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I'm back. I'm very sorry for the delay, and I thank you once again for being patient with me.

Bethany woke to the sound of chirping birds. In the dim, hazy state of mind occupied by the newly awake, she wondered briefly where she was. Part of her had expected that she would find herself back in her own apartment again. The things she remembered from last night couldn't possibly have happened. It was all too strange, twisted, and intense to be anything but a fever dream. But as she looked around and saw Madison's vast collection of toys and silly-looking pink furniture, it soon became clear that the fairy was not done with her yet.

She pulled her thumb from her mouth and squeezed her legs together experimentally. She didn't want to pull off the fleece blankets to look at herself, for fear of waking Madison. Bethany's new underwear was still there, real as could be. She inhaled deeply with satisfaction. She was a baby dolly now, so it was only natural that she was in diapers. She smiled as she batted that thought across her mind. Madison had her arms around her, pressing herself into her doll's back. She could feel Madison's padded crotch against her rear. She could hear Madison sucking her thumb as she snored softly. She could smell Madison's nighttime accident. She lay her head on the large pink pillow and sighed with contentment. This, she decided, was the way to wake up in the morning.

She was in her owner's arms. That thought sent little shivers up her spine. It wasn't the burning feeling of mingled excitement and shame that she had felt at last night's party. It was a much lighter, softer sensation, but no less wonderful for that. The deep comfort of being held, cherished, and unconditionally loved by her owner. The feelings of alienation and strangeness that she had felt since she first arrived here had not completely faded, but it was far less intense now. She knew now that, bizarre as this place was, she belonged here. She was Madison's Dolly. She needed to be here, to keep Madison feeling safe and secure as she slept. There was nothing that she needed to do or say. It was more than enough just be here.

The door of Madison's bedroom gently swung open, and Clara strolled in. She wore a pair of jeans, white sneakers, a white tank top, and a knowing smirk.

“Good Morning, sweetheart! How's Mommy's new diaper girl, hmm?”

Madison's thumb left her mouth with a pop. She stretched and yawned behind Bethany as Clara pulled aside the blankets.

“Aaah-aahh!” she yawned, sounding utterly blissful. “Mornin', Mommy. Mornin' Bethany.” She sleepily planted a kiss on her doll's cheek. Bethany blushed.

Clara bent forward, pressed her nose into Madison's rear, and noisily sniffed. “Hmmm. Smells like my little princess isn't quite as done with her bedwetting days as she thought, is she?”

Madison blushed and nodded.

Bethany felt at her own padding. She realized that she was unable to tell whether she had used the diaper in her sleep or not. It was thick and warm enough, but somehow the ideas of wet and dry didn't seem to apply to it. It was just...there.

“Maddie...you know what Mommy wants to hear.” said Clara with a warning edge creeping into her voice.

Madison heaved herself up on her elbows and filled her lungs. “I'm a bedwetter again, Mommy.” she declared solemnly.

Clara kissed her on the forehead. Bethany had to consciously ignore the instinct to look away from the intimate act. She had to remind herself that she was supposed to be here. She was allowed to be part of this.

“Yes, you are, sweetheart.” agreed Clara. “You're a bedwetter again. Tell me Maddie, do big girls pee in their beds?”

Madison looked downward and shook her head. Her blush intensified. “No, Mommy. They don't.”

Clara shook her head in agreement. “No. Big girls get up at night to use the big girl potty, don't they?”

Madison nodded. Clara raised an eyebrow. Madison sighed and gave in.

“Yes, Mommy. Big girls use the big girl potty.”

“Mm-hmm. And what did you do instead, sweetie?”

“I...went in my diapers.” said Madison. Her face was beginning to blend in with her room.

“You made your tinkles in your little baby pampers, didn't you?” pressed Clara. She was clearly enjoying watching Madison squirm.

Madison's lower lip trembled as she repeated Clara's words “Yeah. I...made my tinkles in my little baby pampers, Mommy.”

Clara pulled Madison into a hug. “Good girl! What a good little baby girl! So cute in your soggy little diapers.” She patted Madison's bulging rear through the fleece pajamas and planted another wet smack on her cheek. “My sweet, helpless little pampers girl. You're just a great big baby now, aren't you honey?”

Madison groaned. “Mommy...”

“Aren't you?” asked Clara again.

Madison sighed dramatically and nodded. “Yes, Mommy. I'm a....a big baby.” Madison pouted for a second after this confession, then suddenly turned and pointed at Bethany. “But look at Bethany, Mommy! She a waaayy bigger baby than me! She's pooping in her diapers right now! I don't do that!”

Bethany frowned. “What do you...” she began, but then she felt it. Madison's imagination had made its decree, and now her body had to catch up. Her uncertainty about the state of her diaper vanished instantly. Relief washed over her as her diaper grew hot and wet around her crotch, gently spreading through the padding. The smell in the room grew stronger.

“Madison! Oh....oh god!”

Bethany was already breathing hard with eyes wide when she felt her bowels gurgle. A wet fart whistled its way across her defenses. Bethany gritted her teeth and scrunched her face, trying with all her will to hold back what she knew was coming.

Then, all at once, her body completely betrayed her. Her knees bent. Her hands formed fists. All the muscles that she had marshaled to hold back the inevitable suddenly decided to start pushing the other direction with all their strength. Bethany gasped as she felt the mess begin piling into the back of her diaper, accompanied by a feeling of visceral delight that annihilated all other thoughts and feelings. She felt the cartoonish garment balloon out behind her as she helplessly pushed more and more out. She recognized immediately that something was seriously off about the substance filling her diaper. It felt more like warm jelly than anything that she would have expected to come out of her rear.  The smell was very strong, but oddly sweet and vaguely familiar. As she finished pushing it out and felt herself finally relax, she realized that she had just pooped out about a gallon of lime-flavored gelatin.

Bethany lay gasping for breath, trying to come to terms with what had just happened. She knew that no one could smell the the dessert other than her and possibly Madison. She knew that the squishy mass was as imaginary as the tea and cake she had eaten the previous morning, and that if she opened her diaper and looked inside, there would be nothing there to see. None of that mattered. The feeling of the squishy substance congealing around her ass was far too immediate to be subject to anything as abstract as mere logic. As the pleasure began to gradually fade, her thoughts and feelings began to return, little by little. She was completely confused. She was angry with Madison for springing this on her without warning. She was utterly and thoroughly disgusted with herself. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She gritted her teeth, trying to contain the effervescent joy that was still bubbling through her.  How could pooping in her pants feel so damn weird and so damn good at the same time?

Clara only chuckled and shook her head. “What a imagination my little diaper girl has! Yes, Maddie, I suppose your dolly is still more of a baby than you are. Feel better now?”

Madison giggled. “Yeah!”

Bethany reluctantly allowed her rear to settle back on the bed, producing a fresh round of squelching noises. Beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. She decided there was little risk of her diaper leaking, unless Miranda for some reason decided that it should. She pressed a finger against the swollen material between her legs. She couldn't help but gasp at the sensation. It spoke to something deep inside her. She looked up at Clara and Madison, who had already lost interest in her and her silly parody of a dirty diaper.

“Does baby Maddie want Mommy's titty for her breakfast, or she too grown-up for that, too?” asked Clara as she undid the buttons that had been heroically holding back her breasts. She knew what answer to expect.

“...no, Mommy.” admitted Madison. Her eyes locked onto the nipple as it appeared in her vision. If she hadn't been too grown up yesterday, she definitely wasn't now.

Bethany watched Madison latch on and begin suckling away. The sight made her mouth water, in spite of her situation. The last time she had seen Madison tuck in to her breakfast, she had done her best to conjure feelings of disgust within herself. After everything she had experienced yesterday, she knew that that had been a foolish waste. Heart still fluttering, a wicked idea occurred to her. It seemed crazy and wrong, but what didn't in this madhouse? She reached down and began rubbing herself through the padding of her full diaper. She was in full view of two beautiful women, she knew, but after all, why not? There was no notion of privacy in this room right now. Clara and Madison were too busy sharing their blissfully intimate act to pay any attention to her, and anyway, she was only a toy. Who cared what she did?

By the time the first orgasm of the morning was receding, Madison had finished one breast and adjusted herself  to tackle the other. Bethany began mashing her mushy rear against the mattress, feeling somehow both completely ridiculous and thoroughly liberated. She didn't have to be neat, clean, proper, or dignified anymore. She didn't have to think or deal with any problems. Here, she was nothing but a baby doll, and she could whatever she pleased. As Madison's rhythmic suckling began to slow down, Bethany climbed her way toward a second.

“There we go Maddie!” said Clara as she pulled her top back into a presentable arrangement. “Now my baby girl has a nice full tum-tum! Let's get you dressed and ready for school, okay?”

Right. School. Bethany remembered Clara mentioning that Madison would be going to school today, but at the time, the notion had simply gotten lost alongside all the other strangeness. Back then, the idea of someone Madison's age attending anything other than an advanced university course or some kind of corporate training seminar didn't seem believable enough to contemplate. Knowing what she knew now though, the idea sounded a lot more reasonable. Maybe Madison actually did attend...some sort of classes? Trying to imagine what a school would look like after being run through the insanity filter that was this world didn't yield anything she could feel very certain about. She shrugged and kept rubbing herself. Madison would be the one who had to deal with it, whatever it was. A dolly didn't need to worry about such things. Bethany decided, then and there, that she would try her best just to relax and just watch the world happen today. After all, she was just a Dolly, and that was all she could really do anyway. She gave her gelatinous mess another squish. She inhaled sharply as the second orgasm shot through her.

Clara pulled Madison off the bed, leaving Bethany behind to recover. She took Madison into the walk-in closet. Bethany collapsed back onto the pillow, sighing with contentment.  She chuckled as she listened to the intense negotiations taking place just out of sight.

“Mommy!!!” whined Madison. “Does it have to be that one?”

“Yes, sweetheart. You know Mommy's rules. All your little friends at school need to know that your little big-girl-panties adventure is over now.”

“They're all gonna laugh at meee!”

“Yes, they probably will, sweetie. A girl your age who's still in diapers is going to get laughed at, and that's just how it should be! Now, arms up...”

“No! Mommy...not that! Please?”

“Yes, it is very silly, isn't it? Now the cover...”

“But...what about changies?”

“We both know your diapers can handle a lot more than that. Now, quit your arguing, or you might get a short, sharp visit from Mrs. Spank!”

Moments later, Madison reappeared, with arms crossed and lips tight. In place of her pajamas, she now wore a pink t-shirt with the words “Mommy's Diaper Girl” across it in large block lettering, presumably so that it could be read easily at a distance. She also wore pink plastic sandals on her feet, a small pink tutu around her waist to accentuate her bare belly, and her diaper. It was still swollen, and was concealed only by a diaper cover of transparent pink latex, so that the babyish decorations were still dimly visible. Even knowing that her own outfit was, if anything, even more embarrassing, Bethany couldn't help but point and giggle at her owner.

“Not one word, Bethany.” growled Madison. She lifted Bethany effortlessly off the bed and tucked her into the crook of her arm. Bethany found that she was still not used to being moved around so easily. The movement was so sudden that it almost left her with whiplash.

“The bus will be here any minute, Maddie.” said Clara. She handed Madison a backpack with Minney Mouse on the back . “I've packed a baba for you, plus some fresh diapers, changing supplies, pacis, and of course, the usual letter for your teacher. Now don't dawdle.”

“Yes, Mommy.” said Madison sulkily. She carried Bethany out the door and down the stairs. Her swollen diaper made her walk a bit oddly.

“Come on, Bethany. I want to show you around my school.” she said, as though Bethany had some other option.

“So...” said Bethany, trying to get used to being carried around like sack of potatoes. “I take it this is pretty normal for you?”

Clara opened the front door for the two of them. It was a cool spring morning outside. “Oh yeah! I think this is, like, the eleventh time? Every time Mommy puts me back in diapers, I gotta wear my punishment outfit for school the next day.”

“Why?” asked Bethany, although she had suspicions about the answer.

“To embarrass me! Duh.” said Madison. “Mommy loves making me blush.”

Bethany considered this. It seemed a little extreme, but after last night, she supposed it made sense.

“Ooh! We should get matching outfits! Then you can be MY diaper girl!” said Madison, suddenly very excited at the prospect.

Bethany squirmed in her owners grip. She was very aware that she was now out in the open, wearing a dress that did little to hide the jiggling bulge behind her. “I think I'll pass, thanks.”

Madison derisively blew a raspberry. “Silly Bethany! It's not up to you! Dollies have to wear what their owner's put them in.”

Bethany crossed her arms and sulked. That was certainly true, and actually, the idea didn't sound entirely unwelcome. Still, she would be damned if she was going to admit that to Madison. It was bad enough admitting it to herself.

Across the street, an older woman in a housecoat was watering her flowers. She waved to them cheerfully. Madison enthusiastically waved back.

“Hi Mrs. Cruet! My Mommy put me back in diapers again! See?”

She turned and wagged her rear at the woman. Mrs. Cruet only smiled warmly, shook her head, and returned her attention to her flowers.

There was a long silence. The growl of an engine became audible in the distance. “So, why lime gelatin?” asked Bethany finally.

Madison seemed surprised by the question. “Huh? Oh, sorry! Didn't know what flavor you wanted. How about cherry? That was Jacqueline's favorite. ”


Josh Stack

As is usual when you go on hiatus, this was well worth the wait. The beginning made me wonder if perhaps the people who leave this place don’t so much lose their memories, but more are compelled to think that their entire experience was a dream. Bethany finding messing herself to be immensely pleasurable is a good way of showing how well designed this place is: what better way to ease people into a kink they have repressed for so long than to make sure they can’t help but enjoy it. Having it be jelly was a nice touch. After all, any toy that has to simulate such an action (i’m still not sure why toys like that exist) tends to use some variety of technicolor slime. I’m really excited to see what the school is like. It’s a nice reminder of just how vanilla Bethany is that she can’t predict what it’s going to be like. My mind is exploding with ideas: Amazon gym class, a cafeteria that only serves bananas, popsicles, and sausages, a math class taught by sexy nerds that is all about reminding the bimbos/himbos how dumb they are, childcare for the ABDLS, etc, etc.