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Christine dragged Will across the slick, plasticy surface of the Playpen. The sun was rising over Willtopia, which is a sight not be missed. But Christine did not stop to watch the rosy fingers of dawn creep across the sky, or watch the winged orangutans slowly wake up. What she was doing now was far too dangerous, and too important. She could not go too quickly, and she had to stop literally every other minute to writhe helplessly in the unbelievable bliss of the Playpen, and they had been quite deep in. It was as difficult task, but it absolutely had to be done.

Slowly, but pleasantly, she dragged Will's unconscious body to the edge of the playpen. Janet stood nearby, holding a diaper clutched in one hand. Christine struggled to lift Will over the short wall that surrounded the Playpen. Janet moved in to assist.

Janet reached over the fence, and was immediately gone. All thoughts of trouble or desire vanished, and she knew nothing but love and the need to touch. Once her own lucidity returned, Christine was able to shove her backward out of the area of effect.

Christine pressed a finger to her lips. She motioned for Janet to pass over the diaper. Janet hesitated. Christine motioned more insistently. Janet tossed it into her hands.

Slowly and carefully, she got to work diapering Will. She removed his jeans and boxers, lifted his hips lightly, spent a minute cuddling him affectionately when the Playpen seized her once more, then lifted him by the hips again and very carefully lowered him onto the waiting Obedience diaper. He was so drunk that he never even stirred from his stupor.

“Will! I order you to only make wishes when ordered to do so!” said Janet suddenly

Christine put a finger emphatically to her lips.

Janet shrugged. “What? If the diaper works, we save the world, and get everything we could ever possibly want as a sweet little bonus. If it doesn't work, we're totally screwed no matter what. What is there to worry about?”.

Janet and Christine waited. Will did not stir.

“Damn. He's really out of it.” said Janet.

Christine lay down and cuddled with Will again. At length, her senses returned and she stood up.

Christine sighed. “I guess you're right.” She reluctantly stepped over the barrier and out of the Playpen.

Will felt himself gradually return to consciousness. He didn't feel at all nauseous. Drunkenness was still allowed, but hangovers were gone from the Earth. Birds were chirping softly in the distance. He sniffed the cool, fragrant air of the world he had made. He opened his eyes. The sky was a luscious shade of blue, except for clouds, which covered all the sunset spectrum, from deep red to pale yellow. He took a deep breath and stretched his limbs. He thought to himself: “What a glorious day to do whatever I'm told!”

He looked down and saw that he was wearing a diaper. That made him feel good. He knew that it was right that he was wearing a diaper. He wondered who had put him in it. Not that it mattered. Only obeying mattered.

“Will, I order you to...” began Christine.

“Wish that Christine couldn't talk!” yelled Janet.

I wish that Christine couldn't talk!” said Will instantly. Christine's voice died in her throat before she could protest. She stared at Janet in horror as she continued to bark orders as fast as she could.

“Wish that no one could remove your diaper!”

I wish that no one could remove my diaper!”

“Wish that you could do nothing except obey my orders!”

I wish I could do nothing except obey your orders.”

“Wish that you only accepted orders from me!”

I wish that I only accepted orders from you.” said Will happily. Janet's portrait appeared on the front panel of his Obedience diaper. It now read “Obedience to Janet”. Janet stared at it with eager eyes and a wide smile.

Christine tackled her. She drove Janet to the ground, but she caught Christine's arms and struggled with her. “Wish that Christine was weak as a little kitten!” ordered Janet.

I wish Christine was weak as a little kitten!” recited Will with a grin.

Immediately the struggle ceased. Janet lifted Christine off of her and threw her backward with disdain. Christine turned and tried to wrestle Will to the ground. She pounded his chest. She tried to scream, but her mouth produced no sound. She tore desperately at the diaper she had just put on him. He just stood there, looking at her with a blissful smile.

“Hi, Christine! Are you the one who put me in a diaper?” he asked. He didn't seem upset, at her or at anyone. He barely even sounded curious.

“Don't talk to her!” said Janet. “Make her bow to me!”

I wish that Christine would bow to you.”

Christine was dragged downward by the irresistible force of Will's power. Her body prostrated itself in front of Janet. She wanted desperately to scream.

“You too, Will! Bow to me. And say 'Yes, Mistress' whenever I give you an order!” said Janet, pointing a finger at the ground.

“Yes, Mistress!” said Will enthusiastically as he fell to the ground where Janet had pointed.

“Now, give me the power to do anything I want, by thought alone!”

“Yes, Mistress! I wish that Janet could do anything she wants by thought alone.”

Janet felt absolute power surge through her like a raging river . She felt utterly invincible. She pointed a finger at the grass, and it burst into flames, leaving a circle of ash. She waved a hand in the air, and the sky erupted into fireworks. She made a pushing motion, and a nearby skyscraper instantly collapsed into a pile of rubble with a thunderous roar.

Janet began spinning around in place with her arms extended, reveling in unlimited power. “Oh my god, this is the best! No wonder it went to your head so fast, Will!

She pointed two fingers at Christine. A gold collar materialized around her neck. The words 'Janet's Slave' were engraved across it. A gold chain sprouted from it, and snaked its way into Janet's hand. She pointed at Will, and soon he too was collared and leashed. Christine's face was a mask of rage and horror. She had never felt so utterly betrayed.

“Come along you two. Time for the world to meet its new ruler!”

Most of the women who had been in attendance at Will's part were still lazing about on the grass when Janet marched into view with Christine and Will in tow, one struggling ineffectually at her chain and one staring on in delighted silence. None of them had been able to get back into the loft after Will had sealed the only entrance, so they had simply slept in the open air. All of them were diapered, of course. Officer Ashley had been very diligent on that matter. Those who hadn't wondered into the Playpen at some point had simply ridden the rides over and over until they were too tired to continue. Lady Happiness and her cadets were cuddled up together on the lawn, with some friendly gorillas and penguins for warmth. Deedees were scattered around liberally, with diapers in varying states of use. Sophie was still sprawled on her comfy sofa, a winged bottle fluttering inches away from her mouth. Several small knots of women were talking in hushed voices about the party and what the future might be like. They all turned and stared at Janet as she approached.

Janet smiled maniacally. When she spoke, the earth shook and the clouds rushed away. “That's right ladies! Give it up for me! The tyrant is unseated! There's a new boss in town! I, Janet, shall be running this universe from now on!” With a thought, Janet caused a gaudy golden crown to materialize on her head. “I shall now reign over all the Earth, as your new Queen and Goddess! Now...bow!”

She gestured, and everyone present was immediately face-down in front of her. Even Sophie was jerked out of her chair. Cries of protest rose from all directions.

“Silence!” shouted Janet. Everyone fell silent. “Things are gonna be different around her from now on. First of all...”

Janet snapped her fingers. Everyone looked down at their crotch. Apart from Will and Janet, there was now not a single diaper anywhere. All the women, who had previously been dressed in a wide array of outfits, were now dressed in a uniform consisting of a bikini made of glittering golden fabric. Each and every one was collared, just like Christine and Will.

She turned to Will. “Thanks a bunch, dipshit! You had all this, and you lost it all just because you were dumb enough to trust Christine. Tell Christine that you were an idiot to ever trust her!”

Will turned to Christine. “I was an idiot to ever trust you, Christine!” he announce eagerly. Christine hung her head in despair.

“Now, tell everyone on earth that you are just a big useless dumb-dumb head, and that I will be their one and only Queen and Goddess from now on!” order Janet

Will snapped his fingers, and his face appeared on every television screen on Earth. It appeared in the sky, in windows, and on the surface of lakes and ponds. When he spoke, not a single human being failed to hear and understand him:

“People of the Earth! Your attention please! I am just a big, useless dumb-dumb head! Janet will be your one and only Queen and Goddess from now on!”

Janet's face replaced Will's, so that everyone would know exactly who was in charge now.

“Nice work, shithead! Since I don't have any more use for you, Wish that you no longer had the power to grant any wishes!”

I wish that I no longer had the power to grant any wishes!” said Will, his blissful smile never wavering as he forsook all of his power. Christine buried her face in her hands. She couldn't watch any more.

“Perfect. Adios, Will! I think you should suffer the same fate you had planned for me! Enjoy spending the rest of eternity in Christine's Humiliation School!”

Janet snapped her fingers, and Will vanished from view.

“Oh, Moooommmy!” sang Janet with a diabolical smile.

Sonja stepped forward. The look on her face was one of cautious optimism mixed with outright terror. “Yes, honey?”

Janet gestured, and a hefty diaper bag appeared over Sonja's shoulder.

“Good news! You're gonna be in charge of my Royal Ass-wiping Detail! You're the expert on that, aren't you?”

“Uh...yes, of course dear. Thankyou!” she said in a small voice. She nervously adjusted the collar around her neck, which marked her as her daughter's slave.

“Ashley!” called Janet. The ground shook. Another frightened woman stepped forward. The diapers she had just spent the entire night compelling everyone to wear were gone. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. She had just started coming to terms with the idea of spending the rest of eternity as the enforcer of Diaper Law. She now began to suspect that there were even worse fates, like living in a universe controlled by her big sister. She looked down at her bare feet.

“As my sister, you're going to receive the biggest honor imaginable!” announced Janet. “You'll be the first member of the human race to worship my diapered ass! Pucker up!”

Ashley's eyes went wide. Her lips did indeed pucker up. Janet turned and stuck her rear out toward her sister. Ashley's eyes watered as she felt herself being dragged toward her sister's butt, as though it were a powerful magnet. There were gasps of dismay and horror from the assembled crowd. Ashley had never felt so wrong. There was none of the artificial bliss or sense of rightness that had enveloped her when Will had chosen her as a Diaper Cop. As her lips pressed against her sister's padded rear, she realized that Janet could have made her feel good about this, but simply didn't care enough to. She had absolute power, so the feelings of others no longer mattered.

Janet used her diaper while her sister was unwillingly kissing it. She filled it noisily and plentifully, sighing with ecstasy as she did. With a clap, she called her mother and a dozen attendants to change her. As they did, she assured them that they would be repeating the process every half an hour until the end of time.

That day was more wild and bizarre even than the previous one. The loft was transformed once again. The hotel building was extended to ten times its former size, until it towered over the rest of Willtopia. Whenever the mood struck her, which was often, Janet summoned tornadoes, earthquakes, giant monsters, and meteors to destroy large sections of the city, like a bored child playing Sim City. By the time the sun set, the sky was full of smoke and dust, and the fantastical structures that Will had wished into existence were mostly in ruins. The strange creatures that inhabited the city were forced to hide among the fallen buildings, lest Janet's eye should fall upon them.

Janet's whimsical acts were not confined to Willtopia. In every church, temple, shrine, mosque, town square, government building, and city center on Earth, golden statues of Janet appeared. Janet decided that every religion, philosophy, and ethos in the world would be replaced with Janetism. Priests and worshipers the world over found themselves bowing to her image and whispering prayers to her. Humanity gathered together to worship their new deity, their previous loyalties abandoned. Around their necks, they each wore a pendant of Janet's holy symbol: Her diapered butt. Everyone knew perfectly well that everything they had once cherished and believed had been thrown aside carelessly by their omnipotent goddess, but they could not choose to go against her desires. Lines formed behind each of her statues, and humanity took turns worshiping her with their lips.

In her throneroom within the newly-refurbished loft, Janet sat on her cushioned golden throne and reveled in her power. The throne was designed to easily recline into a changing table. The room was built of solid gold. Janet liked gold. All the gold on earth that wasn't needed for images of her had been transported to her palace to cover every available surface. Fort Knox stood empty, as did every reserve, bank vault, and gold mine in the world. It would have been just as easy to create the gold from nothing, but Janet preferred to take it away from others. For the same reason, her palace was now warmed by a gigantic furnace, in which the world's supply of bank-notes was being steadily burned. A dozen bikini-clad slaves were employed to shovel wads of cash into the fire, around the clock.

Around her, the inhabitants of what had once been Willtopia stood in a large crowd, worshiping her and standing ready to obey her. Gourmet dishes were prepared for her around the clock, a few of which she actually ate. The rest were thrown out the windows when they cooled. No one else was permitted to eat anything. Janet decreed that her slaves would be able to sustain themselves by worshiping he alone. None of her slaves were permitted a moment's rest or leisure. Eating and drinking were her pleasures alone, as were her diapers. She was now the only being on earth who wore diapers. Even newborns emerged from the womb fully potty-trained. Around her throneroom, golden shelves displayed thousand of diapers in every variety, just for her. She took up pooping as a hobby. Her mother and her team of attendants changed her over and over. Sometimes, three or four women were needed just haul away her gigantic, supernaturally generated  messes.

Christine sat near Janet's throne at all times, her chain secured to a hook. She missed her diapers, and watching Christine revel in hers was torture. Her mother stood in the crowd, waiting with a tray of fresh cookies that Janet would probably never actually taste. The laziness that Will had inflicted her with was still going strong, but in the grip of Janet's power, she could not sit down or rest. She spent every minute wishing she could sit, even for a second.  Deedees stood among the crowd. They also looked miserable. Without the Obedience diapers, they were no longer filled with blissful joy, but they were forced to obey anyway. Janet seemed to enjoy the looks of disgust and sorrow on the faces of her slaves. Christine could do nothing as her friends suffered. She wept bitterly as Janet indulged one selfish whim after another.


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