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Tina's face was grave as she allowed Miko to usher her toward the house. “Is there any of the real you still in there, Miko?” she asked, not feeling much real hope.

Miko's sunny demeanor flickered for an instant. “How can you ask me that, sweetie? Mommy is as real as the nose on your cute little face! I'm so happy to have you here with me, Teeny. I know that this is going to be a big adjustment for you. I know you're not going to just give up all the silly Big Girl habits you have all at once. That's okay! Mommy will be very patient with you, sweetie. We'll just do this one step at a time.”

They stepped into the living room. The furniture looked like it had been ordered from a Sears and Roebuck catalog. The couch was long and upholstered in faux white leather. An old-fashioned radio with wood paneling sat in one corner, playing soaring orchestral music that none-the-less was concealing a now-familiar rhythm. Tina guessed that if the music in here and the music from the police cruiser were played at the same time, they would sync up perfectly. The only obviously modern item in sight was the massive flatscreen television, which hung menacingly on the wall opposite the couch. It nearly covered the entire wall, with the narrow space beneath containing only a shelf of CD cases. The art on the walls was simple and impersonal, showing only pastoral landscapes and various non-threatening dewey-eyed animals. Everything looked so clean and neatly arranged that Tina wondered for a moment if the house was for sale. She realized an instant later that of course it was, and she was intended purchaser. And all it would cost her would be her freedom and her dignity.

A large banner was hung above the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room, accompanied by colorful balloons and ribbons. It read “Welcome Home, Baby Tina!”

“I'm so glad you're here, sweetheart! Mommy heard all about you wetting yourself in the store. It broke Mommy's heart to hear about you sitting there crying all alone in your wet pants! You won't ever have to go through that again, Mommy promises!”

Tina groaned. “I'm not going to wear diapers, Miko.” she stated firmly.

Miko closed her eyes and nodded sagely, as though she had expected that. “Mommy understands, sweetie. Like I said, we'll take it one step at a time. I need you to understand something, though, honey. You can keep wearing your training pants and trying to use the potty like a big girl if you really want to, or you can just go straight back into baby diapers right away. Now, Mommy would be very, very happy if you would agree to wear your diapers and just forget about the potty, but I know that's asking a lot. So, let's make a little deal, okay baby? If you pick the diapers, you can go potty in them as much as you want, and Mommy will always be ready to give you a big hug and congratulate you on using your diaper like a good girl. Everything is all set up to handle your diapers, honey. Mommy has a lovely changing table in your nursery, with all the wipes and powder and spare diapers a big baby could ever need! Mommy can't wait to get started changing your adorable bottom, pumpkin.”

Miko's voice dropped, and her demeanor suddenly shifted from cheerful to stern. “But, if you insist, Mommy will let you keep your training pants, and you can keep trying to use the potty like a big, grown-up lady. But honey, you need to understand that it just isn't going to work for you. Not really, anyway. Oh, I know you want soooo so badly to be a big girl and go potty. I'm sure you can pull down your little training pants and get it right once or twice, by sheer luck if nothing else. But Teeny, you're going to have accidents. You may not believe that, but Mommy always knows, sweetie. Lots and lots of really embarrassing accidents in your pants. Over and over, no matter how hard you try not to. It'll get harder and harder for you make your tinkles and poopies anywhere but in your training pants. It's going to be just soooo humiliating to fail at potty training again and again. You'll feel very silly for ruining your cute training pants over and over, and Mommy will have to discipline you every single time. Is that really what you want, honey? It would be so much easier and more fun if you would just accept that you're a diaper baby now, Teeny.”

Tina sagged. She knew that Miko was almost certainly telling the truth. The accident in the store proved that the ads she had seen were already affecting her control. If she didn't concede and let Miko put her back in diapers, she would almost certainly find herself on receiving end of her brainwashed friend's “discipline”, whatever that meant. She gritted her teeth and asked the inevitable question.

“Now, when you say...'discipline'...” Tina let her voice tail off.

Miko cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips. “Well baby, if you try to run away, or break Mommy's rules, or talk back to Mommy, then Mommy has to give you a punishment. Mommy doesn't like being mean, but she has to keep you in line for your own good, sweetie. That might mean you have to go and stand in the corner for a little while, or go without dessert at dinnertime, or I might have to take one of your lovely toys away for a while.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Or, it might mean that you'll need to go over Mommy's knee. If you're naughty, or rude, or just if you haven't had one in a while, Mommy will have to remind you that you're not the one who makes the rules. We both have a job in this house, pumpkin. My job is to take care of you and make you as happy as you possibly can be, and your job is to do as I say. Understand, honey?”

Tina felt the skin on her back try to rearrange itself. The room suddenly felt uncomfortably hot.

“No!” she said suddenly, more to herself than to Miko. She pulled away from her friend's grip. “You can't do that! Miko, this isn't right! It's not normal! Snap out of it for gawd's sake!”

Miko sighed and shook her head. “I can, sweetie. You know that, and so do I. You are under Mommy's authority now, honey, and I'll punish you however I choose. Now, a good girl would admit she was wrong and apologize to Mommy right now, sweetie. You want to be a good girl for Mommy, don't you, Teeny?”

Tina turned and ran for the door. Her hand closed on the handle. She squeezed and twisted it, but the door would not open.

“Ha-ha ha-ha huh! Ha-ha ha-ha haha!  heheheh...” said a goofy but chilling recording of a voice.

She looked down to see the grinning plastic face of a circus clown was covering the knob, preventing it from turning. She struck the door as hard as she could with her shoulder, but it was solid. She felt Miko's hand gently grab her upper arm again.

“Mommy had a safety cover put on the door, in case you got it into your head to run off.” explained Miko as she pulled Tina toward the couch. Tina struggled, but Miko didn't seem to notice. Evidently, whatever the Sponsors had done to Miko had given her the same inexplicable power as their other creations. Despite her struggles and protests, Tina found herself forced to lay across Miko's lap. Her butt, still covered by her Wuvvies training pants, pointed toward the ceiling.

“Let me go! Let me go! Let...go!” Tina pushed with all her strength, but her friend's hand did not budge so much as a millimeter.

“I think a nice red bottom is just what the doctor ordered today, Teeny-beanie. We'll start with twenty smacks for wetting your pants in the store. One (smack)...Two (smack)...Three...”

Tina's protests stopped the instant Miko's hand struck her lightly-padded bottom. The feeling was not what she had been expecting. Pain was part of it, but only a small part. A warm feeling of numbness suffused the spot where Miko's hand fell almost as soon as it landed. The effect shot up her spine and down her legs, making her whole body feel heavy and weak. Tina felt her face and ears redden along with  her butt cheeks. Her breathing grew labored and sweat beaded on her forehead. As blow after blow landed, Tina's legs feebly kicked, not in anger but in...pleasure.

“Twenty (smack)...now, another thirty for trying to run away from Mommy. That was very silly of you, honey. One (smack)...Two...”

Tina breathing was irregular as more and more smacks rained down on her. Tears formed in her eyes. Her legs stretched out, quivered for a moment, and then settled down as the spanking finally ended. She lay on the couch, gasping for air and waiting for her heart rate to settle down again. Miko's hand rubbed up an down on her rear and upper thighs, spreading the soft fiery pleasure around. At length, she picked up Tina and sat her face-up in her lap. She rubbed Tina's back and wiped a tear from her cheek.

“There, there. It's all over now. Mommy only does this because she loves you and wants what's best for you, sweety. Are you still sure you don't want to trade in these silly training panties for something a lot thicker? Mommy's spankings wouldn't be so hard on your tushy if you were a good little diapee girl.”

Tina was breathing so hard that for a moment, she couldn't answer. “Huh...huh...huh...?” she finally said in a small voice. All her emotions had been blown out like a candle...or possibly like a fusebox. All that was left in her was the warm glow of her skin, the soft smoothness of Miko's lap, and the sensation of floating. All her fear, anger, pain, and embarrassment were gone. She felt utterly helpless and defeated. She had never imagined that she could feel this way. She certainly hadn't imagined that it would feel so good.

“Well, we can table that discussion for another time, baby.” Miko popped Tina's pacifier back into her unresisting mouth. “Come on, I'll set you down to watch a nice little show. Then it'll be lunchtime, and then your nap. How does that sound?”

Miko picked Tina up by her armpits and settled her down on the carpeted floor. “No couch privileges until you're wearing something I can count on not to leak, sweetheart.” she admonished. Tina barely had the energy to shrug. After her spanking, the indignity of being sat on the floor like a toddler barely registered.

Miko pulled a CD from its case and inserted it into a slot below the TV. The screen came to life with a soft peach-colored haze. Miko sat on the couch behind Tina and patted her head as the video began to play.

A tall, muscular woman with bright green eyes and hair that tumbled down her shoulders appeared on the screen. She wore white robes and had gold circlet on her head, making her look like some sort of high priestess.  A title screen dropped over her smiling image.

The Importance of Obedience”

“Hi. Welcome to this new, happier phase of your existence. Today, we're going to talk about Obedience. Now, Obedience is one of those crucial concepts you'll need to master in order to lead a rich, satisfying life. Obedience. It's that feeling you get when you know that all is truly right with the world. The blissful contentment that comes when you hear what you need to do, and you just do it. Immediately. Without fear or hesitation of any kind.”

Tina groaned and began jamming her fingers in her ears. Miko took Tina's wrists in her weirdly gentle vicegrips and held them away from her head. “Now, now, baby. This is important stuff that you need to learn.”

The woman was swept aside by an abrupt change of scene. A montage of women in different scenes demonstrating their marvelous obedience danced across the screen. Each one looked both surprised and thrilled as they jumped to do what the disembodied voice commanded of them.

“Pat your head and rub your stomach”

“Make an apple cobbler.”

“Do a handstand.”

“Eat this raspberry.”

“Wash the dishes.”

“Touch your toes.”

“Solve this equation.”

“Make a turkey sandwich.”

“Go for a jog.”

“Play hopscotch.”

Each command was accompanied by a swell in the music, and each act of obedience was marked by a ringing of bells. The montage stretched on, until Tina could not recall how long she had been watching. Command, obey, command, obey, ad infinitum. The orders grew more strange and unlikely as the scenes and costumes grew weirder.

“Rescue that puppy.”

“Jump to the moon.”

“Bend this iron bar.”

“Pee on the floor.”

“Wrestle that polar bear.”

“Do a hundred push-ups.”

“Play with your breasts.”

“Contemplate the harmony of the cosmos.”

“Buy some new clothes.”

“Write a novel.”

The screen grew brighter and brighter as the smiling women happily obeyed their unseen mistress. Finally, the screen faded back to the original pinkish-orange, and the priestly woman came back into view.

“Obedience is that feeling of wholeness, of completeness, that you get when you've done a great job and made your superior truly happy. Obedience is simply the best. It is pure, just, righteous, worthy, and utterly fulfilling. You want to be good. You want to be pure. You want to Obey. Are you ready to get started? Nod your head.”

Tina felt a tightness form in her neck muscles. Her head bobbed up and down. The music from the screen jingled again.

“Very good. That's what a good girl does. You obey without thinking. Without the slightest thought or possibility of resistance. Just relax, and let the command become your whole self. Let's try something a little harder. Put your foot in your mouth.”

Tina's bare foot twitched. Her knee began to bend, but the thought of putting her unwashed foot in her mouth made her tense up. She shoved down the invasive urge. Her pacifier bobbed in and out.

The music suddenly scratched out an unpleasant discord. The peachy glow darkened. The smiling face of the woman on the screen grew serious. Her eyes glowed an angry red. Tina knew it was a trick, but her spine straightened up slightly regardless.

The living room filled with sound of pealing thunder as the woman poke in a grim, booming voice.

“Disobeying feels dirty and wrong. You know that once you refused to carry out a direct order, that will sit on your conscience the rest of your life. It will eat at you, and eat at you. Whenever you look up the sky, it will look just slightly crooked because of the wrong you have done. Refusing an order is simply unthinkable. The longer you try to resist, the more you know in your heart that you have been bad. You know that you deserve punishment for what you have failed to do.”

Tina gritted her teeth. The words were seeping into her, and she knew that no matter what she did, she wasn't immune. She could feel the acid biting into the bottom of her stomach. She knew it was insane to feel guilty about refusing to put her foot in her mouth because a video told her to. But as usual, that knowledge offered her no protection. She felt like garbage, and she knew it was because she hadn't obeyed. Tears formed in her eyes as the feeling grew stronger. It just wasn't fair. Thanks to the Sponsors, she was already a big crybaby who needs a pacifier to keep her emotions from overwhelming her. Now, she was being turned into an obedient little pet who did whatever she was told. The woman on the screen silently glowered at her, as though waiting for her to comply. She wondered if the screen was actually capable of responding to her. Given what she had already seen, she could not rule it out.

Tina strained to bend her leg towards her face. Miko let go of her wrists and helped her bring herself into position. Her pacifier was yanked out, and her big toe slid into to replace it. The taste was every bit as unpleasant as she had expected, but the relief was instantaneous. The festering guilt was magically transformed into exultant joy. A triumphant fanfare sounded from the screen, the peach-colored lighting shone once again, and the woman excitedly clapped for her. The dozens of smiling faces from the earlier montage all reappeared to applaud her. Miko was clapping for her as well. Her chest swelled with pride.

“Good Girl! Very good! It took a little while, but that's okay! You're still learning. Soon enough, you'll just leap to do whatever you are told with no hesitation and no control! No more making decisions for yourself. No more independent thinking. Your journey toward being a perfect little Obedient girl has begun, and every step will easier than the last. So today, we're going to go over a few simple exercises to make you just a little more Obedient. Do these simple exercises once a day to build up your Obedience. Soon, you'll be able to obey any order that is given to immediately and fearlessly. Stand up.”

Tina was on her feet an instant later.

“Slap yourself on the butt.”

Tina winced. Her rear was still mildly sore from her spanking, and her own hand somehow felt worse than Miko's.

“Hop on one leg”

“Stick out your tongue.”

“Tug on your ear.

“Suck your thumb.”

“Wiggle your toes.”

“Put your left leg in”

“Take your left leg out.”

“Put your right leg in.”

“Shaaake it all about!”

“Do the Hokey-pokey and turn yourself about!”

Tina pointed her index fingers at the ceiling and danced in a circle. The feeling of blissful contentment was growing stronger with each order she obeyed. She knew that this would only reinforce the Sponsor's power over her, but she was so tired of struggling to resist, and it felt so good to just give in.

“That's all for today! Remember to do everything you are told, like a good girl! That's what it's all about!”

This Message Is Brought To You By...Our Sponsors.

The screen faded. Tina breathed a sigh of relief.

“Did you enjoy your little show, pumpkin?” asked Miko sweetly. Tina, feeling disgusted with herself, nodded.

“Now, are you ready to be Mommy's good girl, and do eeeeverything Mommy tells you?”

Tina frowned, but nodded again.

“Are you gonna try to run away from me again, Teeny?” asked Miko.

Tina sighed and shook her head. “No, I'll...stick around, I guess.”

“Can you tell me who makes the rules around here, honey?” asked Miko.

There was a long pause. “...Mommy.” she whispered.

Miko's smile was almost as bright as any created by the Sponsors. She pulled Tina into a crushing hug. Tina was instantly very aware that Miko's more generous bust was not a mere product of cunning corsetry. “Good girl! Good, good girl! Don't worry. You'll love it here with me, I promise!”

Tina returned the hug. She rested her chin on Miko's shoulder. She couldn't deny that having her friend hold her like this felt amazing. Being called a good girl felt wonderful too, even if she had earned it by debasing herself completely. Even the soreness on her rump felt oddly good. To say that she had enjoyed the spanking would be simplistic. It was too powerful and intense to enjoy in the same way that one might enjoy a cookie. It left her feeling drained. She definitely did not want another one. She needed time to recover. Time to plan, time to consider how she could possibly save both herself and Miko from the evil forces that were controlling them both like marionettes.

After a prolonged embrace, Miko kissed her cheek and patted her butt once again. “Are you suuuure you don't want to trade those cute little training panties for a nice, thick diaper, sweetie? I'm sure you'll be very adorable having your little accidents in your pull-ups Teeny, but then Mommy will have to spank you again! Wouldn't you rather just get your bottom changed like a sweet little baby girl?  You'll like it if you give a try, sweetie.”

Miko pursed her lips. So much of her wanted to just give Miko everything she wanted, but she knew that once she allowed herself to be put in diapers, she would almost certainly never get out of them again. She slowly shook her head.

Miko hugged her again. “That's okay, honeybunch. Mommy loves you whatever undies you wear. There are still plenty of wonderful, fun things we can do together in a the meantime. How about a nice little lunch? Are you hungry, pumpkin?”

Tina glanced toward the kitchen. It was a very luxurious kitchen, with lots of shiny, brand-new gadgets lining the countertops. There was even a bowl of ripe pears. It was extremely obvious that not one single meal had ever been prepared in there.

“Noooo, Teeny. We don't need anything over there. You can have your lunch right here.”

Tina briefly wondered what her friend meant by this. Miko lay down on the couch and motioned for Tina to join her. The way she rubbed her nipple through her dress cleared the issue right up. Tina vehemently shook her head when the realization struck her. It took her a  moment of struggle to make her tongue form words again.

“I... that's...that's really, really...er...nice of you Miko, but I don't think I...” she started, but Miko cut her off.

“Lie down on Mommy, baby.”

Tina found herself lying on her friend's warm, inviting body. Tina realized too late that she had obeyed her friend's order without thinking, just like a good girl. Miko pressed a finger to her lips.

“Shhhhh. Shshshsh. Teeny, I know this is a lot to deal with all at once. I'm willing to be patient with you about your diapers, but this is far too important to wait. It's very important to Mommy that you understand how our relationship will work from now on.”

As she spoke, Miko undid the top buttons of her dress and allowed Tina to examine her cleavage. There was no supporting structure under the dress at all. Her breasts bobbed up and down freely. They were remarkably perky given their newfound mass. A sweet but mild scent of cream wafted into Tina's nose. She felt her mouth moisten.

“Teeny, I am your Mommy, and you are my baby. These...(she playfully jiggled her cleavage)...are all yours now. For good. My boobies are just for you, sweetheart. You can come to me, at any hour of the day or night, and I will drop whatever I am doing to fill up your hungry little tum-tum!” she tapped Tina's nose to punctuate her statement. “As much as you want, as often as you want, as long as you want. That's a promise. Full, unrestricted access to Mommy's boobies. I know you will love that honey, and I want very much to give that to you. You can suck and suck until you've had enough! Would you like to play with them? Jiggle them? Bat them back and forth? You can. All day long, if that's what you want. Would you like to use them as a pillow? Maybe stick your face between them and rub it back and forth? Mommy would love that, sweetheart! Would you like them better if they were bigger? Let Mommy show what our wonderful Sponsors gave her!”

Miko opened a drawer in an end table beside the couch and retrieved a small bottle of cut glass. It was filled with a glistening amber liquid, topped with a spray head, and labeled “Busty” in a swooping cursive script. She gave her breasts a light spritz. The buttery smell in the air grew stronger, and her cleavage visibly swelled. Tina's eyes widened as Miko's cantaloupes became honeydews. “They can be as big as you want, honey! Would you like them to be cherry-flavored one day, and banana the next? Would you like chocolate on the left and strawberry on the right? It's no problem for me at all. I just want to share them with you. I want to share everything with you. You have no idea how many wonderful things the Sponsors have made for us to enjoy. Come on. I know you love your paci. This will be far, far better. Have a drink, sweety.”

Tina felt dizzy. It was all too much. She knew that Miko was telling the truth. She could just give in to a life of endless indulgence. No struggle, no work, no pain, no worries, just love, happiness and pleasure.

She shut her eyes. She stuck out her tongue and touched it against Miko's nipple. She heard a sharp intake of breath. She inhaled the smell and locked on without thinking. For a long time, she heard nothing except Miko's heartbeat and thought of nothing but teasing more and more of the sweet, creamy milk from Miko's breast.


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