone else my little slaves? So you decided to get a little payback in?  Whatever. If your little scroll is any indication, you can't do shit to me once Christmas is over. I bet you didn't realize how your little threat gave the game away, huh? So come on. Take your best shot. I'm not giving up what I have here because you can ruin one day out of my year. What you got now?!”

The three chunks just sat there as she spoke to them. There was a long silence. Then, one by one, they each began to glow and rise into the air.

“Oh, yeah! Bring it! Bring it on!” shouted Samantha. This time, the coal did exactly as instructed.

I wondered if it would hurt when one of the pieces shot straight toward me. The heat in the air intensified, like I was opening the oven to peek at Mommy's cookies, then suddenly stopped. I looked myself up and down, and my eyes went wide with horror at what I saw.

My pretty pink jammies were gone. I was wearing white gloves, a short, gauzy tutu, and I had pink ballet shoes on my feet. My body had been hideously reshaped. The bulging belly that I had been steadily building was completely gone. My stomach was almost flat, my arms and legs were toned, my thighs no longer touched. I looked...svelt...dainty...graceful! It was the worse thing I could have imagined!

“No! No  no no!” I cried, as I twisted at my slim little waist to get a look at my rear. My worst fears had been realized! I patted at the muscular curves, searching for anything soft and padded, and felt only more taught flesh covered with pathetically thin fabric.

“Nooooo!” I screamed. “Not big-girl panties!”

I was potty-trained again! All the months of hard work that Mommy had spent getting me completely diaper-dependent, all wiped out in an instant! What was even worse, I could feel how the coal had changed me on the most fundamental level. My thoughts were whipping through my mind, faster and faster, like I had a beehive between my ears! My limbs were bursting with energy. I had been turned into everything I hated the most. I felt clever, knowledgeable, energetic, even independent! What could I possibly have done to deserve this!

I looked over at Mommy and Kathy. They had also been transformed, and were looking down at themselves in terrified fascination. Kathy was wearing a very tight policewoman's outfit, with a shiny black pleather vest that left her arms, midriff, and good portion of her cleavage exposed, a matching cap with a silver badge medallion at the front, a very short skirt with handcuffs dangling at the thigh, and boots than ran almost to her knees. Technically, her new outfit covered more skin than her bikini had, and yet it somehow looked even less modest.

Mommy's new look was the one that really steamed me, though. The warm, comfy pair of pajamas that had just vanished off of me a moment earlier had been transferred straight to her, although the measurements had been somewhat reduced to fit her. Even worse, the bulge around her rear and the plastic leak guards peaking up from the waistband of her pajama bottoms told me that she had been handed my position as the house diaper girl as well.

“No fair! Why do you get diapers and I don't?” I whined as her hands explored the contours of her new underwear.

“Oh my goodness! Sweetheart! You're wasting away to nothing! Here, let's get some food in that tummy of yours.”

She turned toward the kitchen, took a single step, paused, then turned back to me with an even deeper look of concern on her face.

“Oh. I'm...I'm sorry, honey. It doesn't look like I can do that.”

“What do you mean? What's happened! Talk to me!” said Samantha. This prompted the three of us to begin speaking simultaneously. Even I couldn't follow the words that came out of my mouth, so Samantha pinched the bridge of her nose and called for silence.

“Lily! You start. What happened?”

“Look at me! I'm supposed to be a chubby loser, but I'm all slim and graceful now!” I delicately spun around on my toe to demonstrate the problem. “And my brain is all full of knowledge and ideas again! I think I might be smarter than you, even! This is awful!”

Samantha cocked an eyebrow at this unwelcome news, then pointed to Mommy next.

“I'm so sorry! I feel...really lazy and helpless, sweetie. I keep thinking about helping you or doing my chores or doing anything on my own, and it's...it's like I just know that I can't anymore. I feel like...like I'm just supposed to stay in my big diapers now. I don't think I can do much of anything now except fill my pants and make messes like a toddler!”

Samantha pursed her lips at this news. “Okay. And...what's your thing Kathy?”

Kathy looked very uncomfortable as she spoke. “It...uh...you see, I keep looking at your butt, and I'm really worried...that it hasn't been spanked in a while. I just know it's supposed to be really sore and red! I'm sorry.”

Samantha nodded. “Yeah, I was worried about that. It's somebody trying to 'teach me a lesson' I bet.” She put the phrase in disgusted quotation marks. “Probably a more powerful witch somewhere. I knew that they existed, I just didn't think any would know about me. Oh well. It's just one day, after all. Let's try not to let it ruin Christmas.”

I was surprised at how well she was taking this news. “Good girl, Samantha. I'm the best!”

I was shocked by what I had just said, and covered my mouth immediately. “I mean I'm better than you. Superior. You are inferior to me.” No matter how I struggled to control my mouth, I couldn't stop myself!

“Yeah, somebody really knows what I hate. It's okay, Lily. I won't punish you too much when this is over. Everybody knows you're way smarter than me. I mean, I'm a dumbass and you're awesome! Goddamn it! Now they have me doing it!”

“Oooooh, naughty words!” said Kathy. Her eyes flashed with excitement, though she seemed to struggle with herself. “How am I supposed to keep myself from smacking your naughty little butt if you keep saying such naughty things!” She rubbed her white-gloved hands together and stepped toward Samantha.

“Stop!” said Samantha. Kathy froze in place, her hand already rising up to deliver the promised recompense.

Samantha's eyes registered a momentary glimpse of hope. Then her mouth opened again, and she began to speak in that now-familiar, rapid-fire rhythm. Her eyes went from rage to annoyance to dull acceptance as she heard herself speak. “Kathy, get over here and give my ass a proper seeing to! Mom, I want to see that diaper dangling between your knees! You are a pissy-pants baby, and I am officially on diaper duty all day today! Lily, tell me all about how cool and pretty and smart you are, and how I can never hold a candle to you. Get to work, people! It's time for me to get what I deserve!”

And so, that was how we spent our Christmas. Samantha was only able to speak with her own words occasionally, and she was never allowed to give any order that she didn't immediately countermand. Kathy took her over her knee again and again. She apologized profusely and lovingly rubbed her butt between each spank, but was unable to resist the urge to punish her. I kept prancing around like a dainty little butterfly, talking endlessly about how pathetic Samantha was in comparison to me. I hated every moment of it. Mommy went at her new job of filling diapers with her usual efficiency and care, and Samantha's outfit pulled her around the house like a puppet, compelling her to lovingly wipe and powder Mommy's butt and seal her into fresh, clean pampers over and over. It's a good thing we had plenty of diapers that I had outgrown still on hand.

There was still time to do normal Christmas things as well, but it wasn't really the same. We had our Christmas dinner, which was delicious as always, but I had to feed Mommy every bite she ate, since she could no longer feed herself at all, and Samantha had to keep going back to the high chair to eat her regenerating bowl of mush over and over while we ate all the goodies in front of her. We opened the presents, and I got plenty of teddy bears and dollies for my playpen, even though they looked boring and silly to my new “mature” mind. Kathy got lots of wipes and diapers for the changing table, even though none of the diapers would fit my stupid pert little butt, and Mommy was only one who actually needed them now.

The day passed in a whirlwind of activity, until finally, Christmas came to a close. Kathy gave Samantha one last round of spankings (I could only imagine how sore her ass must be by now), Mommy got one last diaper change, and Samantha announced in a too-quick voice that she was going to bed. Kathy took her hand and lead her up to her room, with Mommy in tow behind.

I sat up on the couch, waiting and hoping. I couldn't remember a Christmas that had been so disappointing. I sighed and sat back, feeling uncomfortable without all the padding I was used to.  As the clock above the mantle finally reached midnight, the high chair began to shimmer. My heart leapt. The shimmers became angry red sparks, which drifted toward the fireplace and up through the chimney. Soon, it had all dissolved away, like a bad dream. The silly ballerina costume began to change back into a fuzzy pair of pink pajamas, and I felt the waves of laziness, stupidity, helplessness, and blissful gluttony that I had become accustomed to settle back over me like a warm blanket. Once again, I knew in my heart that I was a pathetic diaper-wearing loser again, and that I always would be.

I looked at myself. Despite being back to normal in most ways, my lovely rolls of fat didn't seem to be coming back. I sniffled and started to cry.

“What's wrong, sweetie?” asked Mommy. I looked up to see that her apron and sweater had returned. There was only a small wet spot on her jeans to indicate that her potty-training had returned to her in only the last few seconds.

“I'm not faaaat!” I whined, holding out my arms to her. She sat down beside me and pulled me into a big hug.

“Ooooh, I know pumpkin. Christmas this year wasn't what any of us hoped for. Don't worry though! I still love you no matter what size you are, and I'm sure that with a little patience, we can get you nice and plump again. Don't you worry, honey.”

I sniffed. Having Mommy here to comfort me really did make me feel like everything was going to be okay. I felt a warm trickle in my diaper, and knew that I would soon be getting changed again. I smiled.

“There's my sweet girl! You know, there's still one Christmas present you haven't opened yet.”

I jumped and squealed in excitement. “There is?! What is it? What is it?”

Mommy began gingerly pulling off her apron and sweater. “I wanted to show you earlier, but that stupid curse wouldn't let me. You see, Mommy's been taking some special pills lately. I've noticed that with Kathy in the house, and your wonderful sister giving me so many chores to do, I haven't always had time to get close to you and comfort you like I used to. So, I decided to get you something special this Christmas. Dig in, baby! These are just for you now.” She pinched the nipple of her left breast, causing a tiny white droplet to drip onto her fingers.

I was beside myself with joy. “Thank you, Mommy! Thank you thank you thank you!” I squealed as as I lay my head in her lap and opened my mouth wide. Her smile widened as she lowered her titty into my mouth so I could latch on. She rubbed my back in a gentle little circle and whispered to me as I suckled.

“You're very, very welcome, honey. Mommy is so, so proud of you!You don't know how happy it's made me this year, watching you put on so much weight and become such a stupid, helpless diaper girl. Watching you learn to make boom-booms in your pants like a good girl, and come running up to me and Kathy for all your changes. I love you so much, and I only want what is best for you. I want you to have lots and lots of delicious food to fill up your tummy, I want you to have zero responsibilities and lie around the house all day like a lazy little loser, and I want to make absolutely sure that you wear the biggest, thickest, most absorbent diapers that money can buy! I want you to have everything you need to be truly happy, sweetheart! I know it was tough for you today, seeing your wonderful, smart sister going through such a hard time. But whatever happens to her, or to any of us, we are still a family, we still love each other, and we will always try our best to make each other happy. And you make Mommy very happy, sweetheart, just by being yourself! And Mommy will always be happy to take care of your every need! That includes your diapers, and your toys, and Kathy, and now Mommy's boobies. Do you understand sweetheart?”

I nodded eagerly. I swallowed hard, and my vision was blurring as I spoke. “I love you too, Mommy! Merry Christmas!”

When I was done with one boob, we repositioned and I started on the other. I kept sucking until Mommy's milk was all gone, at least for now. Mommy patted my back until I burped loudly. I lay on her lap, feeling very full and sleepy. I wondered how long it would take to regain all that weight. Then I decided that I felt so loved that it didn't even matter. As Mommy carried me up to my crib (it's been a while since she was able to do that!), I rested my head on her shoulder and began to drift off with a smile on my face.


Josh Stack

I’m normally not into mean stories but I absolutely loved this. Mostly because while most mean kink stories have horror and tragedy elements that cause them to border on being torture porn. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not my kind of story. Here the lighthearted tone and the combination of humor and cuteness left me smiling all the way through. It certainly helped that Samantha stubbornly refused to admit that she had done anything wrong, which only made her punishment that much more amusing. I also loved all the interesting questions this raised: was Samantha right about this being another witch, or was it actually Santa? If it was another witch why did they specifically pick Christmas? If it was Santa what other kinky punishments has he given to the world’s mischievous magic users (Samantha can’t be the only one who used her abilities for sadistic and selfish purposes)? And lastly, why was Lily’s weight loss the one thing that stuck, or were there permanent changes that were just too subtle for anyone to notice? It would be interesting if Kathy was still just a little bit spank-happy and the Mom just a little bit infantile.