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Thank you for your patience during the month of hiatus.  New chapters and stories will be up soon.

 I've decided to have a somewhat more structured approach to posting here, so that you'll know what to expect from me in the future, and can hold me to a rough schedule. Going forward, I commit to:

-Post at least 15,000 words of new story content per month, not counting announcements, polls, or other random stuff.

-Post at least once in every 7-day period.

-Complete all current storylines. Some have been paused, but none are forgotten.

Thank you again for bearing with me during my break. I've been able to catch up on a lot of important things thay have been distracting me, and I feel ready to get creative again. I hope you enjoy.


Josh Stack

So good to have you back. I am quite glad ( I’m sure I’m not the only one) to hear about your weekly posting schedule. You setting a minimum word count per month is a really smart idea because regardless of how many stories you post we are still getting the same overall amount of content (personally I will be happy whether that means a lot of short stories or a few long stories, though I am curious about the preferences of your other patrons). The one thing I am confused about is what you mean by completing all current storylines. Do you mean completing all ongoing stories? That could take quite some time considering the enormous amount of things that need to be wrapped up in them. Impossibilities probably has the least amount of loose ends but it looks like it will still need several chapters to reach a satisfying conclusion. I am glad to know that Game of Fools is coming back. Or do you mean completing all current story arcs? Like for example, how Archway recently finished up with the Duchess Cross arc. Will Diaper Elves have story arcs, or do you intend to keep it an anthology?