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Tamika slowly returned to consciousness. As we all do, she slowly took stock of her circumstances as the world came back into focus. She writhed sluggishly against the impossibly soft and comfortable floor of her playpen. Rene was curled up beside her, resting her sleeping head against her Mistress' shoulder. Tamika's heart leapt when she became aware of the fluffy cushioning of the diaper hugging her butt. She took a long, deep breath, reveling in the fresh scent of baby powder. She lay back and took it all in, appreciating how nice the plastic backing of her diaper felt rubbing against the equally smooth and padded floor, how warm and lovely Rene's body felt through her fleece pajamas, and how wonderful it was to wake up knowing that the whole day was hers to do with exactly as she pleased.

Even after everything she had experienced the previous day, part of her had expected reality to come rushing back under the light of the morning sun. It just seemed inevitable that the magic would fade away and she would have to get up and make breakfast for her lazy daughter and feckless housemate, then drive off to deal with annoying customers and her jackass supervisor all day, all to get paid only enough to keep her creditors at bay another month. Part of her was certain that there were no easy answers in life, no magic or miracles, and that nothing good would ever come to to those who sat around complaining.

Waking up and discovering that this part of herself was entirely and completely wrong felt absolutely marvelous.

Surrounded by the chirping of birds and the light snores of her party guests, she considered how to spend her newfound freedom. The future had suddenly been cleared of all clutter: No worries, no constraints, nothing that she needed to remember to do. She considered simply lounging in bed from sunrise to sunset, but to her surprise, she found that she didn't really want to. Sure it was an option, but it felt like a waste. It didn't even feel like a waste in the social, external, shame-based kind of way. After all, if she could poop in her pants in front of a roomful of perfect strangers, shame was really not an issue for her anymore. It was just that she could feel how deliciously packed with possibilities the day was. Her magical baby rattle was still resting comfortably in her hand, still just as packed with unaccountable and seemingly limitless power as it had been the day before. Tamika considered that it had been far too long since she had last woken up and felt that she couldn't wait to get out the door. The world was suddenly new again, bursting with possibilities and experiences for her to enjoy, and she wanted to hurry up and absorb everything it had to offer.

As the light from the morning sun began to steadily grow stronger, Tamika detected the smell of fresh coffee mingling with the nursery-like atmosphere. Eliza was already up and puttering around in the kitchen, it seemed. Tamika wondered briefly if Eliza had ever woken up so early in her life. Possibly on Christmas morning, and that had been to open presents, not make breakfast and change diapers.

There were plenty of diapers in the playpen with her, all perfectly clean. She was surprised to find that she was vaguely disappointed that none of her guests were waking up wet, but she decided to spare them from her rattle's power for now. Only a few of them had decided to wet themselves the previous evening, and no one had elected to join her and Rene in pooping their pants, which was all she could have reasonably expected. As much as she loved being back in diapers herself, she wasn't about to force it on them just because they had been care-free enough to wear them for the sake of a fun party. She didn't want to run around putting curses on people like some kind of wicked witch, even if she now had the powers of one.

Still, Rene was another story altogether. She had agreed quite eagerly to be Tamika's little plaything, happy to trade what little adult dignity she had for a life of pleasure and ease. Seeing her snoring softly in her infantile jammies and bulging pampers, the temptation was too much for Tamika to resist. Grinning mischievously, she leaned over and whispered very softly into the sleeping woman's ear.

“You've got a dry diaper on...”

Rene stirred slightly in her sleep. She probably hadn't heard her Mistress' words, at least not properly. The rattle had, though, and as Tamika gently rocked it back and forth, its haunting, musical chimes began rippling through the air, gathering around the bulge in the rear of Rene's pajamas. Rene yawned and stretched, totally unaware that the magic was melting the muscles of her bladder like warm butter. A chorus of crinkling and trickling soon followed. Tamika chuckled to herself as she listened to Rene's bladder lose all its strength and begin spraying uncontrollably into her waiting diaper. Tamika stroked her dolly's back as her new underwear began to swell up between her legs. Like everything else the rattle did, it was no half-measure. Rene was seemingly emptying gallons of liquid into the waiting padding, far more than should be physically possible. Rene was now a full-fledged bedwetter again, a silly girl who had to be padded before bedtime if she didn't want to wake up to soaked sheets and soggy blankets. Tamika giggled and gave Rene's rear a proprietary pat . It was so cute. She gently shook her plaything awake and whispered:

“Wake up, sleepyhead. Who's ready to be a good girl? Huh? Who's gonna obey her Mistress all day today? Who's my sweet little diaper girl, huh?”

Rene shook herself and got up on one elbow. “...errr...mornin' Mistress...yah, I'm uh...all yours and stuff...wait, am I wet?”

She patted at her diapered crotch, which seemed to have tripled in size since she had gone to sleep.

“What a silly question.” said Tamika. She pulled Rene on top of her to give her a long, passionate kiss. The two tongues played back and forth. Tamika reveled in the warmth of her plaything's body heat. The warmth from Rene's soaked diaper was so intense that she could even feel it faintly through the bulk of her own thick padding. When she finally broke the kiss, she took Rene by the shoulders and pushed her up to a seated position.

“It's because you're just a silly little piddle-pants now. Aren't you?”

Rene blushed fiercely and pursed her lips as she nodded her reluctant agreement.

“Tell your Mistress what you are now, sweetie.” commanded Tamika.

Rene winced, but she knew that she had to do as she was told. “I'm just a silly little piddle-pants, Mistress.” she confessed in the softest whisper she could manage.

Tamika thrust her hips, bouncing Rene up toward the ceiling “So I guess it was pretty smart of me to put you back in baby diapers for bedtime, wasn't it?” She asked, still in a conspiratorial whisper.

Rene inhaled sharply as her padding squished against her. Her cheeks were red as cherries, but Tamika just waited patiently for her to give the appropriate response. Rene looked around worriedly. Some of the party guests were starting to stir awake. “Miiiistress...people can, like, see us.”

Tamika grinned and began playfully tickling Rene's belly.

“Ooooh no!” she whispered in a teasing voice. “Is everybody gonna see that widdle Rene has big soggy pampers on? I bet dey will! I bet they'll all know that you just can't be twusted in big girl panties, cuz you'll just pee all over them, won't you sweetie?

Apparently, the magic that had removed Rene's shame about being effectively owned by an older woman hadn't made her any less embarrassed about being returned to diapers. Tamika considered correcting that situation, but thought better of it. The embarrassment that being diapered brought on was a big part of the appeal, and it didn't seem like Rene, for all her blushing and whispering, was in any real distress. After being bounced, tickled, and fondled a little, Rene seemed to forget her self-consciousness and simply surrender to the inevitable. “Y-yes, Mistress!” she giggled.

“Jeez. Get a room.” muttered Denise with a dramatic roll of her eyes. She rubbed at her eyes and began to .

“This is a room.” replied Timika. The pair continued to play as the other guests slowly roused themselves from sleep. Rene began getting her own back by jiggling Tamika's breasts, making honking sounds as she did. Everyone who woke up was momentarily transfixed by the sight of Tamika playing with her new toy. Some cooed at the two of them, partly to tease, but mainly out of sincere adoration. They were simply too cute together not to watch.

Eliza soon arrived, carrying a large silver tray on which a dozen steaming mugs were arranged. “Anyone for morning coffee?”

Tamika drank in the smell of the coffee, but she was reluctant to grab one in her current position. Still, the solution was at hand, as always.

“That looks like a spill waiting to happen.”

She shook the rattle. The mugs doubled in height and sprouted little yellow nipples, to the shock and surprise of no one. Once again, the world continued as though no one had just witnessed a miraculous transformation.

“I'll get started on breakfast in a moment. Would you like it served in here Mom, or perhaps you would like something more formal?”

Tamika blew a raspberry on Rene's belly, and it took a while for her to stop laughing long enough for Tamika to answer. “Hmmmm, I think I'd like my breakfast in a high chair today! Oh, and I think Rene is going to be taking a little trip to the changing table soon. Tell Eliza what you did Rene.”

Rene scrunched up her face, but obeyed the order. “I wet my diaper last night.”

Eliza grinned as the guests began coming forward to collect their ba-bas of coffee. “Yes, I think we can all see that. It looks like you're trying to smuggle a pillow in your panties! You know, if you're that much of a heavy wetter, I really think I ought to double-diaper you from now on. An extra soaker would be a good precaution as well. We're not having any leaky diapers on my watch.”

A round of giggles erupted from the onlookers. Rene folded her hands in supplication. “Mistressss!” she whined to the older woman she was straddling. “I don't have to be double diapered, do I?”

Tamika tapped the end of her nose. “Eliza is in charge of changing you, so that sort of thing is up to her. You just sit around looking cute, sweetie. Leave decisions to the grown-ups.”

Denise guffawed at this. Rene crossed her arms and tossed her pigtails, doing a very solid impression of a petulant brat. Still, she didn't resist when Eliza passed the final baby bottle full of coffee to Tamika and took Rene by the arm, gently escorting her to the waiting changing table.

Tamika lay back and got to work on her bottle of coffee. Despite the infantile container, the coffee was very strong and only mildly sweet, just like she liked it.

“Eliza makes a damn nice coffee.” said Denise, popping the nipple out of her mouth and absent-mindedly checking her phone.

“Hah! Yeah, now.” said Tamika, thinking ruefully of Eliza's old, lazy self as she watched her happily cleaning up Rene's crotch. Now it was her turn to tickle and coo over the infantile woman. Rene was clearly mortified, but she kicked her legs playfully as she was wiped down.

“So...when's breakfast? I mean, if Eliza is on diaper duty too, it might be a while. I'm thinking I might just order a pizza or something.”

Tamika rolled her eyes. Sure, she was basically infinitely wealthy now, and the rattle could conjure up whatever she desired instantly, but she still found the younger generation's aversion to simple cooking ridiculous.

“If you're in such a hurry, why not fix yourself something? Kitchen's right there. Knock yourself out.”

She shrugged. “Eh, I can't cook. Just don't have the knack.”

Tamika snorted. “What does that even mean? What is the hold-up? Does a little force-field pop up if you try to fry an egg?”

Denise chuckled, still not looking up from her phone. “Oh sure, laugh it up. It was just never a thing growing up. Our apartment barely had a kitchen, so we either ordered something, went out, or just ate some cereal. I barely even saw cooking except on TV, and there it was always this complicated, intimidating thing.”

Tamika didn't really consider this a valid excuse. When she had been growing up, her parents would have been bankrupt by the end of the week relying on delivery like that. Still, this was another of the world's iniquities that she simply didn't have to put up with anymore.

“Ooooh, you never learned to cook?” she said, with a wholly unconvincing imitation of sympathy.

Shake. Shake.


“So what would you like for breakfast?” asked Denise, stowing her phone behind her apron with a single smooth motion.

Tamika choked out a laugh.

“What? What's so funny?” asked Denise, unconsciously adjusting the ludicrously tall chef's hat that had just materialized on her head. She was now dressed in pristinely clean and pressed whites, complete with a long apron. The outfit would have looked a little silly even if she had been standing in the kitchen of a Michelin-star French bistro, but in a giant playpen surrounded by stuffed toys and a scattering of lounging diapered guests, it just looked absurdly out of place. The best part was the utterly serious expression on Denise's face. Tamika struggled to breathe normally.

Denise, of course, saw absolutely nothing odd about the fact that a second ago she had been unable to fry an egg, and now she was one of the finest chefs the human race had ever produced. The rattle's Mistress alone bore witness to its wonders.

“Nothing! Nothing at all! Why don't you check the cupboards and just use your imagination?”

“Well okay, just don't blame me if you have some dietary restrictions you didn't tell me about.” said Denise, smoothing out her apron and charging toward the kitchen. Her bearing had completely changed from bored and disaffected to calm and professional. She moved like a woman on a mission.

Before long, the pleasant sounds of multiple pans being laid out on the stove began to come from the kitchen. Eliza returned from the changing table, dragging a somewhat sulky Rene. Rene's diaper was now fresh and clean, but thanks to the additional layers that Eliza had seen fit to add to it, it was still far too big for her pajama bottoms to properly contain.

“I can barely walk in this thing!” whined Rene.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about all that hiking you normally do!” snickered Eliza, drumming her fingers on her roommate's diaper-butt. “I think this outfit will work great for lounging around in front of the TV smoking weed and playing video games all day. Don't you agree, Mom?”

“Mmmm...maybe tomorrow. I think Rene will be working today.”

“Wooorrrk?!” said Rene, drawing out the word and stomping a foot in indignation. She settled her padded rear into her Mistress's lap.

“Well, what passes for your work, now. I'm going to spend the day out and about, so naturally I'll take my cute little dolly to show off to everyone. You can earn your keep by sucking on a pacifier and making stinky messes in your pants and making sure that everyone knows what a collossal brat you are!” stated Tamika matter-of-factly.

Rene crossed her arms in front of her. “You just want to embarrass me in front of everyone!”

“Well, that's on the agenda, sure.” said Tamika with a careless shrug. “But I also feel like getting some fresh air. I'm thinking a little trip to the park is in order! Oh, I wonder if the zoo is open today? It's been ages since I last went to the zoo!”

“D'oooh! Does Mommy wanna go wook at da wions an da hippos?” coooed Eliza, giving her mother's chubby cheek a playful pinch.

“For a start.” said Tamika, smiling despite her daughter's condescending tone. “Now go help Denise in the kitchen, and see about getting a high chair set up. Rene will be needing one as well. Chop chop, little maid!”

Eliza's posture switched from indulgent babysitter to obedient servant in an instant. “Very good, Mother.” she said with a slight bow before hurrying off to follow Tamika's instructions.

It didn't take long for Denise to have breakfast prepared for everyone present, and soon the massive dining room was full of guests, digging in to large platters of Eggs Benedict, toasted bagels, and fried sausage worthy of the fanciest of hotels. Eliza's search for appropriate high chairs for her mother and Rene proved fruitless. Apparently, the rattle had not assumed that such items would be necessary when it had conjured the crib, playpen, and changing tables, which surprised Tamika a little. Despite it's eagerness to please her, and its apparent willingness to infantilize her as much as possible (as evidenced by the blue teddy bear spokesman), it seemed that it did not create anything that she didn't actually ask for. Still, one muttered complaint and a shake of the rattle later, and Tamika and Rene were sitting in two massive high chairs, wearing bibs with “Cry Baby” and “Lil' Stinker” printed across them  respectively.

Rene was permitted the dubious dignity of eating her own breakfast with a plastic fork, but Tamika decreed that she would be getting fed this morning. Thanks to her newfound cuteness, the assembled company agreed that this was a magnificent plan. And so, Tamika found herself with her arms hanging loosely at her sides as her daughter and her various friends took turns lifting forkfuls of truly exceptional food into her mouth. She found the sensation delightful. Just as Mr. Bear had advised, acting helpless and letting other people take care of her felt amazing. Arguments began breaking out as to who's turn it was to feed her next and how much, and Denise was soon forced to prepare additional food to satisfy everyone. By the time Eliza removed her bib, wiped her face with baby wipes, pulled aside the tray, and helped Tamika to her feet, she had eaten twice as much as anyone, and enjoyed two additional ba-bas of coffee. Her stomach was so full that she felt slightly sleepy, and her bladder was beginning to fill up too. She consciously discarded those thoughts, though. A big baby like her could always take a nap if she needed one, and her diapers were waiting to handle anything the day might throw their way. It simply was no longer her concern.

“Would you like me to drive you to the park, Mother?” asked Eliza in her subservient maid voice, as she needlessly wiped Rene's mouth. Rene didn't look pleased at the intrusion, especially after watching Tamika get all the praise and attention during breakfast.

“I'll manage, but thanks. You just hold down the fort while I'm gone. Hey, Denise!”

“Hmm?” Denise had just getting started washing the dishes, seemingly on instinct.

“How would you like a job? I could use a chef. I think you'll find I can pay very well.”

“That does sound like a lot of fun! I mean, I only work part time, and I really ought to be putting my cooking skills to good use anyway.”

“We'll work out the details when I get back.” said Tamika. “In the meantime, anyone who wants to hang out here is welcome. We have plenty of room.”

A murmur of approval rippled through the room. Tamika suspected that her house was already developing a reputation as a party hot-spot.

“You can count on me. I'll make sure all our guest are comfortable, Mother” said Eliza, giving her a curtsy.

“Rene! Come along now. Our carriage awaits!” Tamika took Rene and dragged her toward the door. Progress was hampered somewhat by their thick diapers, but the two of them waddled out the door, with their guests admiring their bulging rears from behind. Despite the rush of power she had felt when she had been ordering around her staff like a queen, her heart still pounded as she left the house, putting her diapers on display for the entire neighborhood.

Outside, Tamika's car was still parked in the driveway, just like it had been when the rattle had first arrived at her door. Tamika had a put a lot of time and money into her vehicle over the years, washing, polishing, maintaining, and paying David at the local garage to swap out part after failing part, and the sad truth was that most of that had been a total waste. The windshield was cracked, the green paintjob was faded and chipped. Almost every part of the car needed to be replaced, either in the near future or in the recent past. It was a machine that had served her for a long time, but had clearly done so only reluctantly. It squatted on the pavement, like an ugly reminder of the world of struggle and disappointment that Tamika had been trapped in just two days earlier.

Her eyes hardened. Her lips tightened. Rene took a step back from her, looking somewhat nervous. She spoke slowly, her voice dripping with malice.


She shook the rattle like it owed her money.


Josh Stack

I’ll be honest I never expected this story to get a continuation, but I am very glad it did. Rene’s adorable submissiveness is the perfect complement to Tamika’s bratty, yet loving, personality. You did a pretty good job showing how despite Tamika’s willingness to humiliate Rene, she’s only having some lighthearted kinky fun with her and doesn’t want her beloved new playmate to actually be unhappy. Speaking of which, Tamika restraining herself from using her powers on the party guests makes for an interesting contrast with characters from your other stories who are in similar situations. Tamika was dealt a bad hand in life and she was (and still is, to a lesser extent) quite upset about that, but unlike Samantha, Will, or Marie she isn’t taking that out on others. Sure she’s still perfectly willing to mess with people (and I would love to see more of that mischievous streak, it’s very cute) but no one she’s used her powers on is worse off for it: Rene has someone who cares about her and wants to make her happy, Eliza has a purpose in life she is happy to fulfill, and Denise has a stable source of income now.