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One last story to tide you over before spooky season. Thank you once again for your patience.

“It could not be more simple,” wrote Jennifer Creighton, typing away at her monitor late one summer night. “The right combination of calorie restriction, exercise, and my patented nutritional supplements cannot fail to yield weight-loss, provided that the regimen is followed to the letter. I have heard every excuse imaginable: genetics, hormone levels, maternity, body type, the list goes on and on. It all serves as a smokescreen for the one and only true weight-loss solution: willpower. If you truly want it, and are willing to do what it takes, you won't need any of those excuses. I've raised four children, my family has had weight issues for four generations, and I still manage to maintain a healthy BMI with nothing but self-discipline.”

Giving her latest screed a final check for spelling and grammar, she posted the results to her lifestyle blog. She leaned back in her chair, feeling extremely satisfied. In reality, of course, she had never had children, none of her recent ancestors would have trouble fitting through a one-foot hole in a fence, and the supplements that were sold on her blog page were essentially just generic multivitamins cleverly repackaged, but those little white lies were unlikely to ever catch up to her. Besides, it was all worth it she could motivate just a few lazy lard-asses to shape up and change their ways. Jennifer loved her blog. Thanks to the revenue she drew from the sale of her supplements, she had nothing but time to pursue her fitness goals. Besides, she loved writing it. The sense of superiority she got from calling out all the women who struggled with something as simple and easy as keeping weight off was like a drug she could never quit.

She heard a window slide open. A shock of fear ran through her. For an insane instant, she had a vision of an army of angry, overweight women hunting her down and exacting revenge for all her insults. She chuckled at that thought. As if they could get through her window! It was probably a neighbor's window that she had heard.

A door creaked on its hinges. Someone was in the kitchen. She heard the fridge open, then close. She heard cupboards being rifled through. She froze, wondering what to do.

She grabbed her cellphone to call the police. Damn, it was dead. She must have let the battery run down without noticing. This was one disadvantage of not being perpetually glued to her phone, like so many other women. Instead, she grabbed a tazer from her night-stand and bravely went to confront the intruder. She reasoned that whoever it was would probably turn tail and run for it if they learned that she was at home. She steeled herself, and opened the door as quietly as she could.

As soon as she became visible, the two figures froze in place. To her surprise, they were both women, looking no older than twenty-five. One had glasses and long brown hair in a pony-tail, the other had her black hair in a pixie cut, with a little triangle of hair pointing down her neck. One wore an outfit that reminded Jennifer of the show Sailor Moon, the other a green sweater with a pleated white skirt. They had pointed ears, like the elves in Lord of the Rings (she had seen the movies, but never read the books, which do not include this detail). What disturbed her was the gentle, serene smiles on their faces and the eerie blue glow in their eyes. They floated through the air like ghosts toward her, their smiles never faltering.

“Hello, lady! Do you have any black licorice?” asked the one with a pixie cut, her voice friendly and eager.

Jennifer pulled the trigger. The tazer's three electrodes shot out and struck the strange apparition square in the chest. Whatever they were, thought Jennifer, at least they were made of solid matter.

The electrodes sparked and fizzled away. The grin on the strange, floating woman's face never faltered. Only when the charge had been expended and the three long probes fell limp to the floor did the two smiles finally shift into angry scowls.

“She asked you a question.” said the one with the glasses, her voice icy.

Jennifer turned and fled. Her bedroom door closed itself as she approached. The lock that she now realized she ought to have taken advantage of clicked closed, leaving her stranded outside her own room. The two floating figures closed in on her.

“Black licorice. Now.” said the one with a pixie cut. The whimsical quality had disappeared from her voice. Despite the strangeness of her request, she clearly meant business.

Jennifer backed up against the door. “I...I don't have any! Why would I keep sweets in the house?”

The two beings looked at each other, exchanging confused looks. “Why wouldn't you keep sweets in the house?” asked the one with glasses.

Jennifer stared at them, trying to formulate a response. Her mouth seemed to work without any conscious input. “I...I'm a healthy person!” she said.

The two floating figures looked at her, as though expecting her to continue. “Good?” suggested the one with a pixie cut. The one with the glasses just shrugged.

Jennifer exhaled. She couldn't take this seriously, It had to be some crazy dream. “Yes, it is. I don't waste my time or money indulging my sweet-tooth. I only eat healthy, nutritious meals with lots of fruits and vegetables. Maybe you could learn from my example, chubby!”

The two creatures again exchanged confused glances. The one with the glasses was fuller figured, but was well within the range of healthy weights for a  woman her age. The one with a a pixie cut wasn't quite as toned as Jennifer, but if anything, she might wish to gain a couple pounds in the interest of health. Only a total sociopath would suggest that either of them needed to diet.

As one, their expressions softened. Their smiles returned, in a way that Jennifer didn't think she liked.

“No black licorice?” said the one with glasses.

“None at all?” said the one with a pixie cut.

“No!” yelled Jennifer, feeling frightened and confused. “You don't scare me! No matter what you do, my will is like steel! You two porkers can't hold a candle to me!”

The two “porkers” rolled their eyes in unison, and flipped up their skirts. Jennifer was suddenly confronted with the sight of two thick, babyish diapers, each glowing with a strange, bluish light.

“Are...are you two wearing...wearing...” her voice trailed off as the light seeped into her. Any amusement she had felt on seeing her two assailants wearing diapers was lost as the uncanny light suffused her consciousness.

“That's right. Diapers.” said the one with the pixie cut.

“Big. Thick. Babyish. Diapers.” intoned the one with glasses.

“They sure make us look silly, don't they?” said the one with a pixie cut.

Jennifer nodded and grinned. Despite her earlier fear, she really did think they looked silly.

“Well now, I guess you're going to look silly too, won't you?” said the one with glasses.

Jennifer looked down. Her track suit had vanished. She was now naked except for a disposable adult diaper. She giggled. She looked so silly wearing it. Her well-toned abs looked ridiculous in contrast to the bulging plastic beneath.

“This will be what you wear from now on.” said the one with a pixie cut.

“No more big girl pants.” declared the one with glasses.

Just like that, Jennifer felt the words slide into place in her mind. She was in diapers now, and she always would be. She could no more decide to put on panties than she could decide that the sun would not rise tomorrow. She would buy plenty of diapers and wear them every day. That was just the way it was.

“Uh-huh.” she said. Her voice sounded quiet and distant, even to her.

“You've got quite the striking physique there, don't you?” asked the one with a pixie cut.

She nodded. It was the truth. She had worked hard for every last tight curve and muscular contour.

“And you make a living telling other people how they can get a body like yours.” said the one with glasses.

She nodded again. It wasn't clear how she could have known that, but she was clearly in no position to argue the point.

“Seems kinda unfair, really. I mean, all these people want to exercise and improve themselves, but you get up in front of them and show them the finished product. That must be very discouraging for a lot of them.” said the one with the pixie cut, tapping a finger to her chin thoughtfully.

Jennifer shrugged.

“Hmm? Something to say, diaper girl?” asked the one with glasses.

Jennifer spoke slowly and falteringly, as though talking in her sleep.“...course it does...it doesn't matter...if they can't measure up...who needs 'em...just gotta...try harder...that 's all there is...just try harder.”

The two hovering women looked at each other for a moment. Then, the one with the glasses raised her index finger and grinned.

“Okay, I think I see where you went wrong here. Let's go over some of your little life philosophies and see if we can't make a few little corrections. Come along, sweetie.”

The two women floated toward her and took both her arms. She wanted to fight them off, but she found she could only struggle feebly as they gently dragged her away. They led her to the living room. Jennifer stared at the unfamiliar room. All her furniture had somehow been replaced. Her television was still there, but her extensive collection of weights had been replaced with an insultingly tiny pair of pink dumbbells. A jump-rope lay in one corner, next to a large purple exercise ball. A yoga mat sat on the floor, in front of a massive yellow beanbag chair. The one with the pixie fluffed the beanbag chair, indicating that she should sit down. She was repulsed by the frivolous luxury of the thing, but found herself turning around and planting her diapered rear in the center of the soft cushion anyway. She sank deep into the fluffy stuffing, feeling it pile up around her arms and neck. Her heels rested on the floor and her head collapsed backkward. She felt her new diaper compress under her, mashing pleasantly against her vagina.

“We're going to rub our butts against your face.” explained the one with a pixie cut, in voice that brooked no argument.

“And there isn't a damn thing you can do about that, is there?” asked the one with glasses.

Jennifer wanted to say something, to run away, to protest this absurd idea. The beanbag was simply too comfortable, however. As the thought of escaping from it's soft embrace faded from her mind, all that she heard was her own weak voice mumbling: “Uh-uh.”

She felt two smooth, crinkly masses press against the side of her face. The two creatures were mashing their diapered butts against her head. She could feel the warmth of their butt cheeks through their thick padding. She could do nothing to resist as the blue glow intensified, drowning out all thought of resistance.

“Ooooh.” moaned the one with a pixie cut.

“Mmmm!” sighed the one with glasses. “This is what it's all about. This is almost as good as black licorice!”

“Now, today we're going to learn all about how to empathize with the struggles of all those women who watch your show.” explained the one with the pixie cut, wagging her rear mercilessly.

“You see, they don't get to spend all their time working out. They have other stuff going on in their lives. Lot's of work, and families, and responsibilities...” continued the one with glasses, bobbing up and down against her other cheek.

“So much stress...so much worry...”  said the one with the pixie cut distantly. She switched her rubbing to a circular motion.

“Exactly! You can't expect to resist the temptations of TV and junk food when you're struggling just to make ends meet!” said the one with the glasses, pressing her padded rear even harder against Jennifer's face.

“So now...” said the one with the pixie cut, a slight giggle escaping into her voice. “...we're going to even the odds a little. You'll get to experience the exciting adventure of fitness all over again!”

The one with the glasses snorted. “Yeah! Let's see...I think what you need is to show your fans a much more attainable level of fitness!”

“Yeah. You're going to have a nice, flabby little tummy.” said the one with the pixie cut. At her words, Jennifer's toned abs immediately disappeared behind a light covering of flab.

“...and tendons that just don't stretch like they used to!” said the one with glasses.

They began to chant and rub their asses faster and faster, as years of daily workouts were erased from Jennifer's body. She could do nothing but sit there, powerless to do anything as her body swelled and softened. The two creatures spoke back and forth as they rubbed their asses against her, every word stamping itself indelibly into her consciousness and warping her body to suit their whims.

“...droopy, dangling underarms...”

“...nice, thick thighs...”

“...slow metabolism...”

“...sugar cravings...”

“...late night snacks...”


“...low energy...”

“...cheat days...”

“...and a big fat butt!”

“...to fill out those big diapers!”

The thick padding of the diapers felt so good against her skin as her butt swelled inside them. She knew that these two arrogant, powerful beings were degrading her, displaying their total power over her, reducing her from a paragon of fitness to a typical out-of-shape middle-aged woman, and that she could do absolutely nothing about it. The thought excited her. Her pulse raced. Her face flushed. She began to rub herself against the bulky cushioning beneath her, in tandem with her magical captors. They continued speaking  for a long time, filling her mind with wonderful new ideas for her show...

Jennifer checked herself in the mirror, making sure she was ready for her viewers. It had been very difficult at first, and it still was, but she was finally starting to feel some improvement. When her two late-night guests had left her all those months ago, it had been a real struggle to do her show at all. She simply was no longer capable of the kind of heavy-duty exercise she was used to, and the restricted diet she had carefully calibrated was simply impossible for her new body to stick to. Learning to deal with the new food cravings, the way her energy would sometimes drop for no reason, the way even walking around the block would leave her sweating and panting, was incredibly hard, not to mention embarrassing. Still, they had told her exactly what to do, and she had no choice but to obey. That thought almost made her squeal with excitement.

One rule was that she had to work on camera. No hiding behind the safety of her blog, where no one could question he performance. Every workout she did was in front of a webcam, and she was not allowed to edit anything out, either. If she stumbled over her words or tripped over her own feet, she had to own up to it. She told her viewer that this was to demonstrate the importance of being patient and forgiving with yourself. In truth, she often wished that she could re-do some of her more embarrassing failures, such as the time she had jumped onto her yoga ball too enthusiastically and end up sprawled on the floor, or the time she had discovered that she wasn't able to touch her toes anymore. After her encounter with those two floating women, she had been forced to do a fitness show for people who were mostly at or above her own fitness level. She had had to rethink her message from the ground up. It had been rough, but the advice she had been given that night had worked, and now it was slowly but surely paying off. She didn't look very different, as the mirror clearly showed, but she felt much better.

She wasn't nearly as physically capable now as she had once been, but if anything, that had been an unexpected boon. Her viewers often praised her for the fearless, cheerful way she explained each exercise, and encouraged her viewers to keep their own pace and be gentle with themselves. Sure, when she had decided to take her health advice in this new direction, not all of the feedback from her audience had been positive. Some of it had been downright hurtful. Many of her former fans abandoned her altogether, but gradually she had been able to reposition herself in the marketplace, and now she regularly received messages from viewers who were thrilled by how she had completely transformed their toxic and unrealistic ideas of health and body image.

Taking one last glance around to make sure all her props were in place and ready to go, she pressed play on her webcam.

“Hello!!! Welcome back to Easy Mode, the exercise program for the rest of us! Today I'm going to show you few new exercises to try to incorporate into your daily regimen. We'll be focusing especially today on  cardio health, strengthening the abdominals, and gaining flexibility in the hamstrings. We'll start, as always, by hydrating properly before we start. Good hydration is essential to a healthy workout! You won't have energy or flexibility if you deny your body what it needs.”

She grabbed her baba and brought it into the shot with a winning smile.

“Now, I prefer green tea for my pre-workout drink, but water or juice is fine, too. Just be careful not add too much sweetener, as that can make you sleepy just when you need to be energetic!”

She brought the bottle to her lips, popping the soft rubber nipple in and working up a nice, rhythmic suckling motion. She was very grateful to her two guardian angels for introducing her to baby bottles. When she had completely drained it, she gave an only-slightly exaggerated gasp of satisfaction.

“Aww, that hits the spot! You know, excessive stress and anxiety are terrible for your health, both mentally and physically. Taking time to slow your heart-rate when you have the opportunity has a host of health benefits. I've found that one of the simplest ways to calm yourself down is to take advantage of your brain's built-in off switch by sucking on a nipple. Check out our line of fine calming aids by going through the link in the video description. We have adult-sized pacifiers, which I personally have also found to be amazing for bedtime, as well as our line of teddy-bear stress balls. Now, let's start to warm up with some stretches.”

Jennifer had been familiar with stretching exercises before her fateful visit that night, but as with most things, she had pushed too far and too hard, erroneously believing that putting in more effort would automatically lead to better results. She didn't have quite the range of motion that she had had before, as she had learned when she had spent nearly ten minutes trying to touch her toes. She now found that being gentle with herself yielded much better results, and made her routine far more enjoyable and less stressful. She spread out her yoga mat  (which were also sold in her virtual store, naturally) and began taking her viewers through a few basic yoga poses, interspersed with jumping jacks to bring the heart-rate gently upward.

“Hold Up Dog for a 3, 2,1...Now shift into Downward Dog...go easy on yourself, now, folks. We're not in a rush here! The key is to bring your heart-rate up slowly, plateau, and then ease it off naturally. Good job! Now stand up for a few more jacks! 1, 2, 3...”

Jennifer really liked how her new body bobbed up and down while she was doing her jumping jacks. She had never realized (until her two visitors had helpfully explained it to her) how much fun it was to feel her rolls of flab jump up and down against her, always out of sink with her core. Her flexible work-out bra was also for sale, and it was a fairly popular item. It provided just enough support to keep her from slapping herself in the face, while still allowing her breasts to explore a good range of motion.

Of course, she had to alternate that with showing her audience her plump rear. She sometimes thought of her butt as her co-star, since she received so many compliments about it now. She wondered sometimes how much of her audience actually had any interest in her fitness regimen, and how many just liked to watch an out-of-shape diapered woman embarrass herself. It hardly mattered, of course. Likes, views, and cash were coming from both directions, and she just had to carefully sprinkle enough eye-candy into her videos to keep both tribes happy. She knew full-well that her old self would have been horrified and ashamed to be showing off her chubby backside on camera for the amusement of strangers, but the opinion of that stuck-up old stick-in-the-mud was completely irrelevant. She loved her new body, and she wanted everyone in the whole world to know it. She loved every bulge and curve, but she loved the way her ass filled out her diapers most of all.

“Now, let me show one of my favorite hamstring stretches! Lie on your back, like this, and lift your legs above you with knees bent, like so. Now, grab onto your feet, and gently pull so that your knees are drawn toward the floor. Don't go crazy now, stay at your own pace! Your arms provide the force, so you can control the degree of the stretch. Awww, feels so good! This position is called the Happy Baby. Just lie back and get yourself into that nice, carefree mindset. A big, happy baby, just playing around on the floor. Now, if you're like me, you're probably ready to pee by now! You might have to pause the video to go use the restroom, which will bring your heartrate down and break the rhythm of your routine. Unless, of course, you were smart and ordered a pack of my patented workout diapers! They're so soft and comfy, lick away all your sweat, and make bathroom breaks a thing of the past!

This was an aspect of her new format that had lost her more than a few viewers early on. Some had even called her new emphasis on diapers and other infantile apparel disgusting or obscene. She had cheerfully ignored that. She didn't need hateful and ignorant people in her audience, anyway. She definitely would have needed to wear diapers for her workouts, even if she hadn't loved them as much as she did. Her two nighttime visitors had been sure to explain to her that she would never be able to get through a video without wetting herself ever again. Her bladder control was fine the rest of the time, but once the camera was rolling, she would either end up in a soggy pair of pampers or an even soggier pair of yoga pants. And once the urge struck, she had to let the audience know about it. They had been very clear on that point. As she felt her hamstrings stretch out, she also felt her bladder give in without a struggle. She sighed with satisfaction as she felt the warm wetness spread through her padding.

“Oh, yeah! I gotta tell you folks, nothing feels better than a good stretch in a warm diaper! Yoga is as much about relaxing your muscles as it is about using them, and I love a nice, relaxed bladder! Makes me feel all warm and tingly inside! Now that we're warmed up, let's grab our jump-rope for a good round of cardio!”

She could never decide which way to face when jump-roping. She had finally settled on alternating between displaying her breasts and her belly, and showing off her diapered rear. Oh sure, she concealed it in a pair of yoga pants, but the thin, breezy material had no chance against the glossy plastic-backed bulk underneath, reinforced by her bountiful cheeks. The leak guards always stuck up around her drooping belly. She was planning to order a larger pair of work-out pants at some point, but that kind of thing never seemed very urgent to her. As a certain levitating woman with a short-cropped haircut had once told her, there was absolutely zero point in trying to hide the fact that she was in diapers, and it wasn't as though she wanted to anyway. She was proud of her bulging, padded rear, and it felt stupendous to know that thousands of strangers were admiring it.

When she saw old pictures of herself or watched her old work-out videos, she was frankly a bit ashamed. She hadn't looked bad, exactly. Her toned, svelte body had been nice, in its own way. But the advice she had given her viewers was simply ridiculous. Here she had virtually had no other work to do except keeping herself in tip-top shape, and she had been lecturing people who had actual jobs to do. Maintaining that body had taken nearly all her available time and energy, and she had preached that it was a standard that everyone could attain, and she had shamed those who struggled hard but fell short. It was embarrassing to think about, so these days she tended to keep her mind focused on the future.

She finished her jump-roping, and ran through a series of calf and lower back stretches. She still couldn't quite touch her toes, but many of her viewers had assured her that they couldn't either, so that was alright. The important thing was to keep trying, and she found that she was slowly starting to regain her lost flexibility.

She did a few rounds on the yoga ball (She really loved how her wet diapers felt pressed up against her on the ball), and then mopped her face with a towel and dimmed the lights. She had to remind herself to change the music at this point in post, from energetic work-out music to a calming ambiance. She lit a large scented candle (Birthday Cake scented, her favorite) and sat down behind it in a cross-legged position

“Alright! Good job everybody! All the hard work is done. Time to bring our heart-rates down and chill out for a little while. You know, learning to relax is just as important as learning to exert yourself. In the modern world, so many people have so many nagging thoughts and feeling that they never get the chance to let go of. So we're going to take a moment to just sit down and let everything go.”

She rested her palms on her knees face up, and took in a long breath through her nose. Her eyes fell to half-mast, and she began to speak softly between each breath.

“Breathe in...breathe out. Let the rhythm...of my voice...guide your thoughts...let it go in one ear...out the other...everything we do....needs to be balanced...every inhale...needs an exhale...every motion...requires rest...every exertion...requires relaxation....Breathe in...Breathe out...feel your heart slow...feel the tension...fall of your bones...”

She grabbed her bottle and took a long, slow pull, carefully continuing her rhythmic breathing as she drew in the cool tea through the nipple.

“Staying hydrated...is just the same...it has a rhythm...a natural flow...if you relax...and don't try to force it...your body will know...exactly what it needs.” Another warm glow spread through her diaper, filling her with blissful relief. She wasn't sure if her speakers would pick up the sound of her wetting herself, but she hoped that it would. The bulk between her legs felt wonderfully comforting, and she couldn't help but squirm in her lotus position slightly, despite having instructed her viewers to stay still and relax.

The meditation portion of her show lasted only about five minutes, but she found that it worked beautifully for letting her muscles and tendons unwind and bringing her heartrate down. She was getting better at learning to relax and sit still. She had never considered that that was even a skill that could be improved with practice, but she was actually getting better at it.

“Alright! That's all for today, folks! Thanks for bearing with me today, and for being patient with yourselves. If you've had trouble with any of the exercises I've shown you, please remember that you're not alone. We all struggle, and we all get better with practice, even if it doesn't always feel that way. Just keep trying again and again, and learn to forgive yourself when you make mistakes. Remember, doing things often is more important than doing them perfectly. Now, if you'll excuse me, I just worked off a lot of calories, so it's time for lunch! Just another rhythm. Calories in, calories out! Bye-bye now!”


Josh Stack

Thanks again for using another one of my ideas. I’m glad that even months after asking for Alternate Ending ideas, you haven’t forgotten about them. It’s always fun to revisit these old stories. I hope this isn’t too personal, but it seems like you were working through some issues here. I one-hundred percent sympathize if that was the case. Health is ultimately a means to an end, and while a world full of chiseled Amazons and Hunks would be ideal (at least for me it would as I wouldn’t mind a muscular Mommy or maybe Daddy, but I’m guessing not so much for people who like their partners on the chubby side) it’s good enough to just not be fully consumed by sloth and gluttony. But I digress, the point is that this story is absolutely adorable. Even as someone who’s not into weight-gain (and I promise this will be the last time I bring that up), there’s just something about Jennifer that makes me want to hug her. I actually felt rather bad for her when her viewers’ reaction to her change came up. I really hope that the Diaper Elves don’t make a habit of ruining people’s reputations.

John Doe

I don't get why Josh Stack is alwas such an egdelord and tries to overanalyze your stories. Weight gain really isn't my cup of tea but you making it part of an ABDL punishment actually made it enjoyable :D

Josh Stack

I am sorry if my comments bother you but until Derivative Kebab tells me to stop making them I am going to assume he doesn't have a problem with it.