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Thank you once again for your patience. More to come soon.

I stood on the landing, just out of sight of Samantha's guests. I bounced on the balls of my feet. I was so excited! The party had already been going on for a while. There was some EDM playing on our new sound system to get the party going, and judging by the faint murmurs of conversation and occasional laughter, everyone was having a great time. I'm not allowed to go down and talk to people until Samantha plays my special intro music. Oh my gawd, she is so awesome, and I'm soo fat and stupid! It's the best!

I'm so proud of Samantha! She used to be such a shy girl, but she's really made a lot of friends this year. Like Mrs. Lewis from down the street, who pays our rent for us now. She's always so excited whenever Samantha tells her to spend more of her ex-husband's money. She's a really nice lady, and really rich! I mean, not as rich as she used to be, of course, but Samantha says that she'll be easy to replace once her accounts run dry, and then she can just sell her house and live here as our maid! That sounds like so much fun! I wonder if Samantha will let me hang out with her if she was our maid? Well, at least it would mean Mommy wouldn't have so many chores to do, so she could really focus on taking care of me. That would be awesome!

Oh well, none of those decisions are going to be made by a ditz like me! Samantha does all the thinking in this house, cuz that's what she does best! I'm only good for sitting on my fat, dipey butt and turning donuts into shit! Samantha told me so, so I know it's a hundred percent true! Life is so much better now that Samantha is in charge of everybody. I used have all kinds of stupid work and boring responsibilities, but now I mostly just stay in the nursery and eat dessert six times a day. Mommy said that I'll be going up a diaper size soon. I can't wait! I jiggled my tummy for the hundredth time that day. I love how it feels. I'm getting fatter and fatter every day! My thighs, my arms, my diaper butt, my boobies. Everything is getting just a little bigger and a little softer, all the time! Samantha sometimes tells me that she's jealous of my big titties, even though hers are pretty big too. She's been jogging and doing yoga, and she's looking pretty trim these days. It's so funny how I used to be such an exercise nut, and she used to be the chubby one in the family. I'm sure glad things are the right way around now. I hate exercise!

The music faded. The lights were raised. It was almost time! I was so nervous, but excited! I took a deep breath and grabbed my wand. I checked my diaper and my party shirt to make sure they were still on straight. Mommy does such a good job of dressing me. I wondered for a second whether my diaper was dry, but then I remembered my training and forgot about it. Wet or dry, a diaper is a diaper as far as my silly little brain is concerned. For a second, I was worried that the word “Loser” was backwards on my shirt, but then I remembered that things always looked that way when you were wearing them.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Your attention please! As promised, I would like to introduce my personal guest of honor for the evening. Of course, you all understand that I'm totally in charge here, and that I am the most important and awesome person ever, but I love a good show as much as the next gal. Now, I invited a lot of you here today specifically because you used to know my big sister, Lily. Of course, you knew her a while back, before I took her under my wing and made her what she is today. She was so stressed out and tired all the time from trying soo hard to be better than me. Can you believe that?”

There was a pause. I heard several hushed voices discussing the question.

“You can't! It's so ridiculous that anyone, especially my sister, could ever hold a candle to me! And she's gonna show us all tonight just how much she's...grown as a person in the last year. So, without further ado, allow me to present: My big sister and favorite plaything, Lily the Loser!”

That's my cue! My big moment had arrived. I'd been practicing my entrance all week, and I wanted Samantha to be proud of me. I whipped my wand around myself as I danced down the stairs. The ribbon of lavender gauze twirled and swirled around me. I could feel all my fat jiggling up and down as I bounced from step to step like a big powerball. The special theme music that Samantha picked out for me began to play. I began to sing as loudly and clearly as I could as I came into view of the party guests.

“Iiiii....want a Hippopotomus for Christmas! Only a Hippopotamus will do! I don't want a doll, no dinky Tinkertoy, I want a Hippotomus to play with and enjoy!”

The laughter and cheering began almost as soon as I was visible. The chairs had been arranged in a large circle around the living room so that I would have plenty of room to prance around. Once I was down the stairs, I could manage some of my more complex moves. I spun around on my toes and gave the room a good look at my ass. Samantha was very clear that my butt was just as important as my face tonight, and all the guests would want to get a good look at it. I dropped into a squat and started twerking to the music. Mommy said my singing voice was great, but Samantha hadn't heard me yet, so I wasn't really sure.

“Oh what joy and what surprise, when I open up my eyes, to see a hippo hero standing there!”

I made a tour of the room, twirling my wand and blowing kisses at the guests as I sang. I recognized a few of my old pals from medical school. So many people who are so much smarter than me! It made my heart leap to see them. I had spent so much time in the bad old days trying to impress them with with my charm and intellect. I was so silly back then. Now they finally get to see me for what I really am: a big fat diaper-wearing embarrassment! I stopped in front of Kathy's seat so she could get a good look. She was in my anatomy class in freshman year, and we used hang out at lunch all the time. I giggled when she reached out to grab my jiggly belly. She laughed and laughed as she shook it up and down, sending ripples across my whole body. I love it when people play with my belly fat! I like Kathy, but I had to make sure to give everyone their turn with me as well. I jumped from chair to chair. So much fun to see everyone, and they were all so happy to see me! Amanda ticked me under my armpits. Terry spanked me, which was fun, but I could barely feel it through my diaper. Wendy gave my chubby cheeks a good pinching. Hanna blew a raspberry on my belly (well, more like in my belly, she could get her whole face in there). Mommy was in the corner, wearing her part dress with the country apron and clapping along as I sang. I did three full rounds of the room while the music played, so everyone got plenty of chances to pinch, jiggle, rub, and fondle me to their heart's content. It felt so nice to make so many people happy!

When my song ended, Samantha stood and announced to the room. “Well now that we've had a chance to meet her, let's hear what this dimwit has to say for herself! Why don't you tell us how you got to where you are today?”

I took up position at the end of the room and took a deep breath before addressing everyone. Samantha wrote my speech for me, of course, and Mommy read to me so that I could memorize it and practice in front of the mirror.

“Hiiiii Everybody! I'm so happy to be here! I haven't seen some of you in a while, as you can tell, my life has changed a lot. You see, when I came to visit my sister for her birthday last year, I wet my bed. It was hilarious! Of course, I don't wet the bed any more, since I always wear my pampers now. My wonderful sister explained how stupid and useless I was, so we all agreed it was best if I cut it out with all that studying and work stuff. My life has been so wonderful since then. I'm so stupid now, I can't even read anymore! I get fed lots and lots of wonderful treats every day. Not only are they delicious, but they really pile on the pounds! It feels great to know that I'm gotten so fat, and I'll be even fatter tomorrow. Just look at my butt! I mean, a lot of it is just my diaper, but trust me, a diaper this big would have fallen right off me a year ago! My Mommy diaper-trained me, so I often don't even notice when I'm peeing myself. Even when I make my diaper stinky, I don't notice until I'm just about to load my pampers! I'm so glad to have a sister who is so much smarter and cooler and generally better than me!”

The guests laughed at me as I told them all this, of course. I am pretty ridiculous after all! They broke into applause as I finished, so I took a bow, which made them laugh even more.

“Good job, Lily! I think somebody earned herself a big treat! Now, why don't you show everyone what a big mess you can make in your diapers! Get pooping Lily!”

I giggled as I squatted down and put hands on my knees. I really wanted to do a good job and not embarrass my sister after she vouched for me like this. I hadn't gone yet today, but it is really hard to tell if I need to, so all I could do was hope and push. To my delight, a long series of squelches and whistling farts came out, followed by a mudslide of hot, sticky shit. I've made my diaper stinky at least a thousand times in the last year, and this one wasn't my biggest, but easily in the top ten percent. I would have been so embarrassed to not be able to perform in front of an audience after all that practice.

When I finished, I stood up and ran a tour of the room, giving everyone a chance to get a whiff. I jumped up and down and cheered.

“Yayyy! I got a poopy diii-per! I got a stinky butt! I love being a dirty diaper girl!”

The guests pinched their noses and fanned their faces as I passed them. It's so hilarious how they all use the potty like adults, while all I can do is make a mess in my pampers and hope someone wipes my butt for me!

Samantha's voice sounded funny with her nose pinched. “Woooh! No wonder I had Mom put you back in diapers, Dumb-dumb! You can really load those suckers up! Now, usually it's Mom's job to deal with all Lily's 'little accidents', but I've given her the evening off from diaper duty! So, Lily, why don't you ask one of our guests really, really nicely to clean your fatass up and put you in some nice fresh huggies!”

I looked around the room. Everyone was shifting uncomfortably and averting their eyes. I wasn't too surprised. Even Mommy used to hate changing dirty diapers, but that was before Samantha explained to her how fun it was! I decided to ask Kathy, who was covering her face with her hand and looking embarrassed to be seen with me.

“Kathyyyy! I made a really big stinky in my diaper, and I'm way too dumb to change myself! Can you wipe my big blubbery butt for me? Pleeeease?”

She giggled behind her hand. “Yeah...no. That's okay, Lily. If it's all the same to you, I think I'll pass on all that.”

Ahh! Not the answer I was hoping for at all. I glanced back at Samantha, wondering if she wanted me to ask someone else now.

“She sounds a little reluctant, Fatass. You'd better get on your knees and beg her like a good little pants-pooper. Really show her how pathetic you really are.”

It's so nice to have Samantha around to tell me what to do. I got on my knees and bowed down to Kathy, clasping my hands together over my head.

“Oh pleeeease? I'm so fat and stupid! There's no way I can ever change my own diaper Kathy! I'll get a big nasty rash if I don't have someone to wipe me up! Please? Please, please?! Pretty please with candy and sugar and a cherry on top!”

Maybe I was hamming it up a little too much. It's not like I really cared if my diaper was clean or not. Don't get me wrong, I love a good diaper change. Mommy has perfected the art of making every change a fun little game. Still, if my sister wanted me to beg, I couldn't very well phone it in. She's the one with all the brains in the family, after all.

Kathy crossed her arms and looked away, blushing. My eyes started to tear up.

“Time to pull out the big guns, Lily! Throw a big ol' tantrum for your change.”

I threw myself onto the ground, bobbing on my big breasts and gut. I kicked my legs in the air and pounded the floor with my fists as hard as I could.

“Aaaaaaawwwwww! Change me! Change me change me change me! I want it I want it I want it nooowww!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. It felt good. It's been a while since I last got to throw a tantrum. Usually, I get exactly what I want without having to ask!

Kathy was unmoved. “Oh gawd! Leave me alone. You're so disgusting! I can't believe I used to hang out with you!”

My bottom lip quivered. It was nice of her to call me disgusting and all, but I had thought we were friends! Why wouldn't she change my diaper?

Samantha was at my side in a second. She patted my rear affectionately and whispered in my ear. “Aww. cheer up, stupid. I'll take care of this.”

My mood returned to normal in an instant. Samantha always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.

“Did you just call my sister disgusting?” she demanded angrily.

Kathy shrank backward in her seat. She knew she had made a big mistake, but she was fumbling for some way to defend herself. “Well, yes, but...but you call her mean names all the time!”

Samantha gestured to herself as she spoke. “I'm her sister. I can call her what I like. But if you insult her, you're insulting me, too. I don't appreciate that. Now, you are going to give Lily lots of big kisses on her smelly diaper butt and apologize to her. Now.”

Kathy jumped out of her seat immediately and fell to the ground beside me. I stuck out my rear for her to make things easy. I couldn't feel her lips, but I could definitely hear them as they smacked against the plastic backing of my diaper. I turned my head as much as I could, straining to see the look on her face. It was hilarious. Her eyes and nostrils were pinched shut, but her lips were going to town on my ass.

“No, no holding your breath! You take a big ol' sniff of that dirty diaper, missy.” ordered Samantha. Kathy immediately obeyed. It looked like she wanted to throw up, but she couldn't stop giving my fat ass kissies!

“Now, apologize for what you said to my sister, and tell her you'll gladly change her diaper. Be sweet about it, now!” said Samantha. She looked like she was enjoying the show!

“Ooooh, yes ma'am.(smooch) I'm very sorry (smack) Lily. Of course I'll (muah) be happy to change this for you!”

“Get to it then.” commanded Samantha sharply. Mommy came forward with my diaper bag and smiled as she handed it to Kathy. She spread out my big changing pad on the floor (it's my favorite one, decorated with colorful cupcakes). I lay down, squealing with delight as my big mess squished underneath me. Mommy was sure to supervise, since Kathy doesn't have much experience with diapers, especially the huge ones that I wear!

“Don't be shy! She goes through a lot of baby wipes.”

“Rub that powder in, dear. There you go.”

“Use one of the ones with the blocks. Those are her favorite, and she'll be too big for them soon.”

“Lift your big fat butt, pumpkin! There's a good girl!”

“Bottom tapes first, silly. Gotta make sure it's nice and tight, or my fat little sweetie-pie might leak!”

I couldn't help giggling at the look on Kathy's face as she changed me. I've gotten used to Mommy's happy smiling face when I'm on the changing table, but it was fun to see Kathy gag and wince instead.

“Good job! Now run that smelly thing up to the nursery. Diaper genie is next to the crib.”

Kathy gingerly picked up the swollen mass of my diaper between thumb and forefinger and began carefully walking it toward the stairs, grimacing all the way. Samantha skipped after her and grabbed her by the shoulders to stop her.

“I don't know what you're so down in the dumps about. You love the smell of Lily's dirty diapers. They're your favorite thing in the whole wide world, in fact. Why the thought of being without them is just awful for you, isn't it?”

Kathy spun around, eyes wide in a look of horror. Then, very slowly, she brought my used diaper around under her nose for another long sniff. Instead of twisting into a grimace, she sighed with bliss and sniffed again, and then again. It was like she couldn't get enough of the smell into her lungs. Everyone laughed and clapped along, me included! She looked so happy now!

Samantha turned back to Mommy. “You serve Lily her cake. I'm going to explain to Kathy here how her life is going to be from now on.”

Mommy ran excitedly to the kitchen, and returned with a ten-inch round cake with whipped cream frosting. She set it down in front of me on the changing mat. It had a picture of pig in pink frosting, next to the words “Mommy's Stupid Little Piggy” in cursive.

“Wow! Thank you, Mommy!” I squealed when I saw it.

“You're welcome dear! It's so wonderful that Samantha is in charge of us all now! I've never been happier. Now, dig in and eat every last bite, honey. We need to get your butt nice and wide!”

Mommy took pictures with her phone as I reached into the cake and pulled out a big chunk to shove into my mouth. The guests loved it, clapping and giggling as I gorged on the cake. By the time Samantha and Kathy were back from the nursery, my face and chest were practically covered in chocolate cake and raspberry filling. The word “Loser” was starting to get hard to read. I waved at Kathy, who happily waved back. She seemed a lot more cheerful now, and was wearing a yellow bikini with the words “Diaper Sniffer” printed across the top.

“Yay! Does this mean Kathy is going to stay here with us?” I asked Samantha eagerly.

“You bet!” said Samantha, giving Kathy's butt a hearty slap. She jumped a little, but smiled as she rubbed herself “I've been thinking that you could use someone to keep you company in your crib at night, and as fat as you're getting, I'm sure Mom could use a hand with you at the changing table! Here Kathy, you can start by wiping this tubby moron's face.”

Kathy smiled and grabbed the box of wipes. Mommy sat beside her, and they got to work wiping me down.

“I'm so glad you're going to stay with me here!” I told Kathy excitedly. Then I realized something and squealed with excitement. “Does this mean you're not gonna become a doctor either?”

She chuckled. “Oh, that! No, of course not, silly. If I became a doctor, I would have hardly any time to smell your stinky diaper butt! I wouldn't miss out on that for anything in the world!”

I laughed. “Are you going to sleep with me in my crib? There's room...not as much as there used to be, of course, but there is!”

“As long as I can sleep with nose next to your butt! Are you going to poop yourself while you sleep?” she asked plaintively.

“That's a promise!”

The party continued well into the night. Mommy served dinner, and then drinks. She put champagne in my baba for me, and we all sang Happy Birthday to Samantha. Kathy and I kissed every single guest on the butt as they left. I was pretty tipsy by bedtime, so Mommy and Kathy helped me up the stairs and into my jammies. Mommy and Samantha both tucked me and Kathy into our crib for the night.

“Happy Birthday Samantha, and thanks for everything.” I said as Mommy covered hus with a sodt fleece blanket. “You're the best!”

She chuckled and tapped me on my nose. “You got that right, big sis. Now, suck your thumb and go to sleep!”

I put my thumb in my mouth. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.


Josh Stack

I’ll be honest, this really isn’t my kind of story. I don’t really get anything out of weight gain and diaper sniffing, and I get very little out of humiliation. That said, the passion you put into this is easy to see, and I’m glad you’re having a fun time with it. Odd that you would pick this one of all stories to do a sequel to, but I understand if you miss writing stories like this. I’m guessing a lot of your other patrons probably miss reading stories like this. I did really like how Lily was portrayed. Though Princess Boom-Boom will always be my favorite, all the examples of The Doll you have written have been enchanting in their infectious enthusiasm. I can’t help but like any instance of mind-control induced happiness, even if it’s alongside kinks I don’t like. My favorite part has to be when Lily is talking about “all the friends Samatha has made” for them. It’s really fun to imagine just how many “playthings” Samatha has, all mindlessly blissful and happy to serve. If you’re ever interested in making non-ABDL content (which i know is unlikely), Mrs. Lewis would be a great Maidification story.

John Doe

Hmm don't listen to Josh Stack. I dont like weight gain either, but I feel like this is just a marketing problem. If you market towards the weight gain crowd in furry communities, I could imagine them liking it.